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  1. Sym1

    Sabaton to conquer America in 2012

    Holy crap!! The Brass Mug in Tampa...... OMG!
  2. Sym1

    Metal covers that are just as good as the original

    this :rock: Love that album too
  3. Sym1

    Top Bass Vocalists?

    Michelle Darkness from End of Green, Bury Me Deep and a solo effort called....Michelle Darkness of course!
  4. Sym1

    Jon Oliva tonight

    so tonight..i got to attend something special... At a local music store... Jon Oliva did an acoustic/piano storyteller type deal...... and wow. ( this is all kind of scattered info...just throwing down what i remember) I'll start off by saying I'm a Savatage fanboy.. seated right in...
  5. Sym1

    Deppresion Metal

    I've heard most of what has been listed so far... here is my 'favorite' depressing disc Madrigal - I Die, You Soar
  6. Sym1

    Shane, Showcase update?

    :rock::kickass: awesome post!
  7. Sym1

    Nightwish a no show in Knoxville TN

    I was waiting for a Kurtis Blow reference
  8. Sym1

    Age of Conan

    there is tons of stuff on youtube of live footage, character creation etc. Some of the stuff on there is really cool...and most of that is Beta footage. The Combat is really cool, it's not a point and click slasher's more real than that
  9. Sym1

    Age of Conan

    I'll look for you...I've been playing on Wiccana named Symr
  10. Sym1

    Age of Conan

    I just started's actually my first MMO. Everything seems cool so far. level 7 ranger so far....what are you playing?
  11. Sym1

    Fans Of The First Karate Kid Movie Will Enjoy This!

    Get him a body bag Johnny!!!! Yeah!!!! :goggly::goggly::goggly:
  12. Sym1

    And for my encore...a new Steel Prophet song

    Rough mix of the song Trickery of the Scourge.... :rock:
  13. Sym1

    New Communic Song

    Don't know if it's been posted yet..... :rock:
  14. Sym1

    For those that like Xandria....bad news...

    German metallers Xandria have issued the following update::waah: "Lisa Middelhauve is not the singer of Xandria anymore. After almost eight years of successful work together she decided to leave the band due to personal reasons. For some time now Lisa didn´t feel comfortable with her role as...
  15. Sym1

    Where to buy Distant Tides?

    not a problem....enjoy it:rock:
  16. Sym1

    Where to buy Distant Tides?

    Greets.. I found it here on Ebay, they ship from Brazil. got mine when it came out :rock: hope this helps Sym
  17. Sym1

    When are you heading up from Florida?

    okay....first time plus one leaving on Thursday around 8am from just north of Tampa.... will be racing Dee all the way up