where is everybody?

I'm here too! :)
I'm busy with our move/emigration to Canada, but at least on work days I check the forum daily (from work haha)

IE sure rawks... their demo stuff is awesome as usual! No vocals on it yet, so imagine how much more awesome it's going to get :worship: I also expect it to be an emotional album being about cancer and the 3 persons Tim (and we) lost in the past year and a half....
is there an approximate release date scheduled for the new album yet?

Also, @ Marlies: what is your relation to the band? It seems you always know whats up before everyone else here.
Hmmm... According to that little box in the upper right-hand corner, I haven't logged in since September 8th, 2007 at 01:48 AM.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to Friday, April 4th @ The Middle East Club!!!

See ya there, Stevie!!! :)
is there an approximate release date scheduled for the new album yet?
Not really, but last thing I heard is that Tim thought it would probably be a summer release if the label gets the recordings by April.

Also, @ Marlies: what is your relation to the band? It seems you always know whats up before everyone else here.
I've been friends with Tim since early 2002 (feels more like family) and my hubby and I visited him a few times. Our first visit to Canada in 2004 was life-changing, we've been considering emigration since then. In the meantime I've been wanting to do the website for years, before I finally got the chance early 2005, so I've been responsible for that since then. And since we will move to Regina very soon (for the time being to Tim's basement suite even), it'll be even easier to work together and I'll be even closer to all the news (I'll share only when I'm allowed to ;)) :loco:
That's cool. While you are at Tim's house...how about you sneak the demos, on say, megaupload or rapidshare so we all can download it? :devil: Just kidding. Can't wait to hear the new shit.
I haven't listened to these guys in ages! I don't know why either, awesome band.

Can't wait for the new album, now that I know it's coming hahah.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to Friday, April 4th @ The Middle East Club!!!

I'm not a frequent poster on the metal boards, more of a lurker, but I bought my pair of tix for this show 2 weeks ago. Can't fucking wait. Been hooked in IE since I saw them open for Dream Theater this past August