I was a bit surprised that there weren't that many people at the acoustic show, but I guess with people being tired from the night before, and some of the "power metal only" people skipping it, it shouldn't have been too surprising... but they missed a great, emotion-packed set.

It was just for gold badge folks .. I think there's only a few hundred who could even go. Given that I thought the turnout was pretty good.

There were still copies of Communication Lost in the vendor room after the acoustic show? I wanted one Friday evening and couldn't find any, although there were tons of Cold Light of Monday and The Window Purpose and two of Still. I eventually talked to Wolverine and Stefan luckily had some, so I bought it at the signing table Saturday evening. I really wanted to leave the fest with Communication Lost, so special cheer to the band.

Be ready to be overwhelmed by the awesomeness of that disc. Desert island disc for me. My #1 in 2011. :worship:
It was just for gold badge folks .. I think there's only a few hundred who could even go. Given that I thought the turnout was pretty good.


True indeed, but I got the impression that the turnout was lower than for the Seventh Wonder and Vanden Plas acoustic sets of years past. It seemed that maybe only half the gold and VIP badge holders were there. However, I was standing up front, and my impression is based on looking back a few times during the set, so my perspective on it may be skewed, and there may have also been people standing further towards the back of the room, or sitting in the alcove as well.
Hi everyone, this is Thomas from Wolverine (bassplayer)

I don't visit and use forums and other social media very often, however I do want to say a few words about what has been posted in this thread and about my PP USA experience in general.

First of all I would, just like Marcus has already done, thank everyone for the kind words and tremendous support. It is indeed heartwarming to read what all of you have to say about Wolverine and the music we try our best to produce.

And with regard to both sets we played that magical weekend in Atlanta, I have to say the "acoustic" set felt so good and genuine with all of you guys there with us, allowing me (and probably the rest of the band) to accept the unfortunate cut in the heavy set the day before. Guess it was sort of a compensation for the "loss".

I was very, very disappointed and angry and sad when we had to get off the stage at the end of the Friday show. We had placed the sort of epic "His Cold Touch" last in the set since we felt it would be a good musical experience for old fans and new. And not being allowed to play the song really wrecked things for me at least. Not to say I didn't have a good time on stage with so many devoted individuals supporting. Please remember that.

Ending up on stage at The Loft, mid day Saturday, really made it for me though. The intimacy and the genunine feelings and support I felt we had from you guys were just amazing, and I could not have asked for a better situation when it comes to giving from myself as a musician, and absorbing the positive and serious vibe from the audience. I had a great time, and I am happy that so many of you people seem to have shared that experience.

Thank you
Thank you
Thank you

Coming to Atlanta was a truly fantastic experience for me. Everything was great - from the organisers' professional approach in running the whole event, to the long and short conversations with fans and enthusiasts and sponsors! A big thanks goes out to the crew on and behind stage: You guys were just great - both days! and a big thanks and warm hugs to all of you who have come up to me to have a chat. If you knew how much it means to me, as a musician and an individual, to experience these meetings! This is what makes it all worth it - to understand that what you do when it comes to art/music is so precisous to other individuals. Man, to hear what some of you have to say about certain Wolverine stuff just blows my mind and heart. When in Atlanta I just wished the weekend would never end.

(Now I've mumbled enough in writing. Sorry about this long post. I do hope you had the energy to read it all.)

Big hugs from a humbled and amazed bassplayer!

I went into the bathroom to have a bit of a cry because of their acoustic set. I ran into another attendee there who had gone into the bathroom to have a good cry, as well. Holy crap, Wolverine. SO MANY SADS. But they were amazing. And that singer's voice is beautiful.
Man, thanks for crying - really! This means we did something good and proper. And thanks for sharing this on the forum.

I am sad that you were sad, but at the same time I am glad we made some of you cry. I know you know what I mean.

Thank you for the support!

I've wanted to see this band live since I heard their first CD and finally got the chance. I loved both performances, but I think I will give the edge to the acoustic show, which was just phenomenal, and one of the best sets of music I've ever seen anywhere. And they were really cool to talk to afterwards. Happy to have sponsored them this year (fun fact: This was the tenth year that Mary & I sponsored a band together. Time flies...).


Thank you so much for the kind words. I am really happy to see that you and other individuals appreciated te acoustic set so much! Doing this set was a real treat! Treasured forever.

And thanks for sposoring us too. If it wasn't for you sponsors Wolverine would most likely never had ended up on stage in Atlanta.

Keep it real – Big hugs!

Hi everyone, this is Thomas from Wolverine (bassplayer)

I don't visit and use forums and other social media very often, however I do want to say a few words about what has been posted in this thread and about my PP USA experience in general.

Hi Thomas! Wow, thank you for sharing that with us. Your main set was wonderful, even without His Cold Touch, and even though much of the talk seems to be about the acoustic set (and deservedly so), the main set also deserves its praise. I thought it was very special and while I was already a fan before, I came away with an even greater appreciation for your music.

Having your set cut short - I think it says something that you were so upset by it. Something good. Many would shrug and say "oh well", but it seems that you really cared about that performance and making it special for the band and fans. To find the silver lining, perhaps Wolverine's return to the U.S. one day and getting to hear His Cold Touch then will be something we can all look forward to.

The acoustic set was indeed something amazing that I feel lucky to have experienced. Thanks to Glenn for making it happen and thanks so much to everyone in Wolverine for working so hard on it and giving us one of the best sets of any ProgPower. It was beatiful and emotional and there aren't enough words to even do it justice. I am so happy that you enjoyed the experience as much as you did and that it means so much to you, because that somehow makes everything even that much better.

I agree that Wolverine was amazing. I'll admit that when I first heard the band around the time that "Fervent Dream" came out, all of the growling was a big turn-off for me, and I just wrote the band off right away. After the band was announced for ProgPower, I decided to check out the material from their last three albums, and I'm extremely glad that I did. By the time the band finished their first song at the fest, I was hooked. By the time I heard the first song from the acoustic set, I was downright floored. In my opinion, it's very hard to keep such melancholy music interesting, but this band oozes with so much emotion, makes so many clever musical choices, and has such haunting vocal melodies, that I can't imagine how anyone wouldn't be entranced. To sum it up, Wolverine was one of the most memorable bands I've ever seen at this festival.

Stay metal. Never rust.
Man, thanks for crying - really! This means we did something good and proper. And thanks for sharing this on the forum.

I am sad that you were sad, but at the same time I am glad we made some of you cry. I know you know what I mean.

Thank you for the support!


Thank YOU for playing for us all! The fact that your music and lyrics was so touching is a pretty amazing thing. I'd go to another set and bawl all over again, if I could. :)