The "What are you REALLY thinking about?" thread

i second that :lol:

i'm thinking that i want to go wake my woman up and nail her in the butt.

and i'm thinking about next monday when i get paid, what exactly we need, and don't need.

need: xbox360. i'm sick of playing big kahuna reef and my little pony on this comp. i need some real games. i want my godamn NES system from back home too. i love old school video games.

don't need: food for the kids.

need: a nice riding lawnmower. one that can chase down a rabbit and sling it's bloody bits 50 feet in all directions.

don't need: shoes for the kids.

need: a big huge bottle of VSOP hennessy. one that i can guzzle and get violent enough to go start shit with the lumberjack dyke bitches that infest this area. one that i can guzzle and sick my wolf on the stupid wigger fucks and their pussy imbred pitbulls. one that i can guzzle and blast my shotgun in the air while b-b-qing.

don't need: pay the water bill. there is a perfectly good stream on our property, infested with rattlesnakes and leeches that will serve just fine for them. i, on the other hand, can shower at the YMCA, and work out and flex my muscles, and flirt with the 17 year old lifeguard chicks.

need: new fishing poles. one for each hand and foot. a new tackle box, stocked with 10 dollar lures, and solid gold fishing weights. pure silkworm fishing line. bald eagle intestines for bait. hired scuba divers to place 25 pound lunkers on my line. black midget slaves to beat while they reel them in for me.

don't need: to keep thinking like this! it's very tempting.

but fuck that, i am getting an xbox360. and dead rising. and gears of war. i will chop off her head if she says anything! :kickass:
I'm thinking that I swore I wouldn't come back in here and just couldn't help but coming back...

Trying to give up smoking for like the 20th time this month. :mad: I've come to the conclusion that it's impossible. Freaking @#$@#$#$% Oh well.

@Black Core: One is a history term paper about the impact of massive immigration on the development of Western Canadian society between 1900 and 1930

Which created the greatest sport in North America.... Hockey!!!!!! :D

I will be writing a skáldic poem in dróttkvætt metre and providing an analysis of it.

... and I didn't understand half of that. :lol: :zombie:
well, giving the fact that you'll fail, why bother? spend more time here again :p

Yeah, you're right. Screw my future as a prof, my future lies here, reading about people's obsessions with gay power metal bands with tight leather and tips on how to make your corpse paint last throughout the whole day. :p

I'm thinking that I swore I wouldn't come back in here and just couldn't help but coming back...

Trying to give up smoking for like the 20th time this month. :mad: I've come to the conclusion that it's impossible. Freaking @#$@#$#$% Oh well.

Just keep trying. You never know, it just may take 21 times for it to work.

And I am highly disappointed in you for not understanding Old Norse. Shame on you!
^:lol: use a mask, that way you don't need paint :p

I've tried to quit for like 246 times already but I can't either, I gave up trying a long time ago
I am thinking about how relieved I am to finally finish my History term paper. Want to know the scary part? It was supposed to be around 2500 words. Mine ended up being over 4400. And I won't be surprised if I fail.
Thinking about album cover designing actually, and how much I hate taxes, and how I might shave my head next year. I haven't had a haircut in 10 years. This would be the second time I shaved it after was halfway down my back.

Quitting smoking is easier if you have a goal other than "not dying". Strive to reach your physical potential and smoking will seem an impossibility for you after a few months. Regular meditation can also reprogram those thousands of subconscious neural patterns; but that's another matter.
I´m thinking about how much I miss my former thin size. I stopped smoking in august last year and today I found out that my favourite black jeans are history, they just don´t fit anymore.
I´m also thinking about how nervous I am for my new job in Copenhagen that starts monday (I´m not that familiar with the danish language)
A new job and nothing to wear! LOL.
New job and nothing to wear? They'll either really like that, or really really hate it. :ticked:

And I am highly disappointed in you for not understanding Old Norse. Shame on you!

Well, it's so old I forgot it? :p

Oh, and turning in a 4400 page report when you were supposed to turn in a 2500 one will probably get your grade lowered just for that.:erk:

Anyways, went to bed at 1am woke up at 4am.. ugh This madness needs to stop!

On a side note, I see that one of the Last Worth threads got bumped *rushes to post*
Quitting smoking is easier if you have a goal other than "not dying".

so true

When did you start smoking? from what I remember you are 18 right?

anyways try smoking lights or ultra lights..

when I was 13-14 years old and yes, I'm 18 now (almost 19)

lights? wtf? are you insane? If I die I want to do it properly. I role them myself (Belgam 14)
no, I started smoking when I was almost 14, started rolling when I was 15 and a half

my dad smokes himself so he doesn't care, my mother quit so she doesn't care either