Weird Things You Remember


Papa Opeth
May 19, 2001
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Have no idea why these came to mind:

I was going to a client one morning, and before I left, I had set my sights on a specific restaurant to eat at for lunch that I knew was in the area - one of those chicken specialty restaurants. Anyways - I got to the intersection where the restaurant was, gave it a glance thinking "I can't wait for lunch", and drove on to the client. Well, noon time rolled around - so it was off to lunch I go. I drove up to the intersection - and the restaurant was gone. I mean - totally gone - nothing but a nice smooth dirt lot. Somehow, in less than 4 hours, they demolished the place AND cleaned it up.

I was driving past a cemetary - and there was a meat market truck with the back open, and a ramp going from the back of the truck down to a gravesite. Damn - I wish I had a camera at that moment to snap that picture.

When I was a kid, I took the bus to school. There was a commotion in the street ahead, and the bus went really slow to pass a car that was in the middle of the road. As we passed the car, I then realized that the car had run over a dog. What I remember was seeing the dog lying in the street, and his head had been run over and flattened. I saw his tongue in the road, and his tail was still wagging.
For some reason I remember very clearly a day that i was sitting on a broken picnic table digging in the ground with a stick at day care and a girl kept running back and forth across the table.....maybe it's because she was flirting:)

A lot of the things i remember from when i was a little are from day care....i was cool there but not at school:lol:
Daycare? I remember Michael Bennetti took a huge swig of milk and for some fucked up reason...:lol:....he just like....did a raspberry sound (with the milk coming out at the same time!) all over the table filled with food. Everyone just looked at him like "Why?" It was hilarious.

Also at day care the lady a farm with a bunch of geese and ducks and chickens and goats and pigs. One day she got this new dog. The next day the dog FUCKED UP the farm. He killed... um...I'd say about 75% of the animals. My dad dropped me off and me and another kid got there the same time the lady had realized what happened. Oh man, she was SO jonesed! She was walking around with one of the few geese that was still alive. The thing had blood just...pouring... It was sick. It was so gross. There were dead animals everywhere.

I remember a cat of mine that died. When my brother came over to visit for the weekend, he dug it up. Wanted to see it for himself. So he's looking for it and he's got a bunch of dirt and rocks in his hands. And I was like "Yep. That's it." He's like "Where?" I'm like "In your hands." And he was holding this kitten, that was once white as snow, and now the dirt had made it all dark and I remember seeing the eyes and teeth. He freaked out when he finally focused in on it too. :rolleyes: Clown. What'd he expect?

I remember something else as a child that I will never forget and I believe the person thought I was too young to remember. I will NEVER underestimate the memory of a child now. I don't care how young they are................gadammit!

"The contentment that would fill the crack.
My soul released a fluttering sigh."
I can remember all the car accidents I've been in since childhood- the ones with my drunken father driving, with my sister one night driving up to college on a snowy day, of me in college driving from a friends apartment at 4 am during a blizzard driving another friend home- lots of details. But almost in all cases (except for one time a car rear-ended me on Christmas Eve), there was an eery feeling and ambience- the snow, the darkness, the half-lit consciousness etc. Spooks me out.

Also, there is this ONE SINGLE memory I have of myself when I was 3 or 5- don't remember- but there's this constant vision I've have, a door, a game, something. Anyway...
I was just telling this story to someone else, so it's it my head.

At the Univ. of Wisconsin there's this main street with bars where everyone hangs out. Its real hippyish -- people smoking pot outside and everything. There are some homeless guys that make that street their home too. So during my second week of school I was on that street with some friends, and this black (I say that because he was probably the only black guy in Wisconsin) homeless guy grabs my arm and says, "You hang around Dupont Circle in D.C., don't you?" Um.....YES!?!?!?! What the fuck?! Who knew homeless people were so mobile and observant?! I was drunk enough that it didn't even strike me as a big deal until the next day. I just sat and chatted with that guy for a bit. Fucking amazing.

Continuing the daycare pre-school I used to crouch in the corner of the playground with my friend Tony and eat worms. *slurp* :D Another thing I remember is that it always used to piss me off that the teachers didn't have to take naps too.
i remember like everything for some reason. i remember alot of stupid shit that doesnt even matter. like something someone said that wasnt even important.
i remember when i was like 5 i was bouncing a big rock off a wall outside of the high school i go to now. one time it took a wrong bounce and landed on this womens head who was sitting by the wall. i then quickly ran. i think she was bleeding alot.
I remember once in day care I was walking around a sandbox and fell and cut my knee. I remember a few years later seeing a scar on my knee cap but couldn't really remember how it got there. So, I thought about it and remember myself falling down and blood was going everywhere. That was the first time I really saw blood.

