I remember when their very first major album (Embers) came out, and their logo was in the Wuthering Heights font. I was intrigued, but very skeptical. I refrained from listening to it, but then eventually gave in and downloaded it. Musically? Alot of potential. I didn't dig the yapping too much though; His clean voice is beautiful.

Within a year they would be picked up on Roadrunner, and thrown into the spotlight as the "next Metallica." I watched Matt Heafy go from a curly headed little hardcore yapper to the "child of metal;" straightened longer black hair that match his 80s thrash shirt and matching tight spandex pants. Hmmm. lol. It was like watching Ax7 go from emo to gnr in less than one year, haha. Ascendancy, as did Embers has great music, and solos, and double bass; but the yapping HAS TO GO.

So here we are in 2006. More determined than ever to achieve the goal stamped on the stickers to the 3rd pressing of the same damn album (A Roadrunner staple :p ), Trivium WILL be the next Metallica. How do I dare say such a thing? Heafy seems to have lost his hardcore yap, and replaced it with a Hetfield influenced mighty yell, as apparent on that live performance of a new song. With the weak link of the band gone, will this band elevate? Time will tell. Maybe this album around I won't be ashamed to say I have seen this band 5 times (Opening for someone else, of course. haha.) Hooray for confused American metal! And now, on to the threat of what seems to be a HILARIOUS youtube interpretation to the mindless yapping. Cheers!
Hey 7th savior where did you see that Trivium is opening for Iron Maiden?

I checked both bands websites and there's no mention of Trivium playing those dates?
I've heard of this band, but I'm not familiar with their music. What type of vocals is it, clean/growl?

Also, what's everyone's opinion of Mastadon? That's another band that's received good reviews, but I'm not familiar with them. I'm curious, because I'm diggin' for something new.
Unfortunately they didn't get rid of the "yapping" alltogether. They said months ago they would tone it down because they believed it hurt them, but they said the "yapping" wouldn't be totally abolished. I wish it would be. Other bands I can tolerate it, but Matt Heafy's hardcore voice grated on me to no end. They have so much potential. I believe this hardcore screaming has run it's course and singing will soon be back.
urinalcakemix said:
There will never be the next metallica. The industry is so f'd, no band on a high mainstream level will ever have a true career lasting more than 2-3 albums tops.

I disagree respectfully. Time will prove you wrong.
W.M.D. said:
Hey 7th savior where did you see that Trivium is opening for Iron Maiden?

I checked both bands websites and there's no mention of Trivium playing those dates?
Various sources informed me this was going to happen. Stay tuned for more.
the next metallica would be a band that is a seminal, respected artist in a completely new wave of music (in there case, thrash/speed metal), who slowly take it to more commercial heights after having risen above underground success themselves, until they have conquered the mainstream. Trivium are just another trendy band for nobodies being pushed by a record company in an already over populated genre of metal music, that just does bad rip offs off iron maiden, swedish death metal, and emo in a big melting pot. Here today, gone tomorrow. The thing is, other bands have been doing their exact formula for YEARS. I honestly can't tell the difference between trivium, as I lay dying, killswitch engage, atreyu, bleeding through, all of those retarded metalcore bands. They WILL be forgotten just like all of the other emo/hardcore bands that pretend to be metal and get payola'd on to ozzfest and mtv2. Metallica where a musical force with tons of popularity before the greedy sharks put their money on em.

my factual opinion.
Entropiastrife said:
I honestly can't tell the difference between trivium, as I lay dying, killswitch engage, atreyu, bleeding through, all of those retarded metalcore bands. They WILL be forgotten just like all of the other emo/hardcore bands that pretend to be metal and get payola'd on to ozzfest and mtv2.

It's probably difficult to distinguish one to the next if you don't consistently listen to the genre. Riff wise, lyric wise, and yes even vocally there is a whole world of difference between some of these guys. These bands are enjoying more mainstream success than many pop and rock artists out there today that have been around for longer. A few of these bands are going to die out, but the genre is here to stay for a while. As I Lay Dying debuted at 35th on the Billboard chart with their latest offering...that's more than Iced Earth or Symphony X ever did, if I'm not mistaken.

Speaking of Trivium and As I Lay Dying, I'm going to see them next Friday at SOTU tour and I can't wait for it. Screaming isn't for everybody, that's cool, I'm not too much a fan of it either. There's more musicianship present in some of these bands than some choose to credit them for.
Pellaz said:
My, err, factual decision not to check out your recordings.

