Videos now available from C2C, Odin's Court, etc.


Tigron of Immanion
Feb 12, 2002
Atlanta, GA
I've finally been able to upload some camcorder vids from Hoyt's show on Feb. 2nd onto YouTube, and more will follow. The quality on these is decent. :)

Circle II Circle, "Edge of Thorns":

Odin's Court:

The other videos will appear here after they upload and process. It takes a looong time to get these posted.
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even feeling pretty rough with a sinus infection, Zak really put on a vocal clinic that night. :headbang: The entire band was so awesome and had so much fun on stage! I am very honored to say that I was able to work with them, and look forward to working with them again soon. :D

Thanks for the memory Paul. :)
The EbS vid is uploading as I type. There have been a few more (CIIC, HW) successfully added also. The YouTube multi-uploader is kinda weird, so I'm gonna have to go back and edit the titles and comments more later.

To the bands (HW, EbS, et al): let me know what the song titles are so I can add them in. :)
The one you posted of Odin's Court is two songs - "Oceanica Toxica" into "Utopian Rust"...

Thanks, I updated the video details. I'm surprised the whole thing fit within YouTube's firm 10-minute time limit. :)

There are three more shortish Halcyon Way clips to follow from the 2/2/08 show.

I should have some vids from last night's show up tomorrow, with luck. :headbang:
Yep, I just went back and reviewed it and got the song title. Two more from that show to follow. (Dunno why the "multi" uploader isn't multi-uploading, but whatever..... :))

I'll offload last night's stuff from the camcorder later on tonight.
"Our lead guitarist is in the hospital with some health conditions, so keep your prayers out for him, please...."
"If you're not religious, just think about him a lot." :heh:

Thanks for posting those Paul! At least you were able to upload them to YouTube. I'd love to know why we were having so much trouble uploading them to my box. Oh well... :headbang::kickass::headbang::kickass:

Filesize and my network connection, I suspect. Youtube has increased its max filesize to one gig (still capped at ten minutes, though) and added a multi-file uploader that's also designed to handle uploads of over 100 megs. It's not designed that well, but at least it's...tenacious. :)
"Our lead guitarist is in the hospital with some health conditions, so keep your prayers out for him, please...."
"If you're not religious, just think about him a lot." :heh:
:lol: I got a chuckle off that too.

Filesize and my network connection, I suspect. Youtube has increased its max filesize to one gig (still capped at ten minutes, though) and added a multi-file uploader that's also designed to handle uploads of over 100 megs. It's not designed that well, but at least it's...tenacious. :)
Yeah, sounds likely. I know my connection is pretty solid. I'm pretty impressed with Verizon for my DSL. I also connect all the time from work and transfer stuff back and forth. Oh well... Thanks for trying. They allow a 1G filesize, but they still compress it to be a flash video, right? Their site has been looking VERY strange the past couple of days. I need to check it from home to see if it is something weird with the connection at work.
the clip you have labeled as Clip 3 is the last half of Patriot, if that helps any. And thanks for getting these videos up. The quality isn't bad at all.