TM video & DVD news


Jan 15, 2004
Decatur, GA
Hey Urban & Co,

I just saw the post on the TM website:

We are also working on putting some sort of DVD together with all the material we filmed through the last couple of years. We got some "weird shit" on tape. Ha ha ha.

Let me be the first to beg that you include your set from ProgPower in September on the DVD!! :kickass: That alone will be worth the price!
Urban breed said:
It would be nice. Very nice indeed, but we've no crew for such an operation.
As a side note: The video for Anubis was completed yesterday. I'll upload it as soon as I have it.
Actually, Glenn H. (the Promoter) videos all the PP performances--maybe you guys could work out a deal for your footage?? Threshold put some on their DVD :D

Rakosh said:
Actually, Glenn H. (the Promoter) videos all the PP performances--maybe you guys could work out a deal for your footage?? Threshold put some on their DVD :D


Great idea Rakosh. I can't speak for Glenn, and don't know him personally, but I do know he does the PP more for the love of it than the profit. He hand selects these bands and I am sure he would help them anyway he could as he is a fan.

Bryant said:
Great idea Rakosh. I can't speak for Glenn, and don't know him personally, but I do know he does the PP more for the love of it than the profit. He hand selects these bands and I am sure he would help them anyway he could as he is a fan.

True, I don't want to speak for Glenn either, but based on the videos he put together on the PP website, I can tell it's quality video he captures (and edits). I'm sure there's ton of legal crap to go through, but it's happened before!

Rakosh said:
True, I don't want to speak for Glenn either, but based on the videos he put together on the PP website, I can tell it's quality video he captures (and edits). I'm sure there's ton of legal crap to go through, but it's happened before!


Yep, one of the main reasons I stayed out of the music business at any level was because of the red tape (legal shit) that is required. I am a simple industrial troubleshooter and still find myself in hot water all of the time because I don't particularly like the rules, regulations and politics my company has set forth. Hell, after hiring me, they even made more. They have the class 1 violations and regulations, class 2, class 3 and the "don't do what Bryant did" regulations. :yuk: I hate beaurocracy.

:yuk: :OMG: o_O :yell: :Shedevil: :guh: :yow:

And that in a nutshell is my opinion of having too many rules and regulations... gotta keep it simple! ;}

Bryant said:
Yep, one of the main reasons I stayed out of the music business at any level was because of the red tape (legal shit) that is required. I am a simple industrial troubleshooter and still find myself in hot water all of the time because I don't particularly like the rules, regulations and politics my company has set forth. Hell, after hiring me, they even made more. They have the class 1 violations and regulations, class 2, class 3 and the "don't do what Bryant did" regulations. :yuk: I hate beaurocracy.

WIntersReflection said:
:yuk: :OMG: o_O :yell: :Shedevil: :guh: :yow:

And that in a nutshell is my opinion of having too many rules and regulations... gotta keep it simple! ;}
Yep. I didn't mean to get so off-topic, but ummm..... I have a fairly severe case of ADD and when it acts up and I mix that with a few beers, I could tangent from talking about a metal band, to why a lawn mower won't start on the first pull in one paragraph. oh well......... part of being Bryant I suppose. I am sure it makes for good reading for some and some "what the hell ?" for others.

Lol, thats okay.

Well you know, non starting on the first pull lawnmowers can be pretty annoying! Mine sometimes takes three, by which time I want to kick something... and thats a bad mood to be in when pushing about something with lots of spinning steel inside it, lol.

Bryant said:
Yep. I didn't mean to get so off-topic, but ummm..... I have a fairly severe case of ADD and when it acts up and I mix that with a few beers, I could tangent from talking about a metal band, to why a lawn mower won't start on the first pull in one paragraph. oh well......... part of being Bryant I suppose. I am sure it makes for good reading for some and some "what the hell ?" for others.

WIntersReflection said:
Lol, thats okay.

Well you know, non starting on the first pull lawnmowers can be pretty annoying! Mine sometimes takes three, by which time I want to kick something... and thats a bad mood to be in when pushing about something with lots of spinning steel inside it, lol.
Honey you have it lucky. I don't mean to brag, but the one and probably only skill that I have is that I can pretty much repair anything. I do that for a living is the main reason why I suppose, but unfortunately, God has a strange sense of humour and everything I own breaks often, so I have to repair shit at home and at work. My lawn mower is only about three years old and is a fairly nice self-propelled Craftsman mower. I have torn that thing apart probably six times since I have owned it. "The plumbers faucet always drips" is the old saying.

Maybe next time you need to bring someone else along to chose your mower, just to mess up Lady Luck's fickleness about your lawnmowers. ;}

Bryant said:
Honey you have it lucky. I don't mean to brag, but the one and probably only skill that I have is that I can pretty much repair anything. I do that for a living is the main reason why I suppose, but unfortunately, God has a strange sense of humour and everything I own breaks often, so I have to repair shit at home and at work. My lawn mower is only about three years old and is a fairly nice self-propelled Craftsman mower. I have torn that thing apart probably six times since I have owned it. "The plumbers faucet always drips" is the old saying.

Can't wait to see the video! :}
The video for Anubis is uploaded somewhere. Let's see who finds it first. It's not on our site. Hint: DC. Find the right hub and you'll get it. I know there's a s-vcd version and they'll upload an iso or bin for you to burn your very own dvd. Well, I'll post more info later on, and hey, when everything settles around here I'll give you all a regular link as well. :)
Urban breed said:
The video for Anubis is uploaded somewhere. Let's see who finds it first. It's not on our site. Hint: DC. Find the right hub and you'll get it. I know there's a s-vcd version and they'll upload an iso or bin for you to burn your very own dvd. Well, I'll post more info later on, and hey, when everything settles around here I'll give you all a regular link as well. :)
ok I give up. Give us the address.

Urban breed said:
The video for Anubis is uploaded somewhere. Let's see who finds it first. It's not on our site. Hint: DC. Find the right hub and you'll get it.

Man I have a DC++ nightmare on my computer. I use a router, have Zone Alarm etc. It would take me six months to configure my PC to actually be able to connect to another user with DC.

