The Photography Thread


Oct 29, 2003
Bondi Australia
Well I've noticed lately there's a bunch of us who dig this somewhat geeky hobby, so fuck it, time we had our own thread:)

Techniques, influences, up's of our work, etc etc. Whatever, at least we have somewhere to talk about it.

I'll kick it off, just a re-post from my recent one in the pics thread:

While in Bali my partner and I did some yoga classes (yes, laugh away but we've been doing it for a couple of months now and it's brutal as fuck you wouldn't believe it)... anyway, we did a mini-shoot of stuff while we were away. I'm pretty happy with how it went because the results look like they were done in a studio, and not shot at the edge of a swimming pool at the villa we rented.


More here for those who want to check it out.

A "before and after example" to give you an idea of the processing.

Here's another before and after. This one was the hardest to process.


In terms of equipment I used:

- large gold circular reflector
- body Canon 7D
- lens: shitty stock standard Canon EF 18-55mm

mode/settings: M, ISO 800, f/16, shutter 1/200 sec. Focal length 18mm

Now I'm just waiting for Alina to come walking in here to blow my face off the earth with her work :)
Haha I almost made the same thread, but ended up not.

Anyways, what gear do you use, Hubster? Both in general and with the above shots (and your other shots in Bali).
Well, I did some spider photos 4-5 years back, so here's a peak. I lost the high resolution versions when my HD crashed. Let's have a peak:



Haha I almost made the same thread, but ended up not.

Anyways, what gear do you use, Hubster? Both in general and with the above shots (and your other shots in Bali).

Haha I knew you'd be first to post dude :)

Well I just have, for now:

- my massive reflector (gold, silver, matte black and matte white surfaces)
- Canon 7D (I used to have a 500D which did great for my first D-SLR)
- Canon 18-55mm IS lens (from 500D twin lens kit)
- Canon 55-250mm IS lens (from 500D twin lens kit)
- Canon Lens 50mm EF f1.8 II
- Sigma 30mm F1.4 EX DC or HSM

My next bunch of toys I'm going to buy will be

- lighting equipment by Pro Line UK
- and then some time after that I'll probably aim for a Sigma fisheye for some fun stuff.


Just saw Onder's pics.

Man those green ones are really fascinating, especially the first one. Were they part of a project or something?
Some older stuff of mine, back in my 500D days:

Hell City Glamours: a glam-ish rock'n'roll band, a friend is the bassist.


Smudge: one of my favourite fuzz-pop bands from the early 90s, still going strong today:


Bane Of Isildur: black/death with a strong Viking influence. Awesome live.


Darker Half: a great traditional/speed/power metal band. I guess his tshirt explains it all really :)

Those spider photos look great, did you go to a forest/picked them or something?

I have some band photos as well, only I rely on Picasa for editing my photos (my camera is just a Canon A530, so nothing professional):






Views from the Carpathians:





Some photos of clouds:


Haha I knew you'd be first to post dude :)

Well I just have, for now:

- my massive reflector (gold, silver, matte black and matte white surfaces)
- Canon 7D (I used to have a 500D which did great for my first D-SLR)
- Canon 18-55mm IS lens (from 500D twin lens kit)
- Canon 55-250mm IS lens (from 500D twin lens kit)
- Canon Lens 50mm EF f1.8 II
- Sigma 30mm F1.4 EX DC or HSM

My next bunch of toys I'm going to buy will be

- lighting equipment by Pro Line UK
- and then some time after that I'll probably aim for a Sigma fisheye for some fun stuff.


Just saw Onder's pics.

Man those green ones are really fascinating, especially the first one. Were they part of a project or something?

Ah cool, cool. How is the Sigma 30mm? I was wondering if I should eventually upgrade to the 50mm 1.4, an 85mm 1.8 or something like that (30mm or so prime). I also have the nifty fifty and the 55-250mm, both are great lenses.

How long did it take you to upgrade from the 500d to the 7d? I only have the Rebel XS/1000D but it's still pretty fantastic, though for now I want to focus on getting more lenses and whatnot.

Also planning on selling prints at some local art place or something and seeing how that goes.

@Raina - the winding road pictures is awesome!

Anyways, here's some of my stuff (that wasn't from my recent outing):

To upgrade from 500D to 7D was about... hmm I think a year or so? I traded my old 500D in, along with some lenses, and ended up paying half-price for my 700D.

But the reason I needed it was because some of the stuff I mainly shoot (performance art, circus kind of stuff) requires VERY fast shutter speeds, memory writing and processing from the camera (shooting in RAW). Even more difficult because I tend to cover events which have low light conditions.

This one was shot with my old 500D, but with my 30mm Sigma:


The 500D, despite being an awesome camera, couldn't process images and then write them fast enough in preparaton for the next shot, as I have to shoot fast moving dancers in bursts. To be honest, if it had the processing power of the 7D, I would have stayed with it, it was a great camera.

Don't change cameras just for the hell of it though. Experiment and get the most out of your current gear. Once you do, you'll have a better idea of where your direction is and what kind of camera you'll need to achieve your goals.

The 30mm Sigma prime is fantastic, but it is really quite heavy. Having f/1.4 to play with is great, I can get some great speed out of it, and with my 7D it's great for shooting stuff in low light as I tend to do. The only bad thing is that sometimes you can get a bit of barrel distortion, but to be honest, if you post-process heavily like I do, you can fix it afterwards anyway.
7D is a beautiful beast, even if it still has the crop sensor. Thing is great in low light, the 1/8000 shutter speed is mandatory for sports, and the buffer on that thing is (I think) 7 or 8 straight RAW shots - which is magnificent.

Then again, I do love the crop sensor for pushing the ever loving shit out of telephoto lenses. Of course, crop sensors get the shit end of the stick when it comes to wide shots.
Thanks for creating this thread, Hubsie.
And thanks for the kind words.
Tanya looks amazing, as always! Nice to hear about your camera upgrade too!

Pessimism, I usually hate flowers wussy-wuss-wuss photos, but first three ones totally kick my royal irish ass (c).

KKK, posting mah concert shit:











Of Celestial




Trevor (Obituary)






Ill Nino


Awesome shots Alina! Did you get to meet Trevor? He's a really nice dude!

@Pessimism, those are so damn creepy, yet nonetheless fascinating.

Oh yeah, and:
