Who's driving to Atlanta this year? VEHICLE MAINTENANCE!!!


METAL... nuff said!
Yup. This is your reminder.

Go change yer oil. Go clean/replace yer air filter. Go check yer tire pressure. Go gap yer spark plugs. Go fill yer washer fluid. Go dump some fuel injector cleaner. Go change those wiper blades. Go have a mechanic test yer battery. Go fill yer CD storage and make sure it's filled with METAAAAAAAL!!!!

I've got two out of nine taken care of.

How about CHOO?
Already done! Brand new vehicle and it's already had it's first maintenance done. The RAV is good to go. Wow..this is the 2nd year in a row I'll be driving a brand new car to ProgPower.

oh and the selection of the tunages for the changer has already begun. I think 50 cd's for a road trip should. GOtta h ave something for every musical mood I'm in.

Or do what my buddies do: rent a car and have somebody else worry about the manintenance...

For my part, sure hope the airline mechanics do their maintenance right. Don't want no foam on my plane.
I'm driving from Michigan in one marathon stretch baby! Really looking forward to it too! I won't get an oil change before leaving but my car is making a rather odd noise lately, so I'm going to have that looked at before I go.
Lemme just say, that you're doing 700 miles one way, plus circumstantial driving, plus the drive back, you're looking at more than half an oil change's worth of driving. If it's been a while since you last did one, change it for the sake of having a clear conscience.

By the way, which day you driving down? We're leaving Wednesday morning around 3am cuz WE'RE HARDCORE!!!!!
TychoCelchu said:
I'm driving from Michigan in one marathon stretch baby! Really looking forward to it too! I won't get an oil change before leaving but my car is making a rather odd noise lately, so I'm going to have that looked at before I go.

When are you hitting the road, fellow Ann-Arbor-ite?

I'm planning to get going about 9:30 pm Thursday and going straight on till ~9am Friday morning. I'll take some nap during the day before heading off to the show itself. Also, I gotta change my location - after 3 years of living in Ann Arbor, I'm moving to Detroit for grad school at Wayne, and it's from there that I'll be driving down.
Bryan316 said:
Yup. This is your reminder.

Go change yer oil. Go clean/replace yer air filter. Go check yer tire pressure. Go gap yer spark plugs. Go fill yer washer fluid. Go dump some fuel injector cleaner. Go change those wiper blades. Go have a mechanic test yer battery. Go fill yer CD storage and make sure it's filled with METAAAAAAAL!!!!

I've got two out of nine taken care of.

How about CHOO?

I've put so much $$$ into my truck lately the darned thing better run good! :zombie:

I'll be leaving Gray, Tennessee at about 8:00 am Thursday morning to give myself enough time to deal with Atlanta's traffic!
Coldfire Mouse said:
Already done! Brand new vehicle and it's already had it's first maintenance done. The RAV is good to go. Wow..this is the 2nd year in a row I'll be driving a brand new car to ProgPower.

oh and the selection of the tunages for the changer has already begun. I think 50 cd's for a road trip should. GOtta h ave something for every musical mood I'm in.


My 30k maintenance is getting done this week...I have an mp3/wma player so stacks of cd's are not necessary (thankgod)...the warp core is going in on saturday (500 watts and dual 15 inch subs)...so I should be GTG. Unless I steal my wife's car...

Three years ago, we drove up in a honda
Two years ago, we drove up thru IVAN in a huge chevy van
Last year, we drove up in my new Mazda.
This year, we might steal my wife's brand new HHR and be long gone when she gets comes out at 5am to go to work.

So it will be 4 years in a row. Maybe next year it will be 2yrs running with the same car. Unless I buy a mazdaspeed3 (275 HP front wheel drive 155 MPH top speed holyshit!!!) before then.
I've got a WMA/MP# player/6-cd changer in dash that came standard with the RAV when we bought her in april. (The highlander didn't even have that) so yeah Scott wants to do 6 cds of mp3 rips and load 5 and keep the 6th slot open for changes.

This does not even count the 30Gig ipod that the band gave me for my birthday this year. I barely have 3 gigs loaded on it yet. WE're bringing that and speakers so we have tunes for the hotel room. Don't have the car kit for it yet...but who knows....I've been just good and naughty enough for SAnta to give it to me it I sit on his lap and whisper it in his ear ;)

We're leaving from NoVA at Ged ugly in the am on Thursday. WE'll be up at 3:45 and prolly be on the road before 4:30 am. But we make damn good time that way!

Now, if I can only get more excited about this.

CD INZANE will have a trailer full so if all are unwrapped when we open the booth, you know it was a long fuckin' hall from Minneapolis...

Just everyone be safe, no accidents and watch out for the other f'n idiot...

Keep yer eyes open when headbanging in your car and if you are going to dash-dive, for heaven sake, make sure the car is stopped...
My car is almost ready. Vehicle maintenance is complete!!
I just have one problem, there is a CD stuck in my CD player, I have tried several different techniques to remove it. Nothing seems to work.:mad:
Honestly I don't want to spend 12 hours listening to Frank Marino!!
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
I'll be driving from Balitmore with a couple of friends, actually there are six of all together so we are taking two seperate cars. We'll all be aking turns on who's driving.

The first year we drive down (PPV) there were only three of us, but on the day we left for home we got a flat tire. We had to stop at a Wal-Mart somewhere in NC to get the damn thing replaced. Hopefully the two guys who's cars we are utilizing have seen this post and if not I'll be certain to direct them here. Haha! Thanks for the tips.

Oh and as far as CDs goes, we're all probably bringing a book full (or two) so I think we should be good for the 12 hour drive. :headbang:
We decided to drive instead of fly, since with all the new security requirements, we didn't want to take the chance of Mary having to check her camera equipment. Plus this means we don't have to deal with the Atlanta airport!

We just use my MP3 player in the car. I set it on random and it's like listening to a really cool radio station.

sh0kr0k said:
Bryan316 I'm glad to see you're taking care of all this ahead of time. I didn't sign up for a 800+ mile deathride like my first year at PP! :lol:

I'll be sleeping in the back :p

Then you'll be needing to do some bedding maintenance... make sure your pillow is fully fluffed... wash and sterilize your blanket (don't forget the fabric softener!)... stock up on Unisom to help you sleep, and of course earplugs, so the Bruiser Brothers don't wake you up with their constant arguing about who's the better drummer, or which one Mom likes best...