Another time in day care, I remember a cop was there to pick up his son/daughter and was flirting with one of the younger women who was watching us. I remember one of the slightly older kids dared me to grab his gun from behind his back. I didn't want to come across as a sissy so without any thought I stood up on something so I could reach his waist and pulled his gun out of his holster. He wheeled around instantly and grabbed the gun from my hand. I remember the shocked look on the cop's face. I believe I was put in time out for that. Stupid older kids... :mad:

I remember other random things from my childhood that are just etched in my memory. It's nice to reflect on things and remember how they once were. Why can't things be as simple for us now as they were when we were children? :confused:
Well, I remember lots of accidents....
When I was around nine I fell in the schoolyard and my hand
landed on a small-small stone. It made it's way underneath
my skin and got stuck there! Hehe... It looked really weird,
and while waiting for a teacher to get a needle to get it out,
I almost passed out! >:eek:P

When I was at hospital when I was three years old,
I remember eating lots of strawberries and listening to
Edward Grieg.....

I remember dancing around to old bands when I was
around 12.... Bands like Small Faces, Beatles, 10CC,
Deep Purple, Uriah Heep, John Lee Hooker.... :eek:)
What a lovely time! :eek:)

One quite embarrassing thing is that I have always loved
singing. I never knew that people in the same house could
actually hear my really well. It never crossed my mind!!
So I used to sing A LOT, and my father would sit upstairs,
turn down the TV and listen!! >:eek:P LOL! One day he told me
and I got the shock of my life! Hehe....
After that I pretty much stopped singing unless I was not alone
in the house...This is still with me. I never sing if I'm not home
alone, and I always get nervous if I hear someone in the
appartment above >:eek:P Stupid indeed.
i remember a great deal of disgusting things and accidents i had

when i was 6 years old we had went for holidays in an area near athens and we were living in a cottage,whose bathroom was full of cockroaches *yuuuuck* they were out there every night and i remember one night while i was doing wee-wee one climbed up my leg *puuuuuuuuke* awful experience,i hate cockroaches since then

in the same house,the same summer,a window fell on me.I don't remember how it was just oved my bed....i'm glad it landed on my legs,otherwise i wouldn't be here now i guess :D

and i also remember thousand of times falling off my embarassing haha at least i can ride superb now hehe
Ok, here's a few short little memories.....

I remember running over my hand when i was sitting on one of those little plastic cars (or something like that), it was on cement and for some stupid reason i ran over my hand with it and it had plastic wheels and i just remember it so well. It hurt!!

I remember in prep. (dont know if everyone would know what that is, so its the year before grade 1 here, but its at school. not at a kindergarden or anything).... learning the days of the week 'monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', etc. and at the time i thought they weren't real names, I thought they were kids' names for the days of the week. I remember my shock when I realised adults actually used the same words, they seemed so 'childish' to me. Looking back im pretty amazed by that... i often forget children can think in such terms.

And lastly, i remember i used to suck at maths, basic maths, and one day i was playing with a calculator and i 'figured out' what the X (multiply) key did, way before we were even taught how to multiply, it was quite a defining moment for me. From then on i realised that with a bit of effort you can easily understand anything, and i'd also taught myself how to learn something (how to solve a problem) and that once you 'understand' something then it's no longer hard. And maths became my strongest subject very quickly, and problem solving is something i do very easily.
Originally posted by metalmancpa
When I was a kid, I took the bus to school. There was a commotion in the street ahead, and the bus went really slow to pass a car that was in the middle of the road. As we passed the car, I then realized that the car had run over a dog. What I remember was seeing the dog lying in the street, and his head had been run over and flattened. I saw his tongue in the road, and his tail was still wagging.

How odd. I had a similar sighting, though I was at home when it occured, not on a school bus (I've never ridden a school bus in my life actually, aren't I lucky?)

Anyway, yeah, the head was squished and brains were oozing and the rest of the dog was intact with the tail wagging.

The guy that ran over it took out a shovel from back of his truck and cleaned up the mess as the teenage girl who owned the dog was having an "oh my god, oh my god" anxiety attack, not a pretty sight.

Shall we join in a chorus of "it's a small world after all"?


