Urgent: Anyone know much about sale of goods act? Fun Story inside.

Hang on, isn't Dawsons the same company as Imusician.co.uk? I just looked up their contact details and they seem to be the same company. Now I wonder if this is some sort of trick to make you buy stuff or are they just that retarded? Will probably never buy from them again.

There's just two websites (there's probably more) that show as having Lakland basses in stock in the UK. Seems like Alex either doesn't know what he's talking about, or he's not aware of other stock that's still floating around in the UK.

And here's my correspondence via e-mail with Alex.

From me to Alex...

"Why have all Lakland basses been removed from your website? I was hoping to purchase one from yourselves.



Alex's reply...

"Hi Steven,
Lakland no longer have a distributor in the UK and so these bass guitars are currently unavailable to buy as the current supplier has now run out of stock and will not be receiving any more.

Kind regards,
Dawsons Music"

My reply...

"Hi Alex,

That seems strange as these websites seem to have stock of Lakland basses in still, I'm guessing they must have some left over stock to get rid of?


Thanks for your help with this Alex.


Also, I've e-mailed GAK to see if they have any information on Lakland stopping distribution in the UK...

"I've heard rumours that Lakland will no longer be selling basses to the UK, is this true? I see you have stock of quite a few Lakland's on your site, is this just remaining stock that you're getting rid of?



So yeah, I've been doing some digging on your behalf Kev, I just like seeing this kinda shit rectified :D.
^^ I dont actually believe these Internet stores carry stock at all any more- especially in recession times. They simply dial up the wholesaler when they get an order, which is most annoying as it adds a huge lag. Another fine case is with the Adam Sub I ordered in December- thats gone even more wrong because the wholesaler went out of stock too. Im currently waiting on a container coming from Germany (apparently!).

As far as the bass goes, extremely tempted to buy Egans now tbh! Will be having a little think and make a decision when I get back from work :) I figure the pickups are slightly different- bart's on Egans whereas the later laklands are Lakland pickups. The only other difference is the quilt top really on the deluxe, and i can certainly live without that!
Wow, money has been taken as well. Im now extremely tempted to take it to trading standards, even though I really cant be arsed! What do you fellas reckon?

Are you sure it's been deducted, and not just an authorization for payment on your card? That happens a lot IME
They are just hoping that you say ok and deal with it. Personally I'd be offended that they only offered free shipping when they obviously had more to lose. If it were me I'd back them in a corner.
Just an update for you guys following :D Offer has been made to meet them half way (including brief scare mongering), awaiting reply tomorrow. If they dont bite, i may set consumer direct on them for shits and giggles to see what happens. Other than that, £675 will be going Egans way if he hasnt changed his mind!