Anybody who loves old Amorphis, check out INSOMNIUM

Legion Fan

Music Lover
Feb 26, 2002
Long Island

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About Amorphis
I downloaded stuff from Tuonela and I thought it was pretty cool. I knew they used to be a death metal band. Everyone kept tallking about how great Tales from The Thousand Lakes was so I bought it. I like the music and and the clean vox Ville Tuomi are really cool but THE DEATH METAL VOX ARE TERRIBLE! They sound like what someone making fun of death metal vocals would sound like! They have no power at all and they a stuck in the back of the recording, very quite. It just sounds like someone talking under his breath. Am I spoiled by Mikael's awsome voice? Help me out here guys! I have sense bought Am Universum because I like the strange heavly textured sound the new stuff has with a lot of strange instruments. The saxes on the CD sound really cool.

Amorphis were never supposed to be a bad-ass death sick death metal band like Opeth or Hypocrisy. They are an emotional bunch of Finnish dudes. For example, their "Elegy" album (their best) uses an old Finnish book of thousand year old poems for the lyrics. They simply put music to them and it's really beautiful music I think, even with the death vocals. The clean vocals are better, I'll agree. But the death vocals are good if you listen to them as they are supposed to be listened to. If that makes any sense. <shrug> I thought Tuonela was decent but never really got into Am Universum. Anyone wanna buy it? It's in perfect shape. Hehe.
if Amorphis play more stuff like "Black Winter Day" they would be one of my favorite bands.

Gy the way i like this Insomnium song! I'll definitely check it out more.

I picked it up today , and i must say that the whole cd kicks ass. Hard to say which song i like the most but the cd flows real nice . So go out, buy it and just play it all the way thru , well worth the cash.
holy shit, i love it! that's the next cd i'm gonna get, being a huge fan of amorphis. but i'll wait a couple days, i finally got arcturus's la masquerade infernale today and will definitely need some time to absorb it before i flood myself with new music.
Originally posted by blackheart
I picked it up today , and i must say that the whole cd kicks ass. Hard to say which song i like the most but the cd flows real nice . So go out, buy it and just play it all the way thru , well worth the cash.

Nice avatar. ;)
Well, I can't listen to the sample because my computer is too shite to have sound. But if they sound like Amorphis then I'll be sure to check 'em out.
They're the band that got me back into metal after years of denial...
By the way: to the Crimson Ghost guy who said the death vocals were like someone making fun of death vocals I would say listen to Amorphis's cover of Light My Fire, it is a great song and a good version but it always makes me piss myself listening to the twee keyboard riff combined with Tomi Koivusaari's subhuman grunting.
I got a new Candlelight sampler yesterday, it has 2 Insomnium songs on it (GRRRRRREAT) and 2 cool Emperor songs (crazy fretwork) ans some other bands which I haven't heard of or got round to listening to yet.
Only £5.

ALSO the Insomnium album is on for £8!
Fucking bargain.
Originally posted by random_phil
Yeah, the new candlelight sampler is cool. It's worth getting for the Emperor video alone. I really like the Insomnium stuff, If i ever get some money, i think i'll get the album.

Hey Phil, what did you think of the last two tracks? I can't remember the band name... I'm torn between thinking it is the most appalling thing I've ever heard or a work of pure insane genius.