An Aussie's take on Gun Control: Hilarious! (Jim Jefferies)

May 7, 2002
Jim Jefferies - gun control

I thought there were a couple of places where he went a little too far, but that was still freaking hilarious. Just added one of his DVDs to my Netflix queue.
Hey bro, what's it like having no sense of humour?

Does this mean that 10% of the general population comprise 33% of the replies in this thread? :)

Americans are willingly giving their rights away. Just look at the broad support for the TSA, and the recent clamor for the American government to forcibly violate civil rights because of unfounded fears regarding Ebola. Then we have the issue of guns, and the obvious problems that liberal gun laws have had in contributing to the tens of thousands of gun-related deaths in America.
Is it Hypocrisy or Bipolar disorder? Either way it's ripe for ridicule.

Jefferies is on tour, and I'm looking forward to catching one of his shows soon. I'm going to lmao.

And, fwiw, I'm going shooting tomorrow morning. I own guns, love 'em lots, but I've come to terms with the reality of the situation.
My guns are locked up. It would be tough to get to them quickly if someone were to break into my house. I've found owning a 90lb dog to be a far greater deterrent than anything else.
And that's the difference between an Aussie and an American. One surrenders their rights passively and the other does not.

We've surrendered our rights away on quite a few things and continue to do so every year. In this very Lounge, the thread about the Exodus fan getting arrested for posting lyrics on his Facebook and nobody caring (not in this thread - but in the general scope of the news) being a recent example. At least let's not pretend we're something we're not.
And that's the difference between an Aussie and an American. One surrenders their rights passively and the other does not.
As with most things in life, it's a matter of perspective. You can certainly argue they surrendered their right. However, you could also look at it from the perspective that they saw a problem and solved it. Both homicide and suicide rates are down in Australia, and they haven't had a mass shooting since the passage of the law. You might disagree with the philosophy, but the reality has yielded the benefit they sought.
This wasn't supposed to be a "heavy thread, man." I laughed at his skit, thought about the seething 10%, read the comments, and then laughed some more.

I shot over 200 rounds on Sunday, and managed to hit the 25 yard target once, maybe twice. :) I like guns, but Jefferies is one funny fxcker.
This wasn't supposed to be a "heavy thread, man." I laughed at his skit, thought about the seething 10%, read the comments, and then laughed some more.

I shot over 200 rounds on Sunday, and managed to hit the 25 yard target once, maybe twice. :) I like guns, but Jefferies is one funny fxcker.

When it comes to hot button political topics like this, it is likely to get heavy.
As he says, he's an American citizen now, he pays his taxes, and therefore he can use his 1st Amendment right to say he thinks the 2nd Amendment is shit. I think that's about as American as it gets.