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  1. M

    Dark Tranquillity owns In Flames now

    hmmmmmmmmmm, i feel ALOT of anger of this thread....I know, lets all just put our different opions aside, hold hands, have a BIG group hug & lets all sing songs about love & peace & naked women :grin: KEEP THE FAITH!!!!!! :rock: btw, i hav not taken anything befor anyone asks...
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    Dark Tranquillity owns In Flames now

    @ JackhammerRape: you know i think your not going to be the only one looking like that ;) but as for me, well just look above everybody in the mosh pit @ the guy who's head & shoulders above every one (that'll be me :grin: all 6`7 of me :loco: ) & @ Schwedentod: i know what you mean about...
  3. M

    Dark Tranquillity owns In Flames now

    yep, tickets still avaliable 4 the gig. if you go to & search 4 in flames in the search box @ the top or click on the kerrang section & then click in flames in the "happening this week" section
  4. M

    ask dark tranquility your questions

    just wondering but when can we actually read this interview :confused: i mean whats the actual date your doing the interview & how many days after will you post a link or whatever to the interview??
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    Dark Tranquillity owns In Flames now

    @ Legende, couldn't of said it better myself :worship: by the way, i'm going to see In Flames play in london this saturday so il let U ALL know how good they are live (because lets face it, @ the end of the day, its not the style of music that matters but how they can play the music to an...
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    Dark Tranquillity owns In Flames now

    ok, instead of blabbing on about which band is better then the other, i'm just going to say that i'm a BIG fan of both DT & IF & i love the progression the two bands have taken with their music & all this talk about about who is better is rubbish!!! think about it this way, if both bands music...
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    ask dark tranquility your questions

    simple question but can you ask them were they get their inspiration to write their songs?
  8. M

    How do you become a music video director?

    wooooooooo, ok, seems like iv kinda ticked off fireangle a bit :erk: so fireangle, im really really really sorry i didn't post a reply to say thank you but you see i'm like a part time net user, i can't always check my PC everyday & when i do, i can't use it for a long amount of time, so im not...
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    How do you become a music video director?

    You know i've always seen music videos on TV & thought to myself "what the f**k was that, i could do so much better!!!" but i have no clue as to how i could get into the music video industry itself so i was just wondering if anybody knew how :confused: ??? I know this thread dosn't have...
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    Concerts - 2004

    ok, il get to the point, bands iv seen this year: Franz ferdiand, Von Bondies, The Rapture, Funeral for a friend, The ataris (+ support), Mobrid Angel (+ support), the offspring, raging speedhorn bands im going 2 see soon: in flames (YAY :grin: ) caliban, devil driver, evenescence...
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    So what do you guys think of the new In Flames album?

    :erk: im rly sry Villain i ad no idea my shrt hand eng was tht anoyin, my bad, sry :loco: i'm sorry Villain, couldn't help myself :( hehe, i'm just playing :grin: ok, from now on i promise i will use proper english and none of this short hand stuff that has become quite popular over here in...
  12. M

    DT Fanpage in German and English

    hey hey, like it man :worship:
  13. M

    two new tour dates

    DAM IT!!! wen R they gonna announce sum UK dates :waah: England (especially LONDON ;) ) needs DT!!!!
  14. M

    So what do you guys think of the new In Flames album?

    have 2 agree wit U rahvin, just a matter of time ;) & also, in flames them self don't actually have a message board :erk: just sum dodgey guaestbook that is completely useless :( NEway, so its good then metal17, hmmmmm, havnt actually got it yet myself (went 2 the store 2 buy it & they didnt hav...
  15. M

    Your Favorite band besides DT that includes the Letters D and T

    ....and the winner for the most random & oddest thread goes to.....*drum roll*......MISANHROPE :worship: seriosuly tho, wat sort of research could U possibly doing :err: but, if ur looking 4 a few bands with D + T in the names then how about: staind hoobastank System of a down deftones...
  16. M

    How did you come across Dark Tranquillity?

    i feel so HAPPY :grin: this is officially my most succesful thread :rock: ...altho admitingly there are a few reply's that are kinda "off topic" (not naming names :loco: ) but then again who gives a dam, tis all good :worship:
  17. M

    How did you come across Dark Tranquillity?

    wat the!?!?! i only like put this message up just over an hour ago and already 18 replies :grin: i feel soooo happy :loco: but wats this rahvin :err: changing "my" thread without even asking :hotjump: !!!!....ah well :loco: i think prob alot of DT fans found out about it from the official...
  18. M

    How did you come across Dark Tranquillity?

    just a simple question really :) how did people actually realise that Dark Tranquillity were alive & kicking??? I mean for me, it was because i was randomly searching bands on a program called kazza & i found Monochromatic staines, & because i luved it soooooooooo much, i went out & bought...
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    What venue should Dark Tranquillity play at?

    lol, like it MorbidEnemy :worship: but wat about the pre-game warm up aswel???
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    What venue should Dark Tranquillity play at?

    i can see were ya coming from hyena but the reason why i choose the astoria is because it very often plays host to some absolute brilliant (& well known) bands from all over the place & gives you the chance to get relatively close to them & true enough its not as intimate as sumwere like the...