An Open Letter to the Residents of Doyle Ave in Providence, RI


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
To the Residents of Doyle Ave.,

I am extending a personal letter of thanks and gratitude for the kindess and pure humanity you showed last night by NOT melting the ice on the sidewalk in front of your houses. Believe me, I was relieved to know that amidst everything else on my walk home, it was so surprising and joyous to have the chance to walk UPHILL on a pure sheet of ice. You my dear residents are the true champions of mankind and I write this letter to praise your efforts to better the neighborhood during the harsh winter weather we have been privy to as of late. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Greg Massi
Fellow Resident
falling on the ice is so bad because no one just falls and gets it over with. they sort of skate around and run in place like a lunatic for a second before they fall. i am glad to hear you avoided this calamity.
To cover your near-falls up, did you do the "pretend I started to run but then decided to stop" thing, or the "look back at the ground and shake my head as if angry at whatever tripped me", or did you just hold your head high and skate onward and upward?
avi! oh man, those are the most painful. my friend broke his tailbone in college falling on the ice like that. and soon thereafter we learned how they FIX a broken tailbone and life was never the same.
it was funny-looking enough that even I had to laugh. the cold kept down the hurt, but unfortunately this was during a hike in Yosemite so I had another mile or 2 to go afterwards.
I hated that guy in highschool that trips over something...but then gets up with a big fake grin really fast and pretends he did it on purpose and it's a wacky circus clown antic.

Just fall, hang your head for a few seconds get back up, and start walking again....
preppy, how DO they fix a broken tailbone? i've been thinking it over and i'm stuck on this image of a long metal splint running well up the tailpipe, so please get that out of my head. or, uh, confirm it, i guess, if it's right.
well, if a tailbone isn't shattered, but only fractures, a doctor generally sticks a gloved hand up the persons ass and pushes it back into place.