things that you must do before die


Unconventional [Listener]
Mar 21, 2007
Rio de Janeiro, BR
i've been thinking on it just cuz the year is ending and everybody promises a different year that won't commit the same mistakes, but it's not enough to me, cuz i wanna do many good things as possible, like:

get a tattoo
visit another country
have sex with 2 girls at the same time
defeat someone more stronger than me (i know it's ridiculous)
help someone that really needs
get a car
get my own house

i know that i can do all next year, but i hope do in this life, and i will!!!!
Have sex with a man

gayest post of the end of this year :lol:

Have sex with my mum


Have sex with my cousins

it's ok :cool:

Have sex with my Nan (Before she dies)

nechrophilia is a option for many people


@the Wow talk.

That is inaccurate. First off, the cap is 70, and secondly, getting cap in WoW only takes a few weeks.That is one reason I could never get into it. My brother on the other hand has many cap lvl characters.
It takes a few weeks if you haul ass. If you take the time to explore it takes longer. I was at 39 when I quit after playing for 3 months, because I played a couple hours a day and took the time to explore everything there is to do (Battlegrounds, etc.). There are always a fuckton of things to do even at 70.

It really is a good game, I just got tired of it.
@the Wow talk.

That is inaccurate. First off, the cap is 70, and secondly, getting cap in WoW only takes a few weeks.That is one reason I could never get into it. My brother on the other hand has many cap lvl characters.

I thought only Burning Crusade people could get to level 70.
I thought only Burning Crusade people could get to level 70.

Pretty sure that it's only Burning Crusade, but still. If you're going to invest that much time in the game buy Burning Crusade. Be a fucking Blood Elf. They kick ass.

While we're in the subject, the idea of being a Death Knight in the new expansion is doing a lot to make me want to start playing again. Maybe after I kick the shit out of Starcraft 2.