An In Depth Recap of 2006 Prog/Power Music...

Michael TEOF

Master Whorebot
Mar 4, 2002
Schaumburg, IL
Yeah I know this post is long... maybe Glenn will delete it but I just wanted to chime in my thoughts on all the 2006 releases. Besides, the board needs a post like this where all the great releases are layed out on the table for discussion.

The best album I purchased in '06 was Vision Divine's The Perfect Machine (and it's arguably the greatest album of the decade)... but that's an '05 release. Here's a recap of my prog/power purchased of the year. There were a few releases I didn't get around to... perhaps you all could fill me in on what I missed or bitch about my comments.

Adagio – Dominate
Genre: Progressive Symphonic Metal
Not as epic or symphonic as their previous release, but this album is still a definate keeper. The vocal melodies are much stronger and the music is still heavy and proggy with a lot of bite. B+ / 88

Allen, Lande – The Battle
Genre: AORish Metal
Kind of ho hum AORish stuff. It's funny. My favorite song on this album is the one song by Jorn alone and they played it live at Prog Power last year -- couldn't have been any more perfect. Some great melodies scattered throughout, but a lot of cheesy writing mechanics. C / 79

Andromeda - Chimera
Genre: Progressive Metal
Nice Proggy album... but I was hoping for something a little better. I prefer the debut adn second release to this. The vocal melodies aren't too well thought out and the progginess isn't as strong as the previous release. Still a solid album with some great songs. B / 84

Angra – Aurora Consurgens
Genre: Power/Progressive Metal
Angra are truly becoming my favorite band. They have six fantastic albums. This is their second worst (Fireworks is my least favorite) and it's still great. It's a little heavier and faster than their previous stuff, but the proggy songs aren't as good as previous releases. "The Voice Commanding You" might get my vote for song of the year - some wicked heavy speedy power metal. I made an Angra mix CD with two songs from all 6 of their albums and I can't stop listening to it. A- / 90

Blind Guardian – A Twist in the Myth
Genre: Power Metal
This album was destined to be a let down, considering A Night at the Opera is my all time favorite album. It's less over-the-top and bombastic/epic. The songs are still good though. And heck, it's Blind Guardian -- they're master song crafters ahead of most. B+ / 89

Circle II Circle – Burden of Truth
Genre: Metal
I listened to this one maybe once or twice... couldn't get into it. I loved the first Circle II Circle because it had that epica piano-laden Savatage feel. There's nothing wrong with it (the playing is great and the singing is fantastic of course), but the songwriting sounds more standard heavy metal... and the vocal melodies a little phoned in. Maybe I need to give it a few more listens though. As is, I'd give it an average rating. C / 75

Devin Townsend – Synchestra
Genre: Atmospheric Progressive Metal
I really wanted to like this album... but couldn't really get into it. It sounds similar to my favorite Devin album, Terria, but the hooks just aren't as powerful. Maybe I just need to give it more time... but aside from a few high points, I just felt it blended together into a big pile of noise. The funny part is... when I listen to it, I really enjoy it... but I never have a desire to return to it. If anyone purchased this and really liked it however, I'd really recommend checking out Terria or Ocean Machine, as those are much better. B- / 82

Dragonforce – Inhuman Rampage
Genre: Extreme Power Metal
This has my vote for album of the year. The vocal melodies, guitar harmonies, and overall passion propel this into absolute greatness. I completely understand why this band is so popular... and they deserve all the credit. Every time I put in Dragonforce, I'm in sonic awe. I simply can't get enough of this band -- they're like crack. A / 96

Edguy – Rocket Ride
Genre: Power Metal
This was probably the biggest let down of the year. After the grandiose Hellfire Club, the band resorts to ho hum party rock. The majesty and powerful sense of melody is gone -- sans a few stellar tracks here and there. Not horrible by any means, but by Edguy standards... this was a big let down. C+ / 77

