Urban Breed New singer for Pyramaze!!!

Oh and I think that Bloodbound's Nosferatu is one of the best power metal albums. Not sure how you can call the song Nosferatu, or On the Battlefield generic or bland. But you have a right to think so.

Urban pretty much writes all of his own lyrics and vocal melodies.

I'm pretty sure that Urban didn't write anything for Bloodbound.
Urban will have to drop the corpse paint and start singing about unicorns now :D

I love Urban's voice, and I like the Pyramaze direction with Barlow, so this should be a pretty cool pairing. Here's hoping they can stay together for more than two albums.

Steve in Philly
My thoughts exactly. I liked alot of Tad Morose but just couldn't get into Bloodbound. The new Pyramaze is very good, but with Michael's style being very similar in sound to Jon Schaffer's (picking patterns, etc) Immortal sounds like Iced Earth with keyboards. Several songs sounded like what I pictured Iced Earth should have done following Horror Show, Immortal has alot of Horror Show feel to me. So I think a different voice, and a unique one like Urban's, will give them more of an identity of their own.
Probably not. I thought I saw that he had written for it, but now can't find it so probably mistaken.

Actually, he wrote parts of three songs on Nosferatu IIRC: Metal Monster, Desdemonamelia, and... crap, I know this... Behind the Moon? I think that's the third one, anyway. He is taking more of a writing role with the new material, from what I understand.

I will be very interested to see what comes of this new partnership with Pyramaze. I am glad the cat is out of the bag. I've known for a week and have been dying to see what people's reactions would be. :) hopefully there will be some shows here, too, eventually!

So... Pyramaze has now employed my three favorite Power Metal vocalist. When they split with Urban they should just call me and ask who #4 is on my list. :loco:

Congrats to all involved. Now the next Pyramaze will be one of my most anticipated discs of 2009.


Concur! On all counts! :headbang:
((Zod, that had me in stitches!)) :tickled:

This is amazing news! Once again, Pyramaze makes a brilliant choice! Congrats all around!!
*still looking forward to Trail of Murders too!*
I think this will bring some power to Pyramaze's sound.... (I haven't heard the Barlow stuff yet though) and as J-Dub said it could possibly kick several buckets of ass!