Armored Saint - "La Raza"


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Well it seems official ladies and gentlemen, the almighty Armored Saint will start recording the follow up to 2000 "Revelation" for a first third 2010 release on Metal Blade.

The new album will be called "La Raza" (wonder why they picked a Spanish name?, but they already have a song in Spanih on "Revelation" so...)

Some tracks will be:

Black Feet
Loose Cannon
La Raza
Head On
Get Off The Fence
Left Hook From Right Field

Production will be handled by Joey Vera (like last album), and also the mixing along with engineer Bryan Carlstrom.

So let's cross our fingers for more Armored Saint after 10 years :headbang:

Here's a link to info from Joey himself:
They've been talking about recording a new album for a couple of years. Hopefully it will come to fruition this time.
I look forward to this. March Of The Saint holds a special place in my collection. Hopefully the new album will have some old influences.

I will not complaint about it, but yesterday on purpose regarding the news I was checking "Revelations" and the album still works 10 years after, so I won't complaint if they follow that path too (or better "Symbol Of Salvation")
I will not complaint about it, but yesterday on purpose regarding the news I was checking "Revelations" and the album still works 10 years after, so I won't complaint if they follow that path too (or better "Symbol Of Salvation")

Totally, IMO all the albums are awesome but a couple mean a lot more to some of us, at least we have something to look for in 2010
Don't like the title, it's awful, sounds like they are going for a Ricky Martin cross-over thing. I know they aren't but that's what comes to mind.

Like I said I wonder why they pick such a name (besides "La Raza" can be translated to "The Race" or "The Breed", I don't know which one had they in mind). I would have settled for someting more generic like "Return Of The Saint" :Smug:
Like I said I wonder why they pick such a name (besides "La Raza" can be translated to "The Race" or "The Breed", I don't know which one had they in mind). I would have settled for someting more generic like "Return Of The Saint" :Smug:

I think it sounds all ghetto, very East L.A. these guys haven't been in East L.A. since their childhood if at all. Are they marketing the album to who? Metal fans, latinos or people in the urban gang infested streets? I dare anyone in the band to go out to East L.A. after dusk and yell La Raza?! They'll be gunned down and be dead before they hit the asphalt. I find the title offensive.
I agree with Wyvern though...a cliche metal title would have been better, I mean any of them..."Back from Hell" anything...:lol:

(Love Armored Saint)
I think it sounds all ghetto, very East L.A. these guys haven't been in East L.A. since their childhood if at all. Are they marketing the album to who? Metal fans, latinos or people in the urban gang infested streets? I dare anyone in the band to go out to East L.A. after dusk and yell La Raza?! They'll be gunned down and be dead before they hit the asphalt. I find the title offensive.

First I want to give thanks to Sixx for the info. Since I'm not from USA, much less from California and East L.A., didn't know about it (and even as a Latin American person, I don't find the title offensive in my context, stupid maybe but not offensive. Again I'm in another country).

Second as some of you may not know Sixx is of Hispanic heritage, so he KNOWS what he's talking about.

I'm not saying Sixx has the holy word, but I think he has a very valid point, and the guys in AS should have thought about it (which unless the music stinks will not preclude me to buy the album).
What's your point Sixx? They have the right to free speech and to call the record whatever they want.

I think I said it in English didn't I?

You don't have the right to not be offended.

You don't get it. :rolleyes: Read Wyvern's response...
It's simply my opinion my thought on the title, you have no right to tell me how I should or shouldn't feel about it.
La Raza means the race is anyone wanted to know.

You didn't read the posts above, did you? :rolleyes::p

And for the record I don't want more fighting (specially among regulars) about the name of the album, I want that chapter closed. I think that as adults we all understood that being from different cultural backgrounds, sensitivities are not the same for all of us, so let's keep the respect to each other and move on :saint:

Now let's concentrate on the music. It seems there's already samples on MySpace and/or YouTube.