Eldritch – Neighborhell
Gener: Heavy Metal with slight prog touches
Much better than the last Eldritch album, Portraits of the Abyss Within... but still, I miss the Headquake days. This feels more like a going through the motions (who would name their album Neighborhell?) kind of albums... whereas in this band's glory days, I really felt like I was getting a piece of art. The vocal melodies and songs on this one are somewhat decent... but I need the quirky keyboards and mad proggyness. B- / 82

Elvenking – The Winter Wake
Genre: Folk Power Metal
With Damnagoras back, honestly I was expecting a little more. The debut by this band is in my top 5 albums of all time. The band used to throw tons of melody lines and passion into their songs.... now it all sounds so restricted. I actually think prefer Wyrd to this. I'm not saying this is a bad album... I just know what what these guys are capable of... and sadly, they can't get back up to that level it seems. B- / 80

Evergrey – Monday Morning Apocalypse
Genre: Dark Power Metal
Another huge let down. Evergrey were on a roll with some fantastic albums... but Monday Morning Apocalypse is definately a bump in that road. The vocal melodies and songcrafting just sounds totally phoned in. It has nothing to do with the production either -- just lack of imagination. This band is capable of so much more than what htey put out in '06. C- / 72

Falconer – Northwind
Genre: Folk Power Metal
The original vocalist is back and sounding better than ever. There are quite a few songs on this album (14 tracks)... and I kind of wish they made some of the better songs longer and cut some of the weaker tracks. The debut is still by far the best Falconer album... but this is probably just as good as their second album. I'll need to give it a few more listens to form a better opinion though. B / 86

Into Eternity – Novus Interceptum
Genre: Gothenburg Style Metal
Compared to the Burried in Oblivion, this was a another big let down. I only listened to this one a few times, admittedly though. It kind of got lost in the shuffle of the year. I really like the guys in this band too... but I gotta be honest, this album lacks the magic of their '04 album. C+ / 79

Iron Maiden – A Matter of Life and Death
Genre: Heavy Metal
I listened to this album maybe once... and it got lost in the shuffle of the year. From what I remember, I just never had the desire to go back to it. Iron Maiden have the classic style of heavy metal going for them and that's great... but I just prefer to move on to bands that want to add a little more technique or style to their music. Rating: NA

Jorn Lande – The Duke
Genre: Hard Rock/Heavy Metal
If it weren't for Prog Power VI, I probably would have never bought this album. It has this great dark hard rock feel to it... and Jorn is a great singer. I just wish the songs were better. There are one or two really good songs... but some ho-hum vocal melodies to some tracks for sure. C+ / 79

Luca Turilli’s Dreamquest – Lost Horizons
Genre: Symphonic Power Metal
Fantastic album! Strong soprano female vocals and terrific Rhapsody style vocal melodies. Some of my favorite songs of the year came from this album oddly. Orchestred/Symphonic heavy metal with a ton of melody and power. A- / 90

Luca Turilli – Infinite Wonders of Creation
Genre: Symphonic Power Metal
I was too busy listening to the other Luca Turilli album to get into this. It's not fair to give it a rating yet... but it sounded kind of lame comparatively. Rating: NA

Mercenary – The Hours That Remain
Genre: Dark Power Metal
After quite a few let downs, this album was a huge LET UP... if that's a phrase I can coin. I was never a Mercenary fan. I always thought their vocal melodies sucked and their music was a melodyness droning wall of annoying noise. This album has some a ton of flavor and punch to it. I absolutely love it -- one of '06's high points! A - / 92

Nocturnal Rites – The Grand Illusion
Genre: Power Metal
This is one of those albums you start out loving to death... but doesn't hold up as the months roll by. At the beginning of the year, I could not get enough of this. It had some great hooks and excellent songs. I don't go back to it often, however... it's still a great release. A lot of people are clammering for Nocturnal Rites at Prog Power... and they were great at Power Fest for sure. B / 86

