Your Favorite Local Bands

I'm in Canada, so I'll say Into Eternity (though they're from a different province), and Woods Of Ypres, who are from my province.
Local: Bewitched, Lethal, Nasheim, Electricution
We actually have a pretty good metal scene in umeå, if you look at all the bands from here at least...(though there is plenty of umeå bands that sucks of course)
Country: Bathory (of course) and a shitload of others
I made the following post almost a month ago for another UM forum, so here it is for this thread too:

"Local bands that rule"



Incredible power/doom metal with some prog touches, heavily influenced by Memento Mori and King Diamond with vocals reminiscent of Dane on the Sanctuary days. There are 2 R.C. threads about them anyway so...check these as well.



Epic doom metal influenced by the usual suspects: Candlemass, Solitude Aeturnus. Lots of traditional heavy metal in the mix too, like Manilla Road. Love em or hate em vocals, i love them. Killer band, they will release their first full length soon on Eat Metal Records.

Universe 217


Their music is really "unidentified", it's closer to doom rock/metal but it has some melodic post influences too and one of the most amazing female voices i've heard in the last years. Really unique style, i heard no band that plays like them. They recently signed with Duplicate Records (Lamented Souls among others) and they will also release their first full length soon.

1000 Mods


Heavy rock based on Kyuss, Sleep, Down and Black Sabbath of course. Really talented and also kinda young, so there is lots of pontential and many great things to wait from them. They have released an ep that rocks a lot.

Hellroad Caravan


Another great traditional doom metal band, but this peeps love Pentagram and Cathedral (and of course Black Sabbath) more. They often remind me something between Pale Divine and Internal Void, but maybe it's just me. No songs,on a myspace player but 2 sexy youtube videos of two of their most characteristic songs on their page, see them.



What happened when ex members of the legendary Violet Vortex wanted to incorporate post and trippy sounds to their doom metal influences? They made Noiselust. Very influenced by Neurosis and Isis, but still with some riffing that can even remind you of St. Vitus, this band will definetely win any fan of The vocals, mostly rough are combined with deep atmospheres and some weird sounds.

National Pornogragik


Another band that has an absolutely unique style. The band members listen to practically everything from Manowar and Manilla Road (the guitar player is also member of AGNES VEIN that play old school epic/war doom metal) to Burzum, Mr Bungle, Faith No More, Isis and Psychotic Waltz. I am not saying that the band reminds you of all these, but it's clear that they can remind everything and nothing (mainly nothing). Their style is heavy, riff oriented, progressive (not in the "masturbation" way) trippy, can be catchy, can be hard to be comprehended at once, overall it is definetaly interesting. In this case: Lots of different sounds, lots of different styles = awesome result. Listen to "Vinegar Man" and then "RBTK" to see what i mean. Check also C.H. project by their singer/guitar player, she makes some wonderfull music, more post oriented.

Sun Of Nothing


Something that combines sludge/post/doom and even black metal. I used to dislike this band, but i found their recent album quite interesting. Huge and really inspired riffs and a succesfull transmission of feelings like emptiness and despair are dominant in their music that has been described as something like "Isis meet Darkthrone" etc. but still this description doesn't entirely capture the band's tunes. They have released 2 albums, the second is by far the best.



Awesome authentic, cold black metal, the way even i like it. These guys really know how to write interesting and inspired riffs, seriously every song is a riff onslaught. Look no further than the big classics of the genre, for influences. They played on Inferno Festival of this year (i think so).

I hope that at least some of you will check these bands.
None, because of the exponentially awful local "scene" here... unless Arghoslent and Twisted Tower Dire can be considered local (both 4-5 hour drive away from where I live).
Local: Bewitched, Lethal, Nasheim, Electricution
We actually have a pretty good metal scene in umeå, if you look at all the bands from here at least...(though there is plenty of umeå bands that sucks of course)
Country: Bathory (of course) and a shitload of others

Naglfar is from Umeå if I'm not mistaken.
Terminally Your Aborted Ghost is fucking amazing. But that is the only metal band from around here worth a shit.

Speaking from a different point of view: I am proud as fuck to have the best metalcore band, All That Remains, representing my state. Their latest album was absolutely fucking incredible.
The Maine metal scene is essentially non-existant. One would think that the U.S. state that most closely resembles Norway, topographically and climatologically, would have a good black metal scene up in these woods and fjords (yes, the only fjord in the U.S.).