80's photos - You know you got em........

kittybeast said:
Then I suppose we'll have to have a GOOFY PP SHOW PICS..... We all know we have a lot of those...some more incriminating than others :tickled:

I can just point to any pic of me at PP. All of my pics turn out goofy-looking; I'm about as photogenic as a road-accident. :tickled:
Bryant said:
Ha ha ha nice axe !! I didn't know you were ever in a band.

The geetar belonged to a friend. Mine was a '66 Fender Duosonic. That was a loooong time ago but it was fun while it lasted.

Bryant said:
I guess J-Dubya and I aere the lone hold-outs huh ?

Yeah and Shaye. Maybe Lieutenant Zod, (Not So) Dark/Tide, One I, and One II.
I'll bite....

Bryant said:
Ha ha ha nice axe !! I didn't know you were ever in a band.

I guess J-Dubya and I aere the lone hold-outs huh ?


I did go through another pile of pics, still no go.....
You guys are either going to get a pic of me circa 1982 in a powder blue tux from prom, or just my hs yearbook photo....VERY un-metal..... :erk:

J-Dubya - card carrying member of the Hold Out Clan
J-Dubya 777 said:
VERY un-metal.....

Don't worry about it Dubya. We all went through a non-metal period.

MetalSeamstress said:

Whoohoo! Once a hottie, always a hottie! :)

Here's me, late 80's.

I'll have to check with my parents to see if they have any early 80's (embarassing) photos of me. I also have to find YardleyBates' graduation photo to post.
Wow... Cool pics people, but is there any ProgPower attendees who are near my age? I just turned 23, and no offense to any of you, but it seems like most of you people are a bit older than that. Just wondering. I mean, I already feel out of place around most metalheads in my area because of my fav. bands (mostly power/prog stuff), I just don't wanna feel out of place around youse guys cuz I'm kinda young lol! I don't wanna drive 6+ hours to get to a place that's gonna make me feel the same way I do when I go to my local mall, you know lol? Once again, don't be offended cuz I said some of you are older than me - I think it's amazing that you people are still into metal, and the best kinds of metal at that... Some people I've talked to around where I live act like, after a certain age, you're supposed to stop listening to metal and trade all of your cool shit for a bunch of top 40/country crap. Anyway, later, and if things go as planned, I hope to get to finally make it to PP this year and hang out with some of you seemingly awesome people.
Alright, I'll do this...

Here's me in '89 or '90. Metal as fuck!

Here's me in line at PP3 in '02 with our Brazilian-Waxed-Buddy, Richard Christy.

Aaaaaaand here's a more recent photo, complete with generic looking-away-from-the-camera pose.

Being young rules! :Spin:
Great pics you all...............Here are more of me.......

Me with fellow band mates at the time.

Some one said something about a tux.......I have one of those:

And finally.....circa 96 with the wife:
Curufin said:
Who's the ugly girl playing the guitar?



And, to that guy who thought everyone on this forum is older than him, you're probably getting the wrong idea from the 80s pics thread. I'm 21, and there's a bunch of people in their 20s (and a few teens also) posting around here, so don't feel too left out. Plus, even if some people here are a bit older, theyre still badasses and great to get along with and hang out with, so it all works out in the end :headbang::headbang:
Found another good one! Check out the mirrors in the background. We still have those hanging in our family room by the pool table!:headbang:

Petethedrummer said:

And, to that guy who thought everyone on this forum is older than him, you're probably getting the wrong idea from the 80s pics thread. I'm 21, and there's a bunch of people in their 20s (and a few teens also) posting around here, so don't feel too left out. Plus, even if some people here are a bit older, theyre still badasses and great to get along with and hang out with, so it all works out in the end :headbang::headbang:

Yeah, and I suppose us old fogies could allow the youngsters to post their metal pics from the 90s here.... :D