The World Loses David Bowie 1/10/2016

it's the terror of knowing what this world is about
Something funny just happened on facebook.

The new singer of Vital Remains, Brian Werner (I think is his name) made a status that I could see because I guess one of my friends 'liked' it that said, "RIP David Bowie. I hated your music" and so I decided to take the piss and I said "let me know when Vital Remains makes good music again, faggot" and he called me over-sensitive and then blocked me.


Why are the dyed black hair/goatee/Satanic types always such giant wankers? No wonder bands like Anal Cunt and Sloth spend hours dedicating songs to ripping the piss out of them.
I hate when famous or semi-famous people die because then I have to deal with all the re-res on social media posting all this stuff about a person they've never once mentioned before - but now that person is an oh so important part of their life.

Edit: No idea why Bowie is famous. He has an extremely punchable aesthetic, which is probably the only reason anyone ever listened to his music.
Yeah but you only have to wait ten seconds for the anti-bandwagon bandwagon to roll in with a bunch of edgy fags going on about how the deceased sucked/don't care about the deceased/deceased were overrated/etc and then the group that's more cringe worthy is superseded by another group. Happens every time with anything that has a buzz.

Don't understand your edit.
^Seconded, fucking love that movie and his work on the soundtrack. Don't forget his badass role as Nikola Tesla in The Prestige.

Bowie hasn't truly died. He either

A. Went back to being Goblin King with more hot jailbait in a fantasy land
B. Used his teleportation device to join Oderus on another planet
Something funny just happened on facebook.

The new singer of Vital Remains, Brian Werner (I think is his name) made a status that I could see because I guess one of my friends 'liked' it that said, "RIP David Bowie. I hated your music" and so I decided to take the piss and I said "let me know when Vital Remains makes good music again, faggot" and he called me over-sensitive and then blocked me.


Why are the dyed black hair/goatee/Satanic types always such giant wankers? No wonder bands like Anal Cunt and Sloth spend hours dedicating songs to ripping the piss out of them.

He'd better do something with Vital Remains as they're shit. And he didn't even record anything with them. Shithead just wanted to gain some attention with his contradictory opinion.
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I hate when famous or semi-famous people die because then I have to deal with all the re-res on social media posting all this stuff about a person they've never once mentioned before - but now that person is an oh so important part of their life.

Edit: No idea why Bowie is famous. He has an extremely punchable aesthetic, which is probably the only reason anyone ever listened to his music.

He made good/catchy/interesting music and was a multi-talented artist (acted too fyi). And he wasn't a cunt.
I think his influence is not to be sniffed at. I was never a massive fan but I like some of his songs and appreciate that he was an innovator. It's sad that we're getting to the point where all these hugely influential legends are going to start dropping of more regularly. RIP
David Bowie was an extremely innovative artist and he made a large number of hugely influential albums. You would have to live in a cave to not be able to figure out that he was one of the most impactful musicians during the '70s and '80s. His musical output during those years was was one of the primary influences on the formation of punk rock, post-punk, new wave and electronic dance music. He also helped several other influential musicians early in their careers to gain a wider audience and become successful.
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It really depends on what you want. He had so many different phases during his career that it's hard to pin him down.

His early 1970s music ranges from psychedelia to operatic glam rock. By the late 1970s, he had transitioned to highly experimental soul music. His early 1980s music was often dark and atmospheric, and quite beautiful. With Let's Dance, he went full on 1980s pop rock with a Bowie twist.
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