"Woods 3" Album Review and Interview Requests:

David, if I could do an interview, there's a very good chance that I could get it up on Ultimate Guitar (through use of a friend a bit higher up there), one of (if not the) most popular tab site in the universe (http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/). They normally interview pretty big bands, even for metal (like Opeth). However, it would be an exclusive interview, and there's a good chance they'd take it (I'll make sure that they will before I conduct it). Anyway, I know you're big on the UG forums (I believe that's how I discovered you guys), and it would definitely encourage tons of people to go check you guys out. But yeah, just let me know if you'd be up for it, and I'll try and iron out the details. :)
I can already see the comments on Ultimate Guitar.
"who the hell are these guys?"
"they are so gayy"
"all they do is scream this shit is worse than cannibal corpse go listen to *random gheycore band*"

Something along those lines, but with worse grammar and lots of kid with A7X in their names.
^ Possibly. But there are a lot of good metalheads on UG, mainly in the forums, who like a ton of good stuff. They're most of the reason I have so much metal these days, they introduced me into a billion great bands. Metal's pretty big there, can't hurt introducing them to at least those who aren't totally metalcore and false, ha.