Anyone familar with Manitou

yeah, the Finnish one, didn't know there was more than one. Manitou isn't exactly a great name for a band so I had hoped only one band would use it, ha

actually, many years ago when a friends' younger twin brothers were starting a thrash metal band, I offered them the name 'Manitou' when they couldn't think of anything else. After I explained what a Manitou was, they loved the idea. Of course their band never made it outside their practice space, nor more than an original song or two (no lyrics). But I've always thought Manitou was a great name for a metal band. - for anyone curious.

And I have yet to hear this Finnish band you're referring to. I'd be interested to know what they sound like.

ah - here they are... ...a bit more melodic than I would have imagined. But not bad at all.