Pyramaze – The Legend of the Bone Carver
Genre: Power Metal
This album has two truly amazing songs - "What Lies Beyond" and "Souls in Pain." The album as a whole, however, doesn't hold my interest too much. Still, the song "What Lies Beyond" might be my favorite song of '06. It is truly a killer power metal tune... love that harmonized chorus! B / 85

Rage – Speak of the Dead
Genre: Power Metal
This is probably the most underrated album of '06. It's definately my favorite Rage album. I fail to see why so many people didn't like it. The first half with the orchestral epic is some of the best power metal I've ever heard... and the second half is a nice slab of killer heavy metal songs. A- / 91

Rhapsody of Fire – Triumph or Agony
I listened to this album, maybe once. Rhapsody's first four albums were so fantastic. What the hell happened? Symphony of Enchanted Lands II sounded phoned in and this one the jury is still out on. The orchestration sounds more like an epic backdrop and the choruses seem to lack punch. I remember really loving the second half of this album... so I really need to get it some more time. Rating: NA

Vanden Plas – Christ 0
Genre: Progressive Metal
While a good album, I wouldn't nominate it for album of the year like everyone else ont his board. Still, it's a great album with nice vocal melodies and symphonic touches. Strongly recommended! B+ / 88

Virgin Steele – Visions of Eden
Genre: Manly Power Metal
Holy Crap!! After hearing this one, I am incredibly excited to see these guys at Prog Power this year! I was mainly a fan of the Marriage of Heaven and Hell albums... but this one is truly great. It seems like the songs were written on a piano and the metal elements were applied after the fact. The piano and David's voice are the driving instrumetns behind the music... and that's why some may not like this album so much... but I think it's fantastic. It's heavy romantic piano metal with a ton of chest hair! Hellz yes. A- / 91

Wastefall – Self Exile
Genre: Progressive Metal
I loved the sound clips from previous releases... but simply could not get into this too much. I think it got lost in the shuffle of the year... maybe I should go back to it and give it another try. Rating: NA.

Wuthering Heights - The Shadow Cabinet
Genre: Progressive Folk Power Metal
I'm still digesting this... but its' definately one of the greatest releases of the year. While not as good as Far from the Madding Crowd, this is still great! The folk/symphonic elements are downplayed a touch... but the proggyness is all over the place. The songs twist and turn in so many directions... some may think it's a bit much, but I love it! The last song "Carpe Nocturn" is probably my favorite song of the year. A / 93

Wolverine – Still
Genre: Progressive Metal
Much better than that Cold Light of Monday piece of crap... but still not as good as debut. My rating here is still pending as I've only listened to it once or twice... but I really liked what a I heard. Rating: NA

Zero Hour –Specs of Pictures Burnt Beyond
Genre: Progressive Metal
Definately in my top 5 of '06. I was absolutely floored by this album.... finally a truly great progressive metal album! You have to have a mild understanding of music theory to enjoy it I guess... it has that thinking man's metal vibe to it - so it isn't going to be for eveyone. Chris Salinas is a great fit by the way! A / 95
Awesome thread. I'll post some thoughts on those I've listened to tomorrow. But thanks for taking the time to write all of this :)
I'm responding to this thread soley because i appreciate you taking the time to write your reviews for all these great albums that came out during our past year. I see that you took a lot of time doing this thread, tip of the hat to you man.
Nice job on your reviews. While I disagree with you on several of your ratings, I appreciate the time and effort you put forth. Did you get a chance to check out the new Leatherwolf cd that came out last year?
"~ considering A Night at the Opera is my all time favorite album. "

I never thought I would see this sentence in my lifetime. To each his own.
Totally agree about Edguys latest disc.

