Thoughts on Daath?


Apr 24, 2006
I stumbled across this band on Amazon, and all the samples are my taste. Kinda a catchy thrashy mix of all kinds of metal. I definitely dig the poppy "dead on the dancefloor." Sounds like a metal version of Static X.

I checked out a review on Metal-rules, and the reviewer trashed them bad. I didn't get it.

Anyway...I can't dl songs, so before I buy it, I was wondering what some of you thought. I'm a fan of catchy keep that in mind when recommending (or not).
I remember checking out their most recent album, and meh, it wasn't something I cared for. I've read many good reviews, but I didn't think they were anything great, but I probably didn't give it enough of a listen.
Yeah, I knew DAATH before they became known actually. I fell in love with their stuff immediatley.

I'm hoping to buy their new album soon, in the near future. Their stuff is really catchy, yet I think they could use some more guitar solos, and the only unfortunate thing about them is that Slipknot (or :puke: Shitknot) was an influence to them, and that is probably the reason for their lack of solos.

Otherwise, I think that they are pretty alright.
Daath is pretty bland. Their debut is pretty interesting with the electronics in it but the new one is devoid of any keyboard stuff so it sounds like generic 'tame' death metal.
They friended me on myspace several months ago and I have yet to visit their page to have a listen. I keep getting bulletins from them but never have checked them out.
All I know about them is that they're opening for Dark Funeral this fall and I'll probably get to see Daath live because they're supporting Dark Funeral.
Well I bought their CD yesterday, and so far I like it.

I don't expect death metal purists to like it - it has too much melody and groove for them lol. I like the catchy riffs and different elements though. The electronica adds something different to the metal.

Kinda makes me think of Devil Driver + Statix X + Slipknot + Black metal (keys).
Subterfuge - an artifice or expedient used to evade a rule, escape a consequence, hide something, etc. BAM!

Anyway, I've only heard, Ovum, War Born, Dead On The Dancefloor and Subterfuge. It some pretty cool music, but I grew bored of it quite quickly and it doesn't make things any better with their current affiliation with Road Runner.