The nu metal equation


Lost to Apathy
Feb 26, 2002
Knoxville, TN
While it seems as though we of the underground scene have an almost fanatical hatred of nu-metal in any form, I have found myself actually liking Mudvayne, one of the front runners of that scene. Yes, they play nu-metal but they do it with a considerable amount of talent. I have their most recent effort "The End Of All Things To Come" and dammit I like just about every track. The thing is, some of the riffing and song patterns are not that far removed from what Meshuggah does, and to a lesser extent Death Machine.

Am I crazy?

No taste in music?

Lost my street cred??
I like Mudvayne a'ight. Don't have any albums, but a few bros are big fans of them, and I enjoy it when I hear it.

I don't outright hate nu-metal, I hate shitty music. It's just that the majority of nu-metal I hear is shitty.
I'm still not even sure what nuMetal is. If it's white guys rapping/shouting and playing shitty power chords over hip hop beats and scratching records then I'll pass - unless it's Anthrax having a laugh. :D

I've never heard any Mudvayne (or Slipknot) so I can't really comment with all honesty. Are they ever even played on mainstream radio? In any case, if System of a Down is nuMetal, then sue me. Serj Tankian has some of the best vocals in the business (whether it be nu or true). I even own his solo effort, and shit, if it weren't for System of a Down, Satyricon wouldn't be playing in the USA. \m/
I know Incubus is more rock than nu metal, but I kind of like their new album. I probably won't buy it, but that's just because I wouldn't listen to it more than a few times.

Deftones are also an excellent band that somehow get lumped into the whole nu metal scene. Over their last couple of albums, they have really started to expand artistically.
NAD said:
*goes to find solo Serj album that he never heard of*

Approach with caution (open mind). SERART is a collaboration between Tankian and folk musician, Arto Tunc Boyaciyan, who I think is either Turkish or East European.

It's a combination of Serj's vocals and electronic beats, folk instruments, it's all a bit of a weird mix. Some of it is even ambient movie soundtrack music. Honestly, I bought it on for $2.00, and it's nice to have, but not essential. It's not Toxicity. :tickled:
I've always liked Mudvayne, seem 'em live three times in fact. I thought they were given too much of a hard time for wearing face paint and shit, meanwhile everyone's ignoring the fact that they've got some damned good songs. I can definitely hear some Mudvayne influence in that new Death Machine album, too. :)
It was just over $5 including shipping from so I dove headfirst. :loco:

Incubus used to be one of my favorite bands, but they turned to shit a few albums ago. I have zero interest in hearing the new one, but if I come across it and like it, I'll give it a shot.
Deftones get lumped in with nu-metal simply because they were friends with Korn back in the mid 90's when Korn exploded. The Deftones singer also did that horrible Ice Cube cover on Life is Peachy.

And the SOAD singer is fucking annoying. If that singer is one of the best in the business, this business sucks. Sorry.
Dreamlord said:
And the SOAD singer is fucking annoying. If that singer is one of the best in the business, this business sucks. Sorry.
Couldn't agree more.

I enjoyed 'Toxicity' for what it was, and then that fucker couldn't stop opening his mouth and shouting from the hilltop how evil America was. That was when he wasn't busy cashing royalties checks thanks in part to American mainstream media. Fuck him, he can go the fuck back to Armenia, or wherever the fuck it is he's from.
JayKeeley said:
Approach with caution (open mind). SERART is a collaboration between Tankian and folk musician, Arto Tunc Boyaciyan, who I think is either Turkish or East European.

It's a combination of Serj's vocals and electronic beats, folk instruments, it's all a bit of a weird mix. Some of it is even ambient movie soundtrack music. Honestly, I bought it on for $2.00, and it's nice to have, but not essential. It's not Toxicity. :tickled:
Arto Tuncboyaciyan is a Turkish Armenian, yes... A very very good percussionist...
commandante said:
Arto Tuncboyaciyan is a Turkish Armenian, yes... A very very good percussionist...
Aha, I thought there was a connection. I don't know of his other work apart from what he did with Serj Tankian for this SERART experiment. It's certainly...interesting, but I think it's System of a Down where he Serj excels. Just a stunning vocalist, especially on tracks like "Chop Suey".
NAD said:
I don't outright hate nu-metal, I hate shitty music. It's just that the majority of nu-metal I hear is shitty.
Exactly. lol I actually like Mudvayne too. I used to love LD 50. I have the new one also but havent really gotten into it as much but has a few really good songs on it.

