Search results

  1. Kevin Madden

    Donate tickets?

    Hey, there'd be sand traps :-) I might be out in the DC area for some training, so maybe there'll be some shows in July/August timeframe. Kevin
  2. Kevin Madden

    Would you buy a live cd based on the PP DVD/CD?

    That's the question I asked myself when listening to the live cd of last year's show. What I mean is, each band got two songs, but how many of those bands, if they put out a live cd of their whole performance, would you buy the cd? I can say that the only one I would definitely say yes to is...
  3. Kevin Madden

    Do you mind headbanging at Progpower

    Apparently you haven't been the official Prog Power golf tournament.
  4. Kevin Madden

    Savatage Fans

    One of these reunion shows had better include ProgPower...I am not the hugest Savatage fan, but the show they put on for the Wake of Magellan tour at Jaxx was ridiculously good. One of my top five shows ever. Kevin
  5. Kevin Madden

    Spiral Architect for PPVIII?

    Current status of Spiral Architect: - UPDATE: We've started writing the next album. Right now we're just sorting out bits and pieces to see what we've got. - Line-up is as it's been this millennium; Øyvind, Steinar, Asgeir, Lars and Andreas. - Tabs... Still not finished. - Shows... Sorry...
  6. Kevin Madden

    Band #4 Confirmed

    Just so you know, Glenn, my "who" post yesterday was sincere. (I don't want to get banned, too!) Whoever posted the youtube videos, thanks. This sounds pretty good. I'm just happy they don't have a screetchy vocalist.
  7. Kevin Madden

    Band #4 Confirmed

  8. Kevin Madden

    So, did it sell out?

    Who said Jorn didn't put on a kick-ass show? Who said that he wasn't even better than Evergrey? Personally, I like Jorn's material better than Evergrey's material. However, for *this* concert, I though Evergrey put on a better show. Who said I didn't appreciate Jorn's time and effort? You...
  9. Kevin Madden

    So what cool shirts did you spot at the fest?

    I'd guess my collection of golf shirts were unexpected :-) it hink Urban really wanted to wear one of them, but Chris forced the Giants jersey on him instead... Kevin
  10. Kevin Madden

    JORN brought the angels down @ Progpower

    Yes. It's ok. He wasn't being a prick about it and was simply stating his opinion. I'm a big Jorn fan and I wasn't crazy about the set list, either. Was there enough to keep me entertained? Absolutely. Were there too many solos that were not inspring to me in any way? Yes. Was Jorn's voice...
  11. Kevin Madden

    So, did it sell out?

    Dude. 4,863 posts? Holy shit. Don't know if it sold out, but I can tell you there were a lot more people on the floor for Evergrey than for Jorn. Jorn was too far back in the mix for my taste...
  12. Kevin Madden

    DORIAN invade ProgPower USA VII, film debut music video

    To be fair, that's not too bad.
  13. Kevin Madden

    DORIAN invade ProgPower USA VII, film debut music video

    Funny, I didn't see them
  14. Kevin Madden

    Is there any reason to show before the doors open?

    No one's going to tow me away? You sure? :)
  15. Kevin Madden

    Ever wonder what a promoter worries about the month before the fest?

    1. Turn down free labor 2. Book Tall Cedars lodge 3. Turn down free labor 4. Dust off the grand poo-bah 5. Turn down free labor 6. Start Soundscape soundcheck 7. Turn down free labor 8. Make sure the deep fryer's oil is less than two months old 9. Turn down free labor 10. Stock Heineken...
  16. Kevin Madden

    Anyone here like Powermad ?

    who shall we hire? TERMINATOR!
  17. Kevin Madden

    Jorn Lande Setlist Wishlist!!!

    I'd guess it's Randy "the rock star" Coven who's the jackass here.
  18. Kevin Madden

    Saturday Headliner Announcement:

    Me personally, I was hoping for a Rick Mythiasin freebase jam, but I guess Jorn will have to do...
  19. Kevin Madden

    Prog Power 1 Attendee's

    Sure, I was at pp1. I miss the winter dates, to be honest. It was a good excuse to go somewhere. Not necessarily somewhere warmer (Chicago vs. California at the time), but somewhere. I kind of miss the vibe of Powermad, where there were so many new bands to get into at the vendor tables...
  20. Kevin Madden

    Super 8 Motel?

    795 of whose asses my 2-year old daughter could kick. Not exactly a threatening crowd. Oh no! Another pencil-necked geek in a black t-shirt! Run for your virginity! See you this year :-) Kevin