Video message from Glenn


Mrs. Harvester
Staff member
Feb 17, 2009

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YES! Congrats again on the sellout. Oh and great jersey, I've got the same one. And remember, since there'll be a XVI you gotta now get at least to XX. :kickass:
Great news Glenn!!! Glad you and Jen could be rewarded for all your hard work with a quick sell out
This is awesome news. While XV was a fitting way to end the festival if it had to end (you can't get much better than closing a show with Jon Oliva doing Streets), it is great to see that Glenn is reinvigorated to continue the metal. Now, let's hope that the work pays off and the lineup for XVI is as strong.
I think everyone seeing Jon Oliva this December should tell him to make sure he plays "When The Crowds Are Gone" at PPXV, since it definitely won't be the end. :)
Best. News. EVER! Congrats to Glenn and Jen on this well-deserved success!

P.S. But Jon Oliva will be headlining every future ProgPower…just in case…right? :lol::headbang: