About the ProgPower USA XIV Roster for 2013


Mrs. Harvester
Staff member
Feb 17, 2009

Before eveyrone flips their shit and posts unrealistic guesses, keep in mind that I didn't win the lottery.
So...it's not Avantasia, Ayreon, and Star One?

More on topic - are you going to do any sort of hints this year before the fest?
Fun. I saw Gamma Ray and Helloween when they came to America last. The last few numbers with everyone up on stage is something I will never forget. Throw in some Unisonic sauce and that would make three amazing co-headliners on one night. A guy can dream, right?
the Mad Hatter strikes Again!!!!!!! Glenn is always outdoing himself with the roster of this festival....one of the reason why I (and my family and friends) love the fest so much!!!
I will repeat what I said on FB.
Me thinks that like Pagans Mind and Edguy in the past that a band or 2 has "graduated"to headliner status in Glenn's eyes.
Riverside and Psychotic Waltz would be awesome choices as 2 of the co headliners,but I also question whether PS can actually pull off a headliner set,as they kinda had their heyday and were done by the end of the 90's before this scene really exploded,and unlilke Conception who kinda were helped out by Khan and Kamelto blowing up...the ext members of PS didn't nearly have the success after they broke up.
I think Sabbaton would also make a great headliner,especially considering the major airplay they have received on Sirius liquid metal.
I also have a strange feeling some band no one is expecting will be a major headliner as well,every few years a band is announced that nobody expects to even be considered
I love Riverside. I think that very few people were blown away by them when they played here. Not enough to make them a headliner or co-headliner.

Sabaton was fantastic, he said they would be back. But can they be a co-headliner?

I think the makeup of the 2013 roster has a lot to do with the future plans of the festival...is next year the last? If so, something really special would be in order. Like three of his very favorite groups finishing out the run of this concert.
I am thinking we see Jon Oliva again. Have no idea what the other two might be...
Wooooooooooooooot!!!!! Awesome news G & J :) I have a feeling but will re-frame from speculation at this point!!

Nice Stream too!!

Riverside and Psychotic Waltz would be awesome choices as 2 of the co headliners,but I also question whether PS can actually pull off a headliner set,as they kinda had their heyday and were done by the end of the 90's before this scene really exploded,and unlilke Conception who kinda were helped out by Khan and Kamelto blowing up...the ext members of PS didn't nearly have the success after they broke up.

They've headlined some festivals in Europe and played monster setlists:http://www.setlist.fm/setlist/psych...shofen-lauda-konigshofen-germany-3de49d3.html