Your favorite Power Metal anthems!


Who Dares Wins
Mar 26, 2002
For me, it has to be:

Eagle Fly Free - Helloween
Abyss of the Void - Gamma Ray
Babylon - Edguy
Running Wild - Hanged, Drawn, and Quarted
HammerFall - Dragon Lies Bleeding
Stratovarious - Athem of the World

Many more.... This are my highlights off the day.
Heavenly, yes... elven king, no.
i'm a gamma ray freak... kai had worked with heavenly once, and his voice was also in the song TIME MACHINE.

i also like avantasia, edguy, blind guardian, maiden, priest, helloween, angel dust, freedom call etc.

i like all songs of these bands!!! :D
Kamelot - Wings of Despair
Nocturnal Rites - Destiny Calling
Gamma Ray - Gardens of the Sinner
Blind Guardian - Sadly Sings Destiny
Rhapsody - The Tower of Abyss
Edguy - The Pharoah
Not that I listen to a lot of power metal these days, but a few songs have stuck to mind:

Helloween - Eagle Fly Free
Iron Maiden - The Trooper
Manowar - Heart Of Steel
Edguy - Vain Glory Opera
Stratovarius - Anthem of the World
Hammerfall - The Dragon Lies Bleeding
Helloween - Keeper of the Seven Keys
Iced Earth - Something Wicked trilogy
Freedom Call - Fairyland
Testament - Return to Serenity
Blind Guardian - And the Story Ends
Iron Maiden - Afraid to Shoot Strangers