Where is everyone?

Monday night here, 10:45. I've been in the loungeroom watching the telly. Aren't these different time zones wacky?
i was playing css and reading revolutionary road but one got fucking annoying coz i was doing shit and on a shit team full of idiot blocking teamflashing fucking cocksuckers, and the other got kind of too intense so now im listening to the new lcd soundsystem and wishing i was listening to something good. great to see you profanity, how's the barging going?
I had to walk through one of the giant atriums on campus where the frats/soriorities are having their rush week, looking for new recruits. I walked out of that thing with about five pamphlets for frats I will never join.

I did, however, sign up for the rugby club.
1:09am Monday night/Tuesday morning in Perth, Australia. Just came back from work, and I've got class tomorrow at 8am. Another usual day in my world. Lack of sleep and a busy as shit schedule. I haven't had the time to check out new bands and all I've been listening to is music in my phone and car.
10:30pm here, just found this book under my bed : The Fall (Albert Camus).I had read 50 pages of it last year, maybe I read the rest of it these days
Just got back from class as well at 12:58 PM. Actually I've been back for over an hour. About to hit the gym. Maybe get some head too.
i know this guy who tweets about every single boring thing that he does every day even though nobody reads his twitter. the amount of loneliness and delusion required for such an enterprise is presumably colossal.