AVANTASIA tour. Everywhere but here.

Purveyor Of Evil

Heavy Metal, INC.
Mar 17, 2003
Hughestown, PA.
Visit site
Son of a bitch! Europe, South America, Mexico, Costa Rica, everywhere else seemingly...but NEVER North Ametrica! An unfulfilled dream I'm sure since I lack the resources for a trip outside the States. A chance to see this spectacle would be an unparalleled joyful event for me and I'm sure many others here in the forbidden zone.
Do what I did. Go over there to see them. Big production to haul here, and with the visa issues and all that crap, I can't really blame them for it. I didn't go _just_ to see them, but found a show that was a few hour train ride from where I had wanted to be anyway, and presto, one of the best concerts I've seen.

Technically, you could drive to a couple of the dates.... I recommend this book for a guide. "Burial Brothers: From New York to Rio in a '73 Cadillac Hearse" [ame]http://www.amazon.com/Burial-Brothers-From-Cadillac-Hearse/dp/0345413571/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1363498485&sr=8-1&keywords=burial+brothers[/ame]
Son of a bitch! Europe, South America, Mