Whatever happened to Jake E. Lee

ashaman7122 said:
It's obviously a knee-jerk reaction for me to call someone a pussy for not liking any of the Badlands material...but it's sadly true...

Hey...I know it's not for every one...it's very blues and groove tinged...but you cannot deny the sheer genius and passion from every song...

There's nothing like the self-titled, Voodoo Highway, and even Dusk to compare to anything in the world of hard rock and metal.

Confident, competent, sophisticated, yet loose...and written and performed by talented band members well before their prime...with not much commercial success.

Love it or hate it, you poseurs...it at least deserves your goddamn respect! If you haven't checked it out...do it! If you have...then fucking do it again!

Rock on!

Kids.. what can u do about them? lol jkk.. anyways as for Jake being a genius on the Badlands albums... ahh NO... doesnt take much to rehash Zep riffs and other 70's riffs.. Jake should of stuck to metal instead..
ashaman7122 said:
It's obviously a knee-jerk reaction for me to call someone a pussy for not liking any of the Badlands material...but it's sadly true... What the fuck are you talking about man?! You are call someone a pussy for not liking Badlands?! They weren't the most original band in the world were they? I'm sure you would even agree with that right?!

Hey...I know it's not for every one...it's very blues and groove tinged...but you cannot deny the sheer genius and passion from every song...
What a minute. Stop the presses here. Blues?! Did you just say blues?!
May the ghosts of the Mississippi Delta haunt you for that statement.
You are obviously one of those people that hears a shuffle & calls it blues. Shame on you! Don't throw that term around loosely like that it's sacriligious. Come correct.

There's nothing like the self-titled, Voodoo Highway, and even Dusk to compare to anything in the world of hard rock and metal.

You obviously don't get out much do you?!

Confident, competent, sophisticated, yet loose...and written and performed by talented band members well before their prime...with not much commercial success.
I'll give you credit there....

Love it or hate it, you poseurs...it at least deserves your goddamn respect! If you haven't checked it out...do it! If you have...then fucking do it again!
Poseurs? You don't "know"me from the last guy you passed on the street, go fuck yourself & get off my forum!!!!
Rock on!
SIXXSWINE-Public Enemy #1 :hotjump:
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
doesnt take much to rehash Zep riffs and other 70's riffs.. Jake should of stuck to metal instead..
Hey fellow Poseur, I feel the same way. :tickled: Badlands was fair at best.
Like I said before there were two standout tracks on the debut. I can think of 100 debut records that had two decent tracks on them. So fucking what?
Fair at best!!!!:tickled:
ashaman7122 said:
Love it or hate it, you poseurs...it at least deserves your goddamn respect! If you haven't checked it out...do it! If you have...then fucking do it again!

Rock on!
Who the fuck are you supposed to be and who the FUCK are you calling a Poseur! HUH Get the fuck outa here and come back when YOU learn some respect!
ashaman7122 said:
Love it or hate it, you poseurs...

ermm, poseurs ???
like this pose the most ...
Man...that was supposed to be a light-hearted, albeit purposely inflammatory post directed at nobody in particular...and besides...you should never post opinions after you've had several pints (you would've thought I'd learned by now...)

What a defensive, overly-protective clique of self-righteous mother hens in this forum...


I would apologize except I wasn't trying to bash anybody...so I think I'll just go fuck myself and leave you with your superiority complexes...

Rock on!
ashaman7122 said:
Man...that was supposed to be a light-hearted, albeit purposely inflammatory post directed at nobody in particular...and besides...you should never post opinions after you've had several pints (you would've thought I'd learned by now...)

I don't think we saw that post as light-hearted.... to me it looked like you were giving Sixx shit. If you were just kidding around that's cool... and after re-reading the post I think you were. Hang around if you want, your other posts were great.

That's the problem with message board, humor doesn't always translate well.
ashaman7122 said:
Man...that was supposed to be a light-hearted, albeit purposely inflammatory post directed at nobody in particular...and besides...you should never post opinions after you've had several pints (you would've thought I'd learned by now...)

What a defensive, overly-protective clique of self-righteous mother hens in this forum...


I would apologize except I wasn't trying to bash anybody...so I think I'll just go fuck myself and leave you with your superiority complexes...

Rock on!
Yes we are defenseive and NO we dont have any superiority complexes we protect our board.... you going and Fucking yourself sounds like a wonderful Idea
ashaman7122 said:
Man...that was supposed to be a light-hearted, albeit purposely inflammatory post directed at nobody in particular...and besides...you should never post opinions after you've had several pints (you would've thought I'd learned by now...)
So in other words you're the type of prick that just yells "fire" in a movie theater, right?!

What a defensive, overly-protective clique of self-righteous mother hens in this forum...
Hold on now, swamp ass. You were the one that came into MY HOUSE & began to run thy motormouth off. So keep it in check. If ANYONE here came off as "self-righteous" it's YOU.

No, it's golly gee, mother fucker!

I would apologize except I wasn't trying to bash anybody...so I think I'll just go fuck myself and leave you with your superiority complexes...
You do that. And use a "black beauty" as to teach your ass a lesson.
If you're expecting, me to plead with you to stay, then you truly are a bigger claydick than I thought.

Rock on!
No, it's fuck off!
"SIXXSWINE" & you're now officially my bitch
ashaman7122 said:
What a defensive, overly-protective clique of self-righteous mother hens in this forum...
Who are you calling a hen, you featherless chicken?

so I think I'll just go fuck myself
And I hope you got herpes out of it!
Greeno said:
I don't think we saw that post as light-hearted.... to me it looked like you were giving Sixx shit. If you were just kidding around that's cool... and after re-reading the post I think you were. Hang around if you want, your other posts were great.

That's the problem with message board, humor doesn't always translate well.
You got it...Greeno...about humor that is...

After going and re-reading it, I don't see where I contradicted anything Sixx said...and not really knowing him or you or Jonny or having much of a rep on this board...got no reason to give anyone shit...

You guys just have this all-for-one and one-for-all mentality and like to rail against anyone that spouts a vehement opinion...which is kinda cool...kinda funny...and kinda sad.

I love the responses to my posts saying that "we" think this, and "we" think that...like you guys got together and discussed it in committee or something...ha!

The board is very cool...and I posted a rambunctious drunken post that was not intended to directly rile anyone, but create some lively heated conversation...and I don't really give a fuck if you like it or not...

Anyway...again...your old school board has got heart and balls...

Rock on!
ashaman7122 said:
I love the responses to my posts saying that "we" think this, and "we" think that...like you guys got together and discussed it in committee or something...ha!

Rock on!

haha, we DO get together and discuss lately, really !!!
Think you bumped into the wrong guys to call names man ... :loco:
As long as you say it was ment funny no prob for me, just try to convince the other guys and join our protected oldschool plan .
Untill than : FUCK OFF !! :D
ashaman7122 said:
You got it...Greeno...about humor that is...

After going and re-reading it, I don't see where I contradicted anything Sixx said...and not really knowing him or you or Jonny or having much of a rep on this board...got no reason to give anyone shit...

You guys just have this all-for-one and one-for-all mentality and like to rail against anyone that spouts a vehement opinion...which is kinda cool...kinda funny...and kinda sad.

I love the responses to my posts saying that "we" think this, and "we" think that...like you guys got together and discussed it in committee or something...ha!

The board is very cool...and I posted a rambunctious drunken post that was not intended to directly rile anyone, but create some lively heated conversation...and I don't really give a fuck if you like it or not...

Anyway...again...your old school board has got heart and balls...

Rock on!

I dont know they kind of hate my opinions but i think they like me :: looks around for support:: .... They like me.. they really really like me <The Mask> :wave:
Hey guys and gals...I just got back from HOT TOPIC, trying on some of those new pants that look 100 sizes too big and have all those straps and zippers on them for I don't know what...anyway, the saleslady said I looked soooo badass in them...just like the guys from Good Charlotte...that I had to pick up a couple pairs. I also asked her what else might be cool to chill in and she sold me a John Deer hat, even though I don't farm, and a pair of Dr. Martens. She said I would look like the singer from Linkin Park if I shaved my head. Dreamy! Anyways, I ran home with my new gear so I could spend time just posing in front of the mirror, like I always do about this time. And I was just about to log on and send you guys photos of me in my new gear when I noticed this guy mouthing off and spouting insults at my buds. I mean, we all know the the most important part of Metal is the look, right? I think we all know that much. So when somebody comes in here talking about musicianship and what not I guess it just blew our minds...we owe him an apology.