The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page

fotmbm said:
Ayeka: Of fucking course it is, how can someone own a denim jacket without one? If I had a backpatch it'd be one of those killer Nifelheim ones, but I think backpatches steal too much room from regular patches. Currently I have a killer Beherit patch underneath the Nifelheim one too.
Of fucking course I'm glad for you then! I still need to get me a denim jacket someday, I only have Iron Maiden, AC/DC and W.A.S.P. patches so far :yell:
...and based on the onslaught of "HAHA YUORE NOT METAL" comments henrik is getting, you should be even more wary about posting your pic :)

Bah, just post it already or you're gay.
i don't look very metal anymore either; shaved my hair off some weeks ago, though i think i'll re-grow it, given i'm not owned by baldness that is

(i'll send you a pic later erik)
This has to be the week of unpleasant surprisws coming from henrikmain. Here I thought he was a shaggy long-haired blood-drinking spikey berserker from the cold snowy mountains of Norway and now I find out that he's a modern fag who probably thinks kewl sneakers is da shyt
Awww, I'm sorry you feel that way, dear. I have given some hints about my un-metalness in the past, though. And, those Globe shoes aren't exactly trendy. At all. Bought 'em three years ago, and wear them because they're hella comfortable. Most of my mates are wearing shoes like these now:


haha, I have some shoes like those brown ones, though I rarely where 'em. Mine have real shoe laces instead of those gay non-laces.
spaffe said:
i don't look very metal anymore either; shaved my hair off some weeks ago, though i think i'll re-grow it, given i'm not owned by baldness that is

(i'll send you a pic later erik)
WTF, why would you do such a thing?
I have gay shoes like the brown ones too, except black, I had to get them for my sister's recent wedding. Generally I wear Danish army boots though
really? I used to have "long" hair (long for me is bangs that came to my mouth, so shut up) and I always had chicks running their fingers through my hair, and wanting my man-meat.
I enjoy not compromising myself to get laid by brainless bimbos who'd rather look at hair than something which actually matters

Fuck that probably sounded gay, but it's true though. If they don't like long hair, fuck 'em. As in "fuck off"