I wouldnt regard Incubus as nu-metal whatsoever. They are hard rock. Their new one actually is really good.
JayKeeley said:
Aha, I thought there was a connection. I don't know of his other work apart from what he did with Serj Tankian for this SERART experiment. It's certainly...interesting...
I think I can recommend you a few more works of Tuncboyaciyan, but I doubt you can find them in any of mailorders... :confused:
The division between metal and nu-metal is becoming a complete blur to me and I think to most people also. I'm absolutely positive that the nu-metal I am hearing definitely does NOT have white guys rapping over loud power chords - in the chord progression of G!

markgugs said:
I enjoyed 'Toxicity' for what it was, and then that fucker couldn't stop opening his mouth and shouting from the hilltop how evil America was. That was when he wasn't busy cashing royalties checks thanks in part to American mainstream media. Fuck him, he can go the fuck back to Armenia, or wherever the fuck it is he's from.
Whoah...steady on there.....Mr Patriot Missile, did we not ship them to Yiddystan (Israel)? Maybe, the guy was saying that the American government was evil and not America itself - I thought that the consesus is that everyone is pissed off with Bush unless YOU are 100% happy with all his BAD decisions over the last 4 years. The US economy is in the same place as my dinner last night - in the bog mixed with sprinklings of my ass wiped paper and then gloriously flushed. :tickled:

The hate is truly flowing with this wild one, he has uncontrollable desires and his needs results in violent outbursts which cannot be quashed - with drink alone! Therefore the third testament of GUGSWAY - "Hang about with 14 year olds outside a 7-11 on a Friday night screaming "Nigga go home" as each black man walks in for a six pack. " :tickled:
Alright, that's two votes for the new Incubus, I'm intrigued. What does it sound like? Is it anything like Make Yourself or the awful Morning View? I listened to S.C.I.E.N.C.E. while driving through the mountains yesterday, man that CD still kicks all kinds of ass! My problem with them is that album was so innovative and downright clever, but the next one was a bit too radio friendly and Morning Spew was just trendy shit with no thought whatsoever.

EDIT: Just read a glowing review of Crow Left of the Murder on AMG by that ubiquitous moron Stephen Thomas Erlewine, so it makes me doubt it's any good. Convince me now npearce and BloodStainedWalls!!! :loco:
I dig Incubus; they haven't put out anything too bad since S.C.I.E.N.C.E., and I think I saw a video for one of their new songs that was pretty good. They're in no way nu metal.

And Serj can still suck a fat dick.
"Science" was awesome. Everything since has been watered down and is a waste of their talent.

As for NuMetal, I don't give that sort of thing too much thought. Categories and genres are great for writing reviews, but for little else. If I like something, I like it, regardless of where they may keep it in the music store.

The definition of nu-metal has certainly expanded/shifted/changed/whatever since it's inception in 94-96 with the release of Korn's first two albums. The first had no hip hop or rap influences, but did explore power chords and the ever-present angsty teen lyrics. The hip hop stuff didn't come till later with Life is Peachy and ultimately with Limp Bizkit.

But when Korn's debut was released, it received little fanfare, and no one knew what nu-metal was. It wasn't until Life is Peachy was released that the mainstream caught on. They released a video for "A.D.I.D.A.S." (All Day I Dream About Sex; woah how clever and witty), and with Follow the Leader, MTV and the big boys stepped in and took it from there.

I see two schools of nu-metal. And why not? We have different types of death metal (brutal, melo), many types of doom, different types of black metal, etc. Why can't nu-metal have different types? It can, and it does.

One type is synonomous with early Korn. Angsty lyrics, little or no hip hop, power chords. Bands like Static-X, Mudvayne, etc. I'd name more but I just don't pay attention to this crap.

The other type was lead by Limp Bizkit, which is basically rap metal. Bands like Papa Roach, Disturbed, System of a Down and their ilk belong here. You still have the power chords, angsty lyrics about how life sucks, and how they are oh so misunderstood and all that shit.

Either way, it all pretty much blows.