QUEENSRŸCHE - Condition Hüman


God of Thunder
Apr 1, 2005
near KC

"...The much-anticipated new offering, Condition Hüman, sees vocalist Todd LaTorre deliver the performance of a lifetime on what is now his sophomore recording effort with the band. Produced by Zeuss (Rob Zombie, Hatebreed, Sanctuary) in the band’s native Washington, Condition Hüman is a new mountain towering over many of the peaks and valleys of the hard rock landscape. Look for the album via Century Media Records on October 2nd.

Queensrÿche are streaming their new song "Arrow Of Time", taken from their forthcoming album which was recently completed. Go to the band's PledgeMusic campaign here for details..."

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I give them credit, as they're clearly trying to get back to their roots. It sounds like they wound up with something that sounds like a cross between The Warning and Hear in the New Frontier. Unfortunately, the songwriting quality and intensity is much more than latter than the former.
I give them credit, as they're clearly trying to get back to their roots. It sounds like they wound up with something that sounds like a cross between The Warning and Hear in the New Frontier. Unfortunately, the songwriting quality and intensity is much more than latter than the former.

Um, yeah, respectfully disagree here. It has elements of their earlier albums, but I think they are just trying to be METAL again, and they are achieving that.

I hear nothing in this song that harkens to HitNF whatsoever. It has guitars, it has bass, it has drums.... Comparison ended. :)
I give them credit, as they're clearly trying to get back to their roots. It sounds like they wound up with something that sounds like a cross between The Warning and Hear in the New Frontier. Unfortunately, the songwriting quality and intensity is much more than latter than the former.


The songwriting is MEH! It's nice to see them trying to get back to metal, and I hear similarities to Mindcrime era Ryche, but the song is just boring and unimaginative.

Paint by the numbers Queensryche isn't a bad thing and its definitely better than Q2K through the last Tatesryche disc, but it still falls way short of what I hoped to hear
I'm not going to pass judgement based upon just one listen to just one song being played in compressed format over shitty computer speakers. Blind buy for me. I really liked their last one.
Decent enough tune, not overtly exciting. They've done enough to earn a blind buy from me since I really dug the previous album. This band could do nursery rhymes and I'd probably buy it just to spite Tate. I'm pathetic, I know but he's such a dick.
catchy, melodic, great vocals, nice solo.......I think it sounds great, especially considering it's being played by a bunch of old guys....! It's miles ahead of HITNF and anything Tate has ever done after he got fired.....

If this was just another melodic rock band, people would be all over this, drooling over the great vocals and the melodic catchy nature of the song. But because it's QR, it's almost as if people are holding Rage for Order" in one hand and "The Warning" in the other hand when they are listing to the song and then saying, "nope, I don't like it"..........
the last album was very good and their best since Promised Land..Arrow of Time is better than anything on the last album, I'm extremely excited to hear the whole new album.
This is a really boring song.

but I think they are just trying to be METAL again, and they are achieving that.

But that's the thing, Queensryche were never JUST a metal band. Going all the way back to Warning they were stretching the boundaries of metal by experimenting, its the reason they are credited as being one of the forefathers of the prog metal scene. What they are doing on the previous album and this song is just by the numbers metal.
This is a really boring song.

its the reason they are credited as being one of the forefathers of the prog metal scene. What they are doing on the previous album and this song is just by the numbers metal.

That's what I thought of "the needle lies" on operation Mindcrime, very boring and generic, but I love Operation Mindcrime as a whole. Plus, man oh man, Todd has a killer Fuckin Voice! His voice shines on this song. Even went for a high register late in the song...
I have a bad Metallica syndrome with Queensryche since both were among my favorites for years and years. That being, the waiting for each new album and praying it is a return to the form of the albums I loved. Still waiting, and probably always will be, for Metallica, but I'll still give each a listen in futile hope. But Queensryche came much closer with the last album, so I was very excited to hear the new one. The first listen to Arrow, I liked, but didn't give me that Rage for Order erection. After another couple of listens, I really dig it, and think the new album has a chance to fit in with the iconic first six albums, albeit still at the bottom of the list, but a huge deal for a life long fan languishing in the wasteland of Q2K and a plethora of other calamities.
I think one thing is pretty clear, Queensryche has made themselves viable again. I can't imagine they will ever come close to producing music that can hold up to their god-like levels of the 80's, but they are at least making pretty good music. I am now open again to seeing them live, and would consider purchasing their new disc.

I'm not sure why any fan would complain about this song. It sounds pretty solid to me, which is really is what fans should want from the band at the minimum. Those expecting greatness, you know Queensryche hasn't been "great" in years right?
It sounds plain and boring to me. It also lacks any bottom end in the recording. If I wanted to listen to something sounded like a shade of things that happened 25 years ago, I guess this would hit the spot.
I think one thing is pretty clear, Queensryche has made themselves viable again. I can't imagine they will ever come close to producing music that can hold up to their god-like levels of the 80's, but they are at least making pretty good music. I am now open again to seeing them live, and would consider purchasing their new disc.


I don't think we'll see them reach the god-like levels of the 80s unless DeGarmo decides to rejoin the band. It's pretty obvious that while the whole band was great (and is again, with Todd), DeGarmo was the standout songwriter. Without him, the *overall* quality of the songs will never reach the classic heights. Individual songs might, but they lost their best/primary songwriter, IMO...that changes things.

I'm about the same age as the QR members and I'm a drummer and I can tell you that I definitely don't have the musical creativity and energy that I did back when I was in my 20s.... Not even close! So when I judge a band I definitely compare them to other bands in the same age group.......and yes, for a bunch of old guys they sound damn good. No way, way in hell to I expect these old guys to come up with the magic that was Rage for Order or the Warning...That's not going to happen...

Bands like Maiden, Priest, Fates Warning: None of those bands have been able to rekindle the magic they had with their early CDs...

I just want a solid Hard Rock/Lite Metal Disc with Great vocals and solid playing........