Angry Again/UM/State of Rock/fucking hair?!


Well, I have been away for a pair of weeks. I chose to remain in hiding for a little while,

I had nothing to say. I was away on business for a few days, had access to a company lap top & did feel inspired to post or reply to anything. I feel that, the straw that broke the swine’s back was the "Best Hair" thread. Best Hair?! Really? Is that what we have stooped to? It’s very "teeny bopper" to me. Kinda like "what’s Britney’s favorite color?!" I don’t call that era of "rock" "hair metal" like many folks these days. Why?! Well, for the most part, they weren’t! I wouldn’t consider Motley Crue metal, no more than I would ZZ Top. They were "rock" people, there wasn’t anything "metal" about them aside from the distorted guitar. Can you imagine asking someone what they like/ And they answer "metal." And they mean Jani Lane & Warrant?! What the fuck has this world come to?! While on my trip I began to pick up some old rap discs that I enjoyed, when I was 20ish. Man, there’s some stuff on there that has stood the test of time. Ice-T & Ice Cube were the shit for me back in the day. I’ve also been on a Joe Satriani kick along with Yngwie Malmsteen, those two mothers kick my ass every time I put on their stuff. I was excited Friday morning when I was listening to Howard Stern that they decided to gave Sammy Hagar a call to verify that he IS back in Van Halen. Excellent news. To most of you "regulars" it’s no suprise that I "get wet" thinking of the reunion with Sammy. DLR, you shrunken dickhead, that was your last chance... Fuckin’ dummy! This proves that the "noses" need Hagar more than Sammy needs the "noses." And for anyone that wishes to endorse a DLR reunion? Go fuck yourself... Nikki Sixx, went on record that the next Crue tour will be their last. If they get Tommy back behind the kit for one last tour they will go out with some ability. I think they should have called it good after the hits tour. Vince is just going deeper into shitter. As for Brides of Destruction? What a cry out for attention! Nikki write stuff for the "fans" not the Nu Metal crowd. I'd much rather have you preaching to the choir bro! Let me tell you somethin’ B.O.D. is about as dangerous as Blink 182... There I said it. The state of rock? It’s right on track, within a year or so the guitar solos will be in again. Trust me I know. Music will be heavy & the "pop punk" thing will be as "in" as 80’s glam rock... And for those of you waiting for the 80’s glam rock scene to come back? Get a fuckin’ life. It was what it was & I hope to never have that "type" of stuff to ever be mainstream again. The bands that were the innovators are the survivors & even they have done something to taint their legacy. Do yourself a favor pick up the GNR hits disc, their version of "Sympathy for the Devil" is the shit!

I’m Back mother fuckers!


sixxswine said:
I feel that, the straw that broke the swine’s back was the "Best Hair" thread. Best Hair?! Really? Is that what we have stooped to? It’s very "teeny bopper" to me.

Welcome back Swinester!

That hair threard was just for fun, do we have to be serious all the time? :)

sixxswine said:
I don’t call that era of "rock" "hair metal" like many folks these days. Why?! Well, for the most part, they weren’t! I wouldn’t consider Motley Crue metal, no more than I would ZZ Top. They were "rock" people, there wasn’t anything "metal" about them aside from the distorted guitar.

Sorry Swine, But I really gotta say this... I HATE WHEN PEOPLE DO THIS!!!!!!! It's revisionist history. Just because hair/glam metal is for the most part a dead genre now and does not fit into todays metal scene it should not be written off as non metal. That scene (as cheesy and mainstream and over the top as it was) was and is a part of metal history. To write glam metal off like that would be like me saying that the death/black bands are not metal. To me that stuff is all noise, it has nothing to do with music or metal (to me, not trying to offend anyone here), but I know it's just another sub-genre of metal, just one that I don't like. Sure the glam bands had "hard rock" influences but they were still metal. Yngwie has "classical" influences, is he still metal?
For the most part most of those Hair bands were way too soft to be Metal...but I for one count 'em as Metal just because I like 'em and cos you can still rock out to 'em anyway. Think of it like the 70s bands that were considered Metal back in the day (think along the lines of Status Quo for starters)...we wouldn't think to call 'em Metal now but I will just cos I like 'em :p
What the fuck is "hair metal"? Strip away the paint and I bet most folks couldn't tell a glam band from a thrash one.

For the record the term "heavy metal" was coined back in the early 70's and applied to (basically) Sabbath, Purple and Zeppelin. Anyone who tries to tell you that the term wasn't really popular before the 80's is talking out their arse (or maybe just not from the UK)!

I was calling myself a "Heavy Metal fan" in 1972 and yeah Status Quo were regarded as being on the metal side of the fence. Of course back then the terms Rock and Metal were pretty much interchangeable but the inescapable fact is that "Heavy Metal" was used to describe early 70's bands so if any little kids don't think Purple or Zeppelin are "worthy" of being lumped in with Pantera or summat then basically find your own terminology, I'll stick with Heavy Metal thanks.
If something was considered metal when it came out, then its metal. It doesn't change just because it has evolved and doesn't like what metal sounds like today. That's what I think anyway.

