
Dr. Stein's Creature
May 27, 2004
The 2005 TSO tour dates have been announced. Unfortunately, as like 2004, there are no Florida dates. For the first time since they started touring there is no Atlanta date either. :ill:

This is like the one tour that actually comes to Columbia. ^_^ We went to see it two years ago, maybe I'll actually listen to the albums and we'll go again this year.
It seems they have 2 squads now? Which is the squad to see? I wanna see the black dude that looks like Mel my pizza delivery guy. Im not being racist, he was awesome, air drumming to half the songs, real into it. It was fun to watch.
Nightmare1z said:
Yes, there's no Atlanta date which upsets me since I've gone every year. :( Whether or not I try and make the show in AL or SC I'm not sure

I think AL gets the same show we've been getting in Atlanta every year (with Al Pitrelli and Angus Clark), while I think SC has been getting the Chris Caffery/Alex Skolnick version, if my memory serves me right. Looks like Columbia is a Tuesday night, though, which blows.

Pisses me off that they're not coming here this year, but I'll forgive them if they finally bring the non-Christmas tour to town...if that tour ever really happens.
Yeah. They have two different touring groups, which is how they pull off the rather impossible looking schedule.
"TSO West" and "TSO East." The "western" tour is the one that has always played Atlanta -- until now. :cry:

It's a shame, too. Last year's show was one of the best I've seen from them, and it worked well at Gwinnett Center. I'll never hear arena house-sound mixed and amped that nicely again.
I'm STILL waiting for the Beethovan's Last Night tour. Every year they claim that this tour is in the works, and every year it never happens . . .

Steve in Philly
Either show is awesome, we have had TSO East and TSO West both here, but my favorite was 2003 with Al Pitrelli, the guy is awesome, and one of the most gracious human beings i have met. So as to which is best, Both are you won't be disappointed with either.

I have seen the west group 5-6 times and the east group only once. Being a guitar guy, I prefer the west, because those ARE Al Pitrelli's solos on the CDs. If you've never seen Al in TSO, when he is in charge (they call it musical director), it is a sight to behold. He is the consummate showman. Other things I like about the west are Tommy Farese, who sings "This Christmas Day" on the CD, is spectacular live. I also like the female violinist from England. She is a sight to behold!! Also Johnny Lee Middleton, bassist from Savatage is in the west. And Al's wife, Sue, is so unBELIEVEable on the keyboards!!

That being said, Chris Caffery and Alex (who doesn't play a lot of solos - don't be expecting Testament here!!), along with Jeff Plate (Sava drummer, who has been doing a short drum solo with TSO) are GREAT!! But Mark Wood on violin is worth the price of admission. He plays his own product (try his website (http://www.markwoodmusic.com/index2.html), some wild-ass-looking violins that are electric and fretless. HE is amazing!!

I'm probably gonna see the west twice and the east once this year. I LOVE TSO shows!! The audiences are mostly families, with us black-shirted metal heads and some folks that don't know they are going to a loud, vapor-filled, pyro-laced, laser rock show!!

If you are straddling the fence, i would recommend GO!!

Chris :headbang:
It's bullshit they aren't coming to Florida again. I seen them every year from 2000-2003 with sold-out shows every time and now they don't come here. I don't get it?
I got spoiled last year, because the east coast crew came through northeast Tennessee, so they played at my backdoor! Unfortunatley neither crew is coming this year, so I'll have to drive to Greensboro, North Carolina if I want to see them.

The west coast crew may have Al, but the east coast crew had the unbelievable Mark Wood! That guy is a monster on the electric violin, and makes a monster sound with it! The highlight of last years show for me was seeing Mark, Chris Caffery, and Alex Skolnick jamming on stage together! In addition, the east cost crew had the beautiful Jennifer Cella singing Christmas Cannon Rock live! If she doesn't get your attention, then you need to go toss the ol' football around for awhile! :)
SavaRon said:
It's bullshit they aren't coming to Florida again. I seen them every year from 2000-2003 with sold-out shows every time and now they don't come here. I don't get it?
I don't get it...not one FL. show.
That's really strange - 3 Wisconsin shows and nothing in Atlanta or FL?? I'm pissed too...they'll be in Milwaukee when I'm out visiting friends and family in DC for the holidays. Maybe I'll have to extend my vacation and catch the DC show on the 22nd of December...
SavaVIDude said:

That being said, Chris Caffery and Alex (who doesn't play a lot of solos - don't be expecting Testament here!!), along with Jeff Plate (Sava drummer, who has been doing a short drum solo with TSO) are GREAT!! But Mark Wood on violin is worth the price of admission. He plays his own product (If you are straddling the fence, i would recommend GO!!

Chris :headbang:
You go that right about Mark Wood he is awesome, BUTTTTTTTT you gotta to hear the other project he is involved with. VAN HELSING CURSE you talk about fabulous, its Halloween done like TSO does Christmas. Dee Snider is the producer and writter and arranger of the songs, Al Pitrellia is there also . This will blow you away. :hotjump:
Nightmare1z said:
I like Van Helsing's Curse, but I just wish there was more music to it. Take out the narration tracks and there's just this really short album
That plus I'd like more tracks with lyrics. Still I'd like to see their show. They've been saying dates will be announced "soon" for about 3 months now. Supposedly a tour starts in October.