10 years of chemical wedlock


your best friend
Feb 29, 2008
man it's been ten years already. one thing is certain, the rest is a lie; life flies!

in september 1998 the best heavy metal album was released. i remember having an ADVANCE TAPE COPY a couple months before that (we didn't have leaked mp3's back then kids and we had to walk three miles to the nearest tape recorder, uphill both ways) and therefore being cool as hell. i still notice new things in this album TEN YEARS later. there is no heavy metal song better than "book of thel". there is nothing heavier than the first 10 seconds of "king in crimson" in all of metal ever written ever.

ALSO apparently chemical wedding the movie is out now just in time for the centenary, did anyone see it? it's probably really terrible and therefore i will make sure to watch it because i only watch terrible movies

and all this vegetable world appeared under my left foot
as a bright sandal, formed immortal of precious stones and gold
i stooped down and bound it on, to walk forward through eternity

essentially if you don't have this album you're a ridiculous person
I actually bought the Chemical Wedding movie on DVD. :p

It was... great. Some awesome dialogue, bucket loads of cheese, the occasional boob and Bruce's mug popping into the frame now and then.

I'm not a ridiculous person by the way.
im ridiculous. then again, true heavy metal has never been my thing, but i also thought id never get into true doom, so there's hope.

i do own that first Halford Fight album, and love it.
I came down to grab something to listen to while preparing the ol turkey and saw this thread. It had easily been a couple of years since I last played this disc. It was PERFECT. I had forgotten how good this record is. Thanks for mentioning it! :kickass:
BY THE DAAAWNING OF THE DEAAAD and then the album is all like "kindly consider giving up every musical enterprise you're planning to ever undertake because there's just no way in fucking hell you're getting anywhere near this bud"
The Alchemist gives me goosebumps every time and then when it reprises the chorus from the title track I weep like a girl having left her underwear in a hotel bed in minneapolis
So tonight I might just listen to skunkworks for the first time ever in my life. I should be purged, though I did just watch the video to "women in uniform" on jewtube. Paul D'ianno was such a goddamn biker jacket wearing punk he ruled.