When I was a kid I thought adults were generally pretty dumb, and not much has changed, hahahaha.

I recall telling my mom's long-time boyfriend about how the commercials on tv were geared toward the audience watching that program (I had noticed an inordinate number of dolly commercials during "My Little Pony" and a lot of toy gun commercials during "Vultron". I also noted how the daily soap-opera commercials were concentrating on cleaning products and feminine things like makeup and pads). Anyway, this guy (who was clearly an idiotic fuck) told me I was nuts for believing that, haha. He also tried to tell me that the whole 666 thing (I was heavy into theology as a child too) was just a "rumour".

I remember some things I'd rather not mention from my childhood. But aside from that:

I was on a raft in the pond at the guy who used to be my dad's when I was about 7 or so. My dog was there with me and my dad was swimming up to pull me back to shore. (I was scared because I had just seen Jaws for the first time.) He climbed into the raft and it catapulted my dog out into the water. He was a dachsund, and he could swim really well, but this snapping turtle came out of the water and tried to grab my dog. I grabbed the dog and pulled him back up into the raft, and the guy that used to be my dad was going after the turtle. (I don't know what he planned to do with it, as you can guess, he's an idiot.) The turtle was snapping after my dog (I was huddled with the dog in corner of the raft shreaking.) and the turtle latched onto the guy who used to be my dad's finger instead. And snapping turtles don't let go. So he's yelling and beating on the turtles head and I remember feeling sorry for turtle suddenly. And so I started yelling at the guy who used to be my dad to let the poor turtle go. And then my dog started freaking about and attacking the guy who used to be my dad's hand. So the guy had two things attached to him now. He started to hit my dog so I got mad and started wacking him over the head with this little twig that was floating in the water. Then my Grandfather came to the shore and started yelling at us all in Russian. So the guy who used to be my dad stopped trying to hit the dog and the turtle let go. I quit hitting him with the twig and we all got back to shore. His finger was bleeding really badly, but I was to mad at him to care. I didn't talk to him for two days (a long time for a kid) and neither did my dog.

It all happened really fast, it's just long and drawn out to explain.
YaYoGakk, seems like you were a very wise child!
You were one of those I hated >:eek:P Hehehe....

This has stuck with you though,
and I have changed --> I like your posts :eek:)
Thanks! Time to prove that i was also a stupid little child as well though :

... not much of a story, but i remember my two best friends used to always tell me how they saw ghosts in my house... and this went on for ages and they always seemed so truthful about it, and i think i went through a stage when i thought it was true.. and it scared me quite a bit. Anyway once i found out they were lying i was not a happy little boy! Stupid little kids, i blame my stupidity (in believing them) on my parents for making me believe in santa clause and such. Grrr

I remember how i used to be scared of every single noise at night, i always thought there was someone coming to get me. And then one day i realised that it was stupid, in all the times i'd thought there was someone in the house there never was, so i realised that the next time i heard noises then i could be sure that there wasnt actually someone there, and immediately i was able to sleep at night. Funny how those things happen.
Originally posted by Satori
Shall we join in a chorus of "it's a small world after all"?

I would - but that is my #1 most hated song in the world :lol:

While I'm here - another remembrance:

This only happened a few years ago. I was in Quebec City with the family. We went to the Montmorency Water Falls during the day, and loved it. We then drove onto an island near the falls - drove the loop road, and ate at a non-touristy restaurant on the back side of the island. By the time dinner was done - it was dark, and had started to rain. Well, there is a bridge coming off this island. Coming over the bridge in the rain - we could see the falls all lit up. I remembered the pass I bought during the day for entrance to the falls was good for the entire day. On a whim - I went back to the falls 20 minutes before closing time. We put on our rain coats - got out of the car, and knew we had to run to get to the base of the falls and back before they shut the gates.

Well, we ran fast, and none of us had buttoned our coats, so we basically all got soaked to the bones. But we didn't care. When we got to the base - we were soaked, and we were the only ones there. It was us - and those lit up falls spraying us through the rain - roaring like only mother nature could do. We all just let out one of those screams of ?? - pleasure, awestruck, whatever. Kind of felt like Rocky at the top of the stairs.

It was one of the best experiences travelling I've had.
Sounds like how I felt the first time I watched a tornado disapate(sp?), giving way to this burst of sunrays and a rainbow. All at once. It was a big, ass nasty tornado to.
Sometimes when planes would go over my house they'd make this low-pitched sound and I seriously thought they were aliens coming in for a landing.