white scrunchies = not flattering on guys

greg, you're handsome guy. fuck that.

seriously, you have the presence to eclipse whatever you're wearing.

i may draw the line on that with sweatpants, but anything else probably doesn't matter.
nick: i know i am a sexy beast. my post was more of a comment on the fact that darker scrunchies really blend in very well with my hair. while this new white one looks like a beam of pure light coming out of my hair.
this is a scrunchie:

this may sound stupid. but basically when i was using the more manly elastics i found they ripped my hair alot when i would take them out or they would get caught. they hurt alot!

and scrunchies don't hurt at all so i decided that it would be worth the ridicule to wear something that is comfortable. usually i wear smaller scrunchies so as not to attract attention and i wear dark colors but today i grabbed the first one i could and it was pure shimmering white.
yea i dont like regular elastics i use the 'no pull' ones from scuncii. they're awesome. they really dont rip your hair.

scrunchies, personally, are not and have never been my deal.
they're pretty okay. they're very invisible looking and smooth and black. and neat. and like 100 for $2. they last forever.
also found this:

The problem for men is often trying to find styles that will suit them and finding something different to the traditional ponytail look. There are very few images of men with neat long hair available. A lot of guys also feel awkward taking in photos of women to describe the style they want. They consider these styles to be feminine. But what is a masculine or feminine hair style. As a woman I can wear my hair long/short, curly/straight and have it dyed any colour I want. As a woman society finds this acceptable. So why not for a man. Even the use of hair accessories, such as hair bands, scrunchies, clips, pins; implements that a woman can consider as a practical tool to arranging their hair in a neat style are considered too feminine for men to wear. Therefore any man wanting to wear his hair long finds embarassment in considering a perm, or a set and cannot use basic hair accessories - is it any wonder he has trouble keeping his hair under control.
hm. i used to use the black hair tie things and even rubberbands (ouch), but that's about it. i believe i've seen metal dudes use some type of scrunchie thing though.

Abbas used to wear the really big feminine looking ones, but he also carried a bag that looked a lot like a purse- which of course we referred to as his purse.