You definately missed a ton of great releases but Im too lazy to post about them with comments. :)
My favorite release of 2006 is Obsession - Carnival of Lies. It seems like alot of people have never even heard of this band...they were gaining popularity in the mid to late 80's but when they seemed on the verge of a breakthrough, the band fell apart. Their vocalist, Michael Vescera, went on to do 2 albums with Yngwie and 2 with Loudness. In my opinion he's one of the best vocalists out there. They recently reunited (only 2 original members) and my fiancee and I drove the almost 90 miles up to Connecticut to see them. It ended up being my fav. (maybe not the BEST, but my favorite anyway) concert of 2006. Check out the bands website at The Obsession Network
"~ considering A Night at the Opera is my all time favorite album. "

I never thought I would see this sentence in my lifetime. To each his own.

Here's the thing.... I was a huge Blind Guardian fan starting in 1999, after borrowing Nightfall in Middle Earth from a friend. After going through most of their catalog, I was totally hooked. I had a progressive/power metal radio show in college and had an opportunity to debut the entire new Blind Guardian CD in early '02. It was this huge celebration of the band and their work. I remember absolutely falling in love with A Night at the Opera all the songs being absolutely fantastic (and they still are). The song "And Then There Was Silence" remains one of my all time favorite songs. To me, this album was the epitome of Blind Guardian's work. And the album holds special meaning to me. This notion that it is universally reguarded as Blind Guardian's dud album amazes me. To me, metal music simply doesn't get any better than that album.

The Michael
My favorite release of 2006 is Obsession - Carnival of Lies. It seems like alot of people have never even heard of this band...they were gaining popularity in the mid to late 80's but when they seemed on the verge of a breakthrough, the band fell apart. Their vocalist, Michael Vescera, went on to do 2 albums with Yngwie and 2 with Loudness. In my opinion he's one of the best vocalists out there. They recently reunited (only 2 original members) and my fiancee and I drove the almost 90 miles up to Connecticut to see them. It ended up being my fav. (maybe not the BEST, but my favorite anyway) concert of 2006. Check out the bands website at The Obsession Network

l'm quite aware of them...even back in the 80's. Vescera also did a couple of albums with Loudness. Did Joe Stump perform with them at the show you saw? Was wondering since he did some of the guitar work on CoL.
Hey Michael

Awesome post. Thanks for taking the time to type all this up. Here are some of my thoughts on the albums on your list that I have.

Allen, Lande – The Battle
Kind of ho hum AORish stuff. It's funny. My favorite song on this album is the one song by Jorn alone and they played it live at Prog Power last year -- couldn't have been any more perfect. Some great melodies scattered throughout, but a lot of cheesy writing mechanics. C / 79

I really liked Allen/Lande. I grew up on AOR/Classic Rock so I love that style. I loved the way their voices harmonized and thought the songs were really catchy and memorable. It's probably my favorite vocal performance from both singers. The guitar perfectly complemented the songs, adding to them without overshadowing the vocals.

Blind Guardian – A Twist in the Myth
This album was destined to be a let down, considering A Night at the Opera is my all time favorite album. It's less over-the-top and bombastic/epic. The songs are still good though. And heck, it's Blind Guardian -- they're master song crafters ahead of most. B+

Not bad but by no means their best. Savage Circus made a better Blind Guardian album than Blind Guardian did.

Circle II Circle – Burden of Truth
I listened to this one maybe once or twice... couldn't get into it. I loved the first Circle II Circle because it had that epica piano-laden Savatage feel. There's nothing wrong with it (the playing is great and the singing is fantastic of course), but the songwriting sounds more standard heavy metal... and the vocal melodies a little phoned in. Maybe I need to give it a few more listens though. As is, I'd give it an average rating. C / 75

I loved their first album and thought the second wasn't bad but I really wasn't expecting much from this because I just wasn't interested in the concept, but once I gave it a listen I was surprised by how good I thought it was. This album shows just how much this band has come together since the last album. Zak is amazing as always and Andy Lee has really come into his own as a guitarist.

Dragonforce – Inhuman Rampage
This has my vote for album of the year. The vocal melodies, guitar harmonies, and overall passion propel this into absolute greatness. I completely understand why this band is so popular... and they deserve all the credit. Every time I put in Dragonforce, I'm in sonic awe. I simply can't get enough of this band -- they're like crack. A / 96

I enjoyed this one alot too. Not quite as much as you, but pretty close. Definately one of the year's best.