And my factual decision to not care. We can't all be super cool internet djs with astounding skills at pressing the play and stop buttons and making COMMENTARY between recorded music. Its a shame though because you listening or not listening to my local band with minimal fans and money decides the fate of...THE WORLD

ragingsaxmachine said:
It's probably difficult to distinguish one to the next if you don't consistently listen to the genre. Riff wise, lyric wise, and yes even vocally there is a whole world of difference between some of these guys. These bands are enjoying more mainstream success than many pop and rock artists out there today that have been around for longer. A few of these bands are going to die out, but the genre is here to stay for a while. As I Lay Dying debuted at 35th on the Billboard chart with their latest offering...that's more than Iced Earth or Symphony X ever did, if I'm not mistaken.

Speaking of Trivium and As I Lay Dying, I'm going to see them next Friday at SOTU tour and I can't wait for it. Screaming isn't for everybody, that's cool, I'm not too much a fan of it either. There's more musicianship present in some of these bands than some choose to credit them for.

iced earth and symphony x also aren't on big fancy record labels paying for ozzfest, cds at walmart, and mtv 2 airplay for their bands. Those bands you mentioned would be nothing without that, whereas both iced earth and symphony x have headlined tours in the states with very little to no mainstream media coverage. I really just feel all these bands like trivium have a very shallow burst of fame that money, not years in the underground building up a dedicated fanbase, got them. And I really am confused, what is new and original about any of those bands? I hear tons of elements from in flames, maiden, and pop punk bands, but nothing that is "different'. Hell, the first time I heard as I lay dying, I thought it was in flames, but I realized it wasnt because there were no guitar solos and the riffs were too generic. Maybe I am missing what is original about them, but I really dont see it
BlackenedDawn said:
Trivium WILL be the next Metallica. How do I dare say such a thing? Heafy seems to have lost his hardcore yap, and replaced it with a Hetfield influenced mighty yell, as apparent on that live performance of a new song.
Similarities in vocal delivery don't equate to similarities in popularity. That said, you didn't have to wait to hear a live version of a new track to hear Heafy conjure Hetfield. His fondness for Hetfield is apparent during many moments on "Ascendancy".

I don't doubt that Trivium will continue to grow in popularity, especially since they're ditching the Core vocals. However, they'll never reach Metallica status. Keep in mind, when Metallica crossed over they had more underground cred than any band in history. Trivium may have less underground cred than any band in history. That aside, I tend to agree with urinalcakemix; the industry is in a state of disrepair and not in a position to create/support another Metallica.

I enjoyed Ember to Inferno more than Ascendancy. That said, I enjoyed both albums and enjoyed them live.
I've seen Trivium I think five times now. Six? At Harpo's where they upstaged In Flames BIG TIME, with Children of Bodom where they were maybe 50/50 with the fans and couldn't tell who the audience were there for more, Ozzfest blah blah blah, and a one-off show down in Toledo in a really whacked out venue and played 45-minutes of solid ear-destroying fury.

Of all the bands that are currently hyped up and popular, Trivium is the most ruthless, destructive, and demanding live band. Only the mighty Maiden are better, and they easily are on par with seeing Symphorce last year or Nocturnal Rites at the Chicago Powerfest. Killswitch Engage has a really huge following as well, but for some reason, Trivium doesn't need to hype up the crowd as much as Killswitch does. When they go out on stage, a Trivium audience freaks out instantaneously. Audibal spontaneous combustion.

And I'll be happy as hell to hear Trivium give up the yogurt-gargling vocals on the next album. I've read the interview they have in the recent Guitar World, and they're expecting the next album to be chock-full of riffs and speed and great songwriting and metal-as-fuck stuff that makes my dick hard.
Seriously can anyone compare ( Kill em All - Ride The Lightning- Master Of Puppets) to Triviums ( Demo CD - Ember To Inferno - Ascendancy) ?

Seems kinda silly now doesn't it!
It's sad that in all this comparison stuff we're forgetting the lyrical aspect of things. Even metallica is better than Trivium in this aspect. I mean...cmon... "BOAT! RUDDER!" :tickled:

I must admit, despite the fact that I hate Heafy's scream voice (alleviated on the new album? Oh hell yes I hope so!) their music has something special to it that I can't quite put my finger on. Pull Harder on the way too long song title really is a kickass song instrumentally...I noticed this on YouTube when they played it great and Heafy didn't really say but a few of the words the whole time. Didn't sing a single note. Does he ever sing live?