To all the dads on GMD...


fuck ftagn
Oct 27, 2003
The Red Tower
Dak, Sap, and there may be one or two others. Happy father's day you old farts


what are you guys doing today?
Love that ad.

Technically, I'm a godfather but that means nothing to me and my family knows it.

My father, mother and I are taking the boat out to a lobster shack for the first time this year, since the weather is finally nice enough. That's about it.
i was supposed to go hang with my dad...but i got a call at the last minute from him announcing he was already pool-raft based for the day and drunk so he couldnt come get me :lol:

good chance ill be a father this time next year.
Hell yes!!! Being a Dad is the best thing ever, especially when you never had one.

Being a dad also bring out the fullest potential of goofiness. Kids rule and my daughter (almost 2) appears to even like metal.
She was headbanging to Sigh: Scenes from Hell and also loves to watch Iron Maiden Videos. This for a dad is one of the best things ever!!!

Happy Father's day!!

I never understood what kind of society would need children to need godfathers.. uncles/aunts should be volunteering to adopt the orphan if there's any love in the family.

Plus it's pretty sad to make post-death arrangements when there's a new birth in the family.. it should be a happy occasion. Why the fuck even think of 'what happens if mum and dad die..' when you should instead be celebrating the poor bugger's circumcision ceremonies. :p
Wow fuck I don't pay attention I had no idea it was father's. Well I take my hat off to you brave souls who participate in child raising. I personally never want to be a parent and bring more people like me into the world.

Thanks to unknown and the other well-wishers. Happy Fathers Day to you and yours!

Attended a big Graduation / Bruins party yesterday...the fam just hung-out today in the yard / pool etc. Still enjoying celebrating the Bruins winning the Stanley Cup of course...a nice little FD bonus. I work every other...was glad I had this weekend off. My dad passed away when I was a young teen...but he is with me in spirit of course. Love you Dad.
Remember guys, it's not too late to abort your currently living children.

They'll only grow up to disappoint you!
I never understood what kind of society would need children to need godfathers.. uncles/aunts should be volunteering to adopt the orphan if there's any love in the family.

Basically it's another excuse for my sister to guilt trip me into giving a fuck about her nuclear family. She married a 4-watt lightbulb and I have little hope for her children.
I called my dad this morning. We're gonna celebrate 6 weeks late when I move back to America. He was in bed sick when I called which is too bad.

I have big-time daddy issues but I'm happy to say that none of them pertain to him being anything other than a loving and always-there father.
Got my dad a captain america graphic novel today. I had pretty much forgotten what happened until my fiance told me happy fathers day earlier... I kind of wish she wouldnt have. :(
I am going to call my dad about mid-week to see how he is doing because of him being completely apathetic towards holidays in general. We have an odd relationship, but then again so do my mom and I.