We're getting old...

That's terrible news.

And how are we all going to make it when/if the cd goes extinct?
I, personally, do not like downloaded music (esp. that crappy mp3).
Don't take my cds away!!!
Vinyl never went away and I don't think CDs will either. I just came back from CES and spent quite a bit of time looking at digital delivery systems. The hi-end manufacturers are focusing on hi-resolution audio and server based systems. 24 bit audio sounds spectacular. The problem is what do we do with our CD collections? Who is going to spend the time loading hundreds, or thousands, of CDs into a server?
I always assumed that since vendors like iTunes offer higher-priced & higher-quality HD versions of movies /TV, that their music would follow suit with higher-priced audiophile-quality downloads, but I haven't seen it yet. Maybe a competitor will jump on it, no idea what the demand is like.
We collectors probably all own enough CD's already that we couldn't possibly listen to them all in a year. :lol:

I for one am too into these little silver disc's to switch over to downloading music...it's no fun collecting MP3's...plus as Neo said the sound quality isn't as good...although the kids today could give two shits how they get their music or collecting CD's for that matter...my sons have their I-Pods and cell phones with them all day.

I'm sure down the road they'll speed everything up and we'll be able to download CD quality in a few minutes...but to be honest when the CD's go so does all the money I invest in music.
Like my friend RK says!!

By that time I will probably have 9000 CDs, which will be more than enough to trawl through for listening purposes, don't you think?
