Another low on Ebay!!!

Born Again Idiot

668-Neighbor Of The BEAST
Jul 7, 2004
Posted by my friend on another board>>>>>

Yea and that fuck face who owns that tattoo shop now has a xerox copy of the release Nathan Gale signed when he got his tattoo on eBay for $2000 reserve not met
There was a interview with a friend of Gale's on the radio here where he was talking about how obsessed Gale was with Pantera and even claimed they "stole lyrics from him"
Naked guy scared the shit out of me last night, he came haulin ass right at me with his junk floppin and a herd of cops on his tail, man I never want to see that again!
Which is worse, the people who auction off this shit, or the people who bid on it?
I'm thinking it's the guys who auction it off.
Market forces I'm afraid. If stupid assholes continue to buy shit like this, then stupid assholes will continue to sell it. Moronic fukers each and every one of them who would be ashamed of themselves if they weren't so ignorant and greedy.
yup def. market forces at play.

but really nothing new as all the media ever seems to do is profit from bad news and tragedies. bad news sells. simple as that. it's sick and sad but true...

as biohazard said in one of their songs: "if war sells papers why don't peace?"
call the asshole and let him know how you feel. Its called Bears Den Tattoo


Born Again Idiot said:
Posted by my friend on another board>>>>>

Yea and that fuck face who owns that tattoo shop now has a xerox copy of the release Nathan Gale signed when he got his tattoo on eBay for $2000 reserve not met
There was a interview with a friend of Gale's on the radio here where he was talking about how obsessed Gale was with Pantera and even claimed they "stole lyrics from him"
Naked guy scared the shit out of me last night, he came haulin ass right at me with his junk floppin and a herd of cops on his tail, man I never want to see that again!
that is low but are you SURE that is being sold on ebay?? i could not find it. it may just be a rumour.

don't go phoning the guy up if he's not selling that.

Here it is. Dont believe his bullshit about setting up a memorial fund. Selling the shooter s( I will not even type his name) release form from his tattoo shop is not the way to do it. It is him, and that is the phone number to his Tattoo shop. Call him up let him know how you feel.

max said:
that is low but are you SURE that is being sold on ebay?? i could not find it. it may just be a rumour.

don't go phoning the guy up if he's not selling that.

that should be burned.

selling it on ebay kind of trivialises the whole tragedy. though it does say "THE FUNDS RECEIVED FROM THE SELL OF THIS ITEM WILL DIRECTLY BENEFIT THE VICTIMS FAMILIES WHO ARE SUFFERING THIS LOSS"

who knows?