Oh yeah and the hair thread was just for a laugh. Nothing wrong with a bit of comedy & fun, not all discussions have to be deadly serious... Why do you think Metal Sludge is such a popular site? :)
sixxswine said:
Well, I have been away for a pair of weeks. I chose to remain in hiding for a little while,

I had nothing to say. I was away on business for a few days, had access to a company lap top & did feel inspired to post or reply to anything. I feel that, the straw that broke the swine’s back was the "Best Hair" thread. Best Hair?! Really? Is that what we have stooped to? .....snip...


Hmmmmm..... Sixx is on the rag. :loco:

Shit, you would consider Malmsteen "metal?" I don't.
As for the best hair thread?! I know it was a goof, but at the same time
I expect "more" from you regulars. No, I'm not on the rag Bryant, I'm just stating my opinion on a few things...
Trixter post all the threads you want on "hair" knock yourself out brother.
Status Quo might have been considered "metal" at some point in time, you might as well throw in Stephen Wolf(spelling?) & Iron Butterfly....
The debate goes on I guess...
I have to agree with Sixx alot :p in ways Best hair is an awfully "Whats Britanys Favorite color" Type thread lol And I really dont consider much of anything before the year of 1973 to be True *Metal* Why because as the Runn guy said the terms of Rock and Metal were so interchanable which means They Didnt know what the fuck they were talkin about! you know a Heavy Metal Band from the 80's when you hear em you just know its a metal band in the 70's the line was not so clear cut I mean hell even the Stones, Cream and the Doors had Metal Moments but does that techniclly make those Metal Bands and Just Because a band was in the 80's and Played powerchords on a Bc Rich (Exp. Lita Ford,Poison) Does that make them Metal NO! lol its the attitude Glam is techniclly not metal its to fun ..... as far as I'm concerned (and this is totally my own opinion ofcourse) Real metal has nothing to do with Partying and fun its about the Harsh realities of life the not so fun things .... if this makes sense :) cool, if you disagree even better, Cause I dont fucking care :D
Ahhh the swine. He usher's in the springtime like no other. I gotta say I missed him. This is yet another thread masterpiece. Why? It has inspired comments both positive, negative, and offensive. Every swine post makes one feel the need to reply and I know we read each one with baited breath. Welcome back my piggish hero!

I am now f-ing myself because I too welcome the idea of a DAVID LEE ROTH reunion! That shrunken dickhead is still the greatest rock frontman of all time in my opinion! hahahaha But I do love Sammy Hagar. And as you all know I would buy a Van Halen album even if Nick Lachey was singing. As long as Edward (chief NOSE) picks up a guitar during the course of the album I'll buy it. I'm a true EVH GEEEEEEEEEEEEEK! It could be Nick Lachey on Vox, Randy (I feel you dog) Jackson on bass, Sheena Easton on drums and anybody else you wanna throw at me and I'm such a little bitch for Ed that I'd buy it. hahahaha

But I gotta say I do love all the Sammy albums as much as the Dave albums...and Sammy is actually the singer who's been in the band LONGER...Dave just gave the band a different atmosphere...cartoonish and campy...which I too love.

Sammy is more of a "real" guy though and I welcome him back to the fold.

Thanks to the SWINE for surfacing again!!!!
tedvanfrehley said:
Ahhh the swine. He usher's in the springtime like no other. I gotta say I missed him. This is yet another thread masterpiece. Why? It has inspired comments both positive, negative, and offensive. Every swine post makes one feel the need to reply and I know we read each one with baited breath. Welcome back my piggish hero!


Thats a very good point there Ted ..... It gave me anexcuse to be a little prick! :)

Oh yeah and I Nominate Swine for the UM Oldschool Presidency :headbang:
sixxswine said:
Shit, you would consider Malmsteen "metal?"

Well what the hell do you consider him?! Pop?

The first couple Yngwie album are total metal. I don't know about the later releases or any new stuff, never heard it, but the first couple are without a doubt metal. Not that I'm a big Yngwie fan, I don't really get off on the "fret burners"... the guys that wank and wank and wank some more get old real fast for me.
Rock/Metal... the line is so blurred I see no point in wasting time debating which bands are which. Labels are nothing more than a quick way of describing what a band sounds like, nothing to be taken seriously.
Trixxi Trash said:
Labels are nothing more than a quick way of describing what a band sounds like, nothing to be taken seriously.

Thats a good point ..... there are some Bands That really Blur the line Like Motley,Ozzy,Deep Purple...Ect but then again there are bands that are One or the other plain and simple Exp. Poison:Hard Rock ... Pantera:Heavy Metal .... hahahaha I dont think I really have any point at all I'm just debating
I just personally don't really care what a band is labelled. Everyone has different ideas of what makes up different genres so I'm not fussed about it and don't argue about it.

I just use them to describe a band. Like if someone says "What do Hurricane sound like?" I'd say "Melodic hard rock.." or what do Pretty Boy Floyd suond like I'd say "super-GLAM!" haha.
Trixxi Trash said:
I just personally don't really care what a band is labelled. Everyone has different ideas of what makes up different genres so I'm not fussed about it and don't argue about it.

I just use them to describe a band. Like if someone says "What do Hurricane sound like?" I'd say "Melodic hard rock.." or what do Pretty Boy Floyd suond like I'd say "super-GLAM!" haha.

I agree with ya there too I couldnt give a shit less what a band is Labled that has never and never will influence whether I buy it or not :D I'm only saying that Poison is not a Heavy Metal Band thats all lol ..... I know I'm being a dick Trixx thanks for going with the flow :)