ANVISION / Astralphase.....


Feb 11, 2002
Rhode Island / USA
Wow !!! What a surprise out of left field !!!!! The Lasers Edge recommended this to me, and its a powerhouse.

Strangely, they are touted as prog metal, prog rock, heavy and metal..... I'll go with the heavy and metal descriptors here, I don't find much, if any, styles of Prog in this band, which makes it all that much more interesting for me that I like this so much.....

The band is from Poland -- but not in the same vein as what we normally talk about here, like Votum, Riverside, etc etc .... this is a much more aggressive / metal band with HUGE hooks, pounding groove, excellent production, and satisfying headbanging options.

When the music is this simplistic, its actually harder for me to describe than trying to compare prog bands.... I'd say that this is more in line with what Mindflow is doing lately, driving straightforward melodic metal with pounding grooves, but Anvision throws in some nice symphonic keyboards and makes this disc sound huge.
Its definitely a more modern approach that I don't usually go for, but many will here.

The singer may even throw some off -- he's got a bit of the Polish accent coming thru quite clearly, and he sounds like a modern alternative rock singer than a metal singer -- but the guitars, music and pound factor all scream metal !!!!!! The massive production puts this one way up there at the top !!!!

Let the pounding begin !!!!!
Nothing but sampler on the site....but one song from the 2010 ep release on Spotify....I liked that...and maybe a bit progier than what i hear on the sampler for the new release.