Adagio \m/ \m/


Member? Yes, I got one =)
Mar 12, 2003
Aliso Viejo, CA
All I can say is thank you so much Glenn for getting one of the best bands in the world to come and play in the US!!! The rest of the lineup is simply incredible as well (POS \m/ \m/), I just don't see myself taking any breaks here so I best do my CD/DVD shopping early before the shows! :)

I just wanted to take the time and let everyone know that burried somewhere deep in these forums is the Adagio North American Fan Club forum
give it a visit and post your thoughts and questions about the band. We have been promoting Adagio since the begining and it seems it has finally paid off! :)

I'm still pinching myself at this years Progpower...last years PP was a blast and this year will probably be even better!

Cheers, Tony
I still can't see why so many bitch about the bands...although I might not be a huge fan of some of these bands I do think this is one hell of an awesome lineup...can't wait to see the Adagio boys even if their set is cut short...hope they hook up on a tour with someone in the US, that would be awesome! Cheers
Since I had been away from the progressive and power metal scenes for a while, I wasn't familiar with most of last year's line-up. But I went, and had a great time that I'll never forget (and nice to meet you, Tony). This year is no exception - there are bands I know and love (Edguy, Savatage w/Jon Oliva), but there are plenty of bands that I haven't heard yet. But I expect them to put on good shows, and to have a good time.
Ruthven said:
Since I had been away from the progressive and power metal scenes for a while, I wasn't familiar with most of last year's line-up. But I went, and had a great time that I'll never forget (and nice to meet you, Tony). This year is no exception - there are bands I know and love (Edguy, Savatage w/Jon Oliva), but there are plenty of bands that I haven't heard yet. But I expect them to put on good shows, and to have a good time.
Hey Derek nice to hear from you man! We had a good time with you, Paul and I and the rest of the hotel gang! :) Looks like the same thing again this year maybe we should be careful what Chinese food restaurant we enter at 3:00 am in the morning!!! ;) Cheers, Tony
"You can have these chips. We just stole them."

I think someone should alert the staff at the Golden Buddha to prepare for the night crowd. Eating sweet and sour chicken after midnight while sitting 4 feet away from Rage certainly was an experience.
OMG ROFLMAO!!!! That was so hillarious I can't remember when I laughed that hard and I wasn't even drunk! The service was just splendid and not to mention the ice tea(or was it hot tea). Anyway, I think a certain trip to the infamous Chinese food sanctuary with Adagio would be worth a laugh or two. :) ...and now for something completely different (Monty Python reference)
Adagio is going to be the highlight of the show even though thier not opening. if they open with sanctus ignis i am totally going to flip out.

Also, hopefully the golden buddha will have some real rockstars who have entered thier restaraunt,besides mick jagger, like Adagio or Edguy or Evergrey

Now the winds have changed
and the fear in your eyes
plagues your soul to make your fire
burn with rage for everafter