Widow on 10/26 at The FlatIron, Greensboro, NC


Sep 18, 2009
Greensboro, North Carolina
I'm sure most of you are familiar with Widow by now. Well to my delight they had a a show at The Flatiron in Greensboro this weekend and I couldn't pass up a metal show that was 20 minutes away just down the road. I mostly wanted to make a post so I could post tunes of the other bands that opened. This was a night of a lot of old school metal styles blended into one sound so it was a really cool show.

First up were Salvacion, who have this dirty stoner metal/black sabbath type of sound. Unforunately they had some issue causing.. not a hum but a very loud noise and it was affecting their pedal boards and such iirc causing a 3-5 minute delay. Had lots of fun with these guys as it was my first stoner metal show.

For better quality, you can find Salvacion's album on Spotify.

Second we had Children of the Reptile. Its harder to find a way to describe them as they had a variety of styles blended into one sound and it worked really well.

http://www.reverbnation.com/childrenofthereptile - Rocket Highway - which was one of my favorites of the night

Widow of course we're entertaining, but I chose to leave early because I felt uncomfortable being next to this older lady who was drunk/tipsy/whatever.

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Widow of course we're entertaining, but I chose to leave early because I felt uncomfortable being next to this older lady who was drunk/tipsy/whatever.

Uh... why didn't you just... you know... move a few feet away? Was she targeting you specifically, in a cougar-like fashion? :)
Nice to have you back around, Mike. But really? Leave because you were uncomfortable? Did she threaten you or something? I mean, when you go to a metal show, you kinda expect that to happen (drunk people)...
Uh... why didn't you just... you know... move a few feet away? Was she targeting you specifically, in a cougar-like fashion? :)

Small bar, couldn't get away. I had tried to watch it for a bit from outside, but then she got in the door way and thats when I made the decision to head out. She had called me cutie which was awkward but more she got up on stage and using the microphone going "Youre sugar momma is right here!"and getting up close with them etc after already saying variations of that just a few feet from the stage which is where the small crowd was. It was very distracting to me.
Not to mention, I think ApolloFC "exposes" himself a bit too much on the forum, opening for trolling. Nothing wrong with it, but sometimes I wonder if this is the right place to bring up certain things.
Come on now. You know A) that's not meant to be taken personally or seriously, and B) that was funny as hell.

I know on both points, though the second can be subjective :p As far as Milton goes, I wouldn't know. If I am understanding internet lingo correctly, I would be considered an "easy target" in this case? In other words.. I'm confused

Edit: got it

I've done this at least 3 times and this is partly why I hate metal shows now. It's one thing to have fun, but when people get so drunk you start uncontrollably hitting people/pouring your drink on people on purpose/screaming in people's ears on purpose/acting like a general asshole, they can fuck right off. It makes me want to go to Warped Tour where people are too young to drink anyways. Nothing says someone's a massive beta virgin who doesn't know what "fun" is if it robbed you at gunpoint like not being able to hold your liquor.
I've done this at least 3 times and this is partly why I hate metal shows now. It's one thing to have fun, but when people get so drunk you start uncontrollably hitting people/pouring your drink on people on purpose/screaming in people's ears on purpose/acting like a general asshole, they can fuck right off. It makes me want to go to Warped Tour where people are too young to drink anyways. Nothing says someone's a massive beta virgin who doesn't know what "fun" is if it robbed you at gunpoint like not being able to hold your liquor.

This is when you tell someone to fuck off, and if they persist, get them kicked out. There's no fucking way I'm bailing on a show I paid for and want to see, just because someone else shows up determined to be a drunken shithead and is clearly not even there to watch the show.
This is when you tell someone to fuck off, and if they persist, get them kicked out. There's no fucking way I'm bailing on a show I paid for and want to see, just because someone else shows up determined to be a drunken shithead and is clearly not even there to watch the show.

This x1000.
Let me be fair and say that it wasn't anything to that extent. She was just distracting and it was a small bar where I couldn't get away from her. If it were a bigger place like Volume 11 or the cafe where I saw Widow last I could probably hide from her and still watch the show. I trided hiding outside and it worked for a bit until she got in the door way and thats when I decided to leave.. it was an impluse decision. I don't work well around drunk people.
Nice to have you back around, Mike. But really? Leave because you were uncomfortable? Did she threaten you or something? I mean, when you go to a metal show, you kinda expect that to happen (drunk people)...

I went to see GWAR a few years ago and some guy politely asked me not to steal his jacket that he left on the table next to where I was standing. Didn't realize that I was so shady looking.