Edguy – Rocket Ride
This was probably the biggest let down of the year. After the grandiose Hellfire Club, the band resorts to ho hum party rock. The majesty and powerful sense of melody is gone -- sans a few stellar tracks here and there. Not horrible by any means, but by Edguy standards... this was a big let down. C+ / 77

Couldn't disagree more here. The first time I listened to this I liked a few songs right away and thought the rest was just OK. But the more I listened, the more this album grew on me until I liked and found myself singing along to every track - it's infectious. This is Edguy doing what Edguy does best - have fun.

Evergrey – Monday Morning Apocalypse
Another huge let down. Evergrey were on a roll with some fantastic albums... but Monday Morning Apocalypse is definately a bump in that road. The vocal melodies and songcrafting just sounds totally phoned in. It has nothing to do with the production either -- just lack of imagination. This band is capable of so much more than what htey put out in '06. C- / 72

Another one I can't disagree more with. This might be my favorite Evergrey album.

Iron Maiden – A Matter of Life and Death
I listened to this album maybe once... and it got lost in the shuffle of the year. From what I remember, I just never had the desire to go back to it. Iron Maiden have the classic style of heavy metal going for them and that's great... but I just prefer to move on to bands that want to add a little more technique or style to their music. Rating: NA

This is the best album Maiden has put out in years.

Nocturnal Rites – The Grand Illusion
This is one of those albums you start out loving to death... but doesn't hold up as the months roll by. At the beginning of the year, I could not get enough of this. It had some great hooks and excellent songs. I don't go back to it often, however... it's still a great release. A lot of people are clammering for Nocturnal Rites at Prog Power... and they were great at Power Fest for sure. B / 86

I started out loving this album ... and still do. This is one of my favorite albums ever. I still keep going back to this one.

A few other releases I enjoyed this year included ...

Savage Circus - Dreamland Manor - see Blind Guardian

Jon Oliva's Pain - Maniacal Renderings - Excellent album and the closest you'll get to a new Savatage disc

Shining Star - Enter Eternity - Lance King's best vocals since Balance of Power's Perfect Balance

Andersen/Laine/Readman - III - Royal Hunt's Andre Andersen does power metal right. David Readman is one of my favorite vocalists.

Bob Catley - Spirit of Man - Great album from legendary Magnum frontman
l'm quite aware of them...even back in the 80's. Vescera also did a couple of albums with Loudness. Did Joe Stump perform with them at the show you saw? Was wondering since he did some of the guitar work on CoL.

No Joe Stump didn't perform with them in Conn. Kinda sucks as he's an AMAZING guitarist! I think he's concentrating full time on the Holy Hell thing he's doing and Reign Of Terror.
All the guys in the band are VERY cool as they all took time to speak with my fiancee and I. Jay Mezias (drummer) did the first ever interview on our website like 3 1/2 years ago and also gave us a copy of COL to review for our site...
Wuthering Heights - The Shadow Cabinet
Genre: Progressive Folk Power Metal
I'm still digesting this... but its' definately one of the greatest releases of the year. While not as good as Far from the Madding Crowd, this is still great! The folk/symphonic elements are downplayed a touch... but the proggyness is all over the place. The songs twist and turn in so many directions... some may think it's a bit much, but I love it! The last song "Carpe Nocturn" is probably my favorite song of the year. A / 93

Yes, this is my personal pick for the top metal release of 2006, with Jon Oliva's Pain coming in a close second.

Thanks for these write-ups, as it gives me a better idea of some of the albums I missed the year. :)
According to the album covers Allen-Lande and Nocturnal Rites are 2005 releases, and the Into Eternity is titled The Scattering of Ashes, not Novus Inceptum.

Here's my list of best to worst, pretty much every studio release I bought this year. You can consider the five star disks to be As, the four star disks to be Bs, and the three star disks to be Cs (and the lowly two star disk to be a D).

Five star albums:
1. Adagio -- Dominate(album of the year, melodic as all get out, and the black vocals fit pretty well!)
2. Bloodbound -- Nosferatu(classic power metal at its finest, great stuff!)
3. Pure Reason Revolution -- The Dark Third(dreamy prog rock, they can also play hard at times)
4. Venturia -- A New Kingdom(prog metal with duet vocals. There's some great stuff here, I'd love to see them at the Showcase)
5. Vanden Plas -- Christ 0(Great theatrical sound, best they've ever done)
6. Rage -- Speak of the Dead(not quite as good as Soundchaser, but very close, I like the change of pace halfway through from orchestral to thrashy)
7. Evergrey -- Monday Morning Apocalypse(great every, much, much better than their last one, a return to form)

Four Star albums:
8. Beautiful Sin -- The Unexpected(an excellent hard rock/metal disk, the singers accent barely prevents this from being an A)
9. Angra -- Aurora Consurgens(a bit of a disappointment for me, but Angra can still do no wrong in my eyes)
10. Scar Symmetry -- Pitch Black Progress(A fun disk, nice blend of clean and death vox)
11. Seven Wonder -- Waiting in the Wings(Circus Maximus part Deux, this is a hard disk not to keep spinning in the player)
12. OSI -- Free(More energy than the self titled, and far catchier songs)
13. Lordi -- Arockalypse(cheeeeese, but it's such GREAT cheeese!)
14. Circle II Circle -- The Burden of Truth(other excellent disk by them, but it's not an improvment over their last, but they are maintaining)
15. Jorn -- The Duke(Far better than Out to Every Nation)
16. Tomorrow's Eve -- Mirror of Creation II
17. Benedictum -- Uncreation
18. Pyramaze -- Legend of the Bone Carver
19. Cloudscape -- Crimson Skies
20. Mercenary -- The Hours that Remain
21. Spock's Beard -- s/t
22. The Devin Townsend Band -- Synchestra
23. Edguy -- Rocket Ride
24. Hubi Meisel -- Kailash
25. Firewind -- Allegiance
26. Andromeda -- Chimera
27. Zero Hour - Specs of Pictures Burnt Beyond
28. Mindflow -- Mind over Body
29. Wuthering Heights -- The Shadow Cabinet
30. Mystic Prophecy -- Savage Souls
31. To-Mera -- Transcendental
32. Blind Guardian - A Twist in the Myth
33. Eldritch -- Neighbourhell
34. Luca Turilli - The Infinite Wonders of Creation
35. Twelfth Gate -- Threshold of Revelation

Three Star Albums (average):
Iron Maiden -- A Matter of Life and Death
Elvenking -- The Winter Wake
Dragonforce -- Inhuman Rampage
Jon Oliva's Pain -- Maniacal Renderings
Riot -- Army of One
Slayer -- Christ Illusion
Astral Doors -- Astralism
Rhapsody of Fire -- Triumph or Agony
Godsmack -- IV
Twisted into Form -- Then Comes Affliction to Awaken the Dreamer
Cellador -- Enter Deception
Section A -- Parallel Lives
Lacuna Coil -- Karmacode
Planet Alliance -- s/t
Wastefall -- Self Exile
Queensryche -- Operation: Mindcrime II
Tool -- 10,000 Days
Two Star album(not what I wanted nor expected):
Evanescence -- The Open Door

Still to be digested:
Degree Absolute -- s/t
Into Eternity -- The Scattering of Ashes
Prototype -- Trinity
Hammerfall -- Threshold
Nice Job Nugs!

and about Monday Morning Apocalypse....

Nailed it!!

You know my thoughts on this...Phoned in is a perfect desciption... Let's hope for a return to form...

07 is gonna rule!
For a while I thought I was the only one that liked the new Rage! Great calls on Venturia, Pure Reason Revolution, and others, jhallum, my list matches up almost perfectly with yours.