

Jan 11, 2006
I know Venturia has been mentioned in a couple other threads. I listened to their new album this morning on the way to work and its extremely good. It feels like a mix between Spiral Architect and Pain of Salvation, along with Venturia's own flare. They don't over indulge in technical metal to the point of forgetting to create a song, but at the same time their music throughout is well put together, technical, exciting, and also very well sung. Another one of those groups that would energize nearly everybody at ProgPower.
The first track is excellent. After that it kinda goes slowly downhill for me, with some nice moments. Candle of Hope could just be left out completely imo, senseless prog-age that ruins the atmosphere. Of course this comes from my viewpoint where songs like that which seem only to showcase technical ability with a random, haphazard direction. This is a band with a whole lot of potential, they could make a knockout album, that's what New Kingdom tells me. I don't think this is it though. Worth keeping an eye on, definitely.
Venturia rules. I've had the album for almost 6 months (I did NOT download it, I got a copy from Marc and Charly) and it fucking RULES! I can't say enough good things about these guys. Glenn, can I sponsor them for next year? =)
Venturia RULES. Period. Nothing else to be said.
Top 5 of the year.

And obviously I can't say anything bad about my producer (Marc, their singer)... LOL