Would love your opinions on this rough mix ...

Skinny Viking

¯\(°_o)/¯ How do Lydian?
Oct 10, 2007
Yo guys

Ok so I'm starting a mix for a band called "Pure". This is my test run so far. There are no vocals yet but I'm just trying to get the music as close as possible because I already know the singer is gonna be a minimum amount of work to get sounding great. So far I'm pretty good with it ... I would really appreciate some opinions and feedback from you guys.

http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/594184/Song 1 Test 2.mp3

there might be a few things volume wise that a little off. I've done no automation at all yet ... this is just faders in the "go" position

Sounds mean bro, those drums sound fucking sick! And yeah a few things could do with level changes - toms are very loud and kick quite quiet, gats sound nice - cant say much for bass with the speakers Im listening on though..
Did you program the drums? If so, what samples did you use? Those toms sound fucking awesome
Sounds mean bro, those drums sound fucking sick! And yeah a few things could do with level changes - toms are very loud and kick quite quiet, gats sound nice - cant say much for bass with the speakers Im listening on though..
Did you program the drums? If so, what samples did you use? Those toms sound fucking awesome

Thanks man!

Funny. I thought overall the kicks were too loud but hey, thats why I was hoping for some fresh ears from others ;) Thanks for nice words on the drum sound, I tried a couple new things this time around

Drums are played, no programming. I made sure they got me good, clean hits from the kit. Replaced the kick with his own clean hit, after some interesting EQ and a fair bit of compression. Toms are blended 50/50 with his natural tom tracks and Sneap samples (more creative EQ and all). Snare is 2 tracks, the louder is the natural snare track and underneath I blended in a clean hit of his snare, EQ'd, compressed pretty hard and pitch shifted down a bit. Other than that, some parallel comp for the whole kit minus the overheads and hat track.

Thanks again ... I'm about to try pulling down the toms a bit and maybe give a small volume bump to the guitars

edit: I thought I might also mention, I have a lot of the overall kit sound happening, more than I usually keep. Overheads of course but I also never gate the snare track because it gives a nice amount of room sound but the guy who actually recorded them also has a track for Hats and Ride. I kept both of those .. they seem to add a nice natural room sound to the kit so I'm actually barely hitting my reverb bus


I want your drum sound!! I think the floor tom could be a teensy bit lower, and guitars could come up a hair. I'm also missing definition on the bass guitar, it just kinda settles behind the rhythm guitars - but if that's what you're looking for, then it's done perfectly. Good mix, mate.

I want your drum sound!! I think the floor tom could be a teensy bit lower, and guitars could come up a hair. I'm also missing definition on the bass guitar, it just kinda settles behind the rhythm guitars - but if that's what you're looking for, then it's done perfectly. Good mix, mate.

Just finished lowering toms about 1.5 each and all gtrs up about 1 db on the bus. Bass ... hmmmm, I'm hearing about as much definition as I can get out of him. He's not the most adventurous player but SUPER fekkin solid ... that being the case he naturally tends to blend in with gtrs a lot except for a couple small parts. I'm already taking notes where I need to automate his bass here and there. Great bass tone, plays with a pick and using his musicman bass I think, don't know what model or anything but really sweet & edgy tone.

Thanks for the kind words good sir ... I really do appreciate it!

This sounds absolutely great, dude! Keep me updated about the song´s progress. I´m corious about how it´ll sound with a lead singer!! Nothing negative to say about it at all. Both thumbs up :)
This sounds absolutely great, dude! Keep me updated about the song´s progress. I´m corious about how it´ll sound with a lead singer!! Nothing negative to say about it at all. Both thumbs up :)

Danke Felix! Ja, once I get the vocal files and do a final mix I'll post it. I'm pretty happy with it so far ... not sure what Genius was getting at with his reamp comment so maybe he will elaborate. I appreciate all opinions, not just the positive ones ;)

I'd bring the cymbals/hats up a tad. I could tell there was a hi-hat but I couldn't make it out too well. the ride sounded great but a little quiet and the other cymbals are just a bit low. FWIW - I have standard ghetto stereo so my advice is strictly from an 'average Joe's stereo perspective'.
Sounds awesome. The drums sound way bigger than the guitars, but overall it's a sweet mix and awesome song!