Vehemence In Search For New Vocalist

PANTERAaddict101 said:
That guys vocals rock, that's why he's my vocalist now, muahaha...
thats all right we stole chris any ways.muahaha. you can check one song with chris doin some vox also. occision is now chris jesse chuck.chuck doin vox now. unless richard shows some interest. but you should check out the song its different than the other occision shit. hey and any bass grinders that can make it to the east valley to jam let me know. LATE.
Very sorry to hear this news. Saw your band live in NYC a few months ago and Nathan is a killer frontman in the truest sense of the word. He has anadded dimension and personality normally lacking in this genre.

Good luck with your search and looking forward to some new music.

BTW, will the video you shot for We Are All Dying in NYC be released?
Check out what our friend Scott Wilfong made hahaha


Pierced Up Scott


Jan 10, 2005 11:42 AM

Im SO happy that you chose me to be your new vocalist!! Nate.. I wont let you down brotha!!
The guy doing that did vocals for Disincarnate is in a rap rock band now, well was as far as I know. The remasterred version is fucking awsome. In other usless information, Maya Rudolph from S.N.L. has the same brithday as me, and was in The Rentals (with Matt Sharp ex-weezer) haha some non metal info for yas, I listen to everything..

ROTFLMFAO.....Oh my gawd, I didn't think anyone knew who the rentals were.
Few of my friends mentioned something about the singer of the band Clifton temporarily filling in on vox for the upcoming tour, this true?
Yep, my band played with them when they were up here in Seattle, fun fuckin group of guys. If it is true about their singer, it will be great to see him again...
(Lurch70) the We Are All Dying video is done, and there are plans of releasing it. I was with Jamey from Hatebreed the past 2 nights during that Goody fest here at The Marquee Theater in Tempe. Hatebreed pretty much crushed everyone both nights. Jamey has enjoyed our stuff since the new record came out to our surprise, and I hooked him up with all our albums and demos as well. But yeah, having someone from MTV that made the video and knowing Jamey personally, now as a friend, might play a big part of Vehemence finally getting on MTV 2. We won’t release the video until we are at our busiest as most bands do to ensure getting it aired.

Clifton is one of the most promising bands of 2005 from all that I have heard in the Metal/Hardcore scene. It is true Bryan Edwards vocalist of Clifton on Outline/Ferret Records will be temporarily helping us out for the March 8th show and our Spring run with Thine Eyes Bleed before a permanent vocalist comes along, which we may have found already that will be very suitable for our live performance and studio work. That permanent will begin right after the Spring run with Thine Eyes Bleed. His name will be released shortly. We want to thank everyone for the try outs and emails. Those that submitted should be getting an email soon in regards to their try out.

Bryan will be approaching our vocal front with the same similar aspects plus more of what is heard on the records and with great energy. He can do the ranges we need. Give them some love at and on their MySpace page . They have an mp3 of what they sound like. They basically sound metal with a southern metal vibe.

Personally I’ve been friends with the guy for a while now and I can’t think of anyone else that is suitable for the job that enjoys our material as much as he does and that is coming forth with a very professional attitude. Expect something similar to the vocals in their band, but a bit different when it comes right down to doing our vocal patterns. This guy is definitely not a wanna-be or anything as well. We wanted to get someone that does a bit more than just growl and would be a step forward and something we think will compliment our music. Hearing the old songs being sung by a different guy than usual may be weird like what happened to Cryptopsy, but never fear this guy will make a great presence. Here is his picture below.

Fuck ya! Clifton is the coolest band my band ever had the pleasure to play with. I'm not sure how well he will blend with Vehemence for this tour, but I'm stoked to find out and share the stage with guys and be able to chat with Bryan again. See you in Seattle!
cliffy. sounds like every .bs. new metal wana be.nate shreds that femal sounding fairy.just cant see how he could do it/cant stand those type of vox. talk about one dimension,sorry just my oppinion.
I'm sure if he had longer hair/chamo pants/ & a shirt with a pentagram on it I'd be a different story?
I respect your views & I'm actually looking forward to hearing more of this stuff from people, since so many people are gonna be like Oh My God That's Not At All What Nate Could've Done.
Comming from me, I grew up listening to many styles of metal music and have found some vocalists from the old scenes and new scenes, and my favorite vocalists live and on studio were and are Crowbar, Pantera, Coalesce, Bloodlet, Brdies of Christ, Katatonia, Tho Ko Losi, Darkest Hour, Soilwork, Extol, In Flames, Dimmu Borgir, Hatebreed, The Haunted, Lamb of God, Suffocation, Bloodbath. Bryan will do the job just fine, and will be a little bit of both cookie monster and donald duck.
He will make a good temp. vocalist. Yeah he does got some nu-metal sound, but in his voice I also hear a growl, so hopefully he will bring that out more.
Its kinda like when I heard Unearth, have them look like the guys in Amon Amarth and you couldnt tell the difference.
Thats what I don't like about scenes (the collective group). Some people feel that they have to look a certain way or act a certain way. Fuck it man. I bet though, if that Clifton guy had some long hair and like some leather spikey shit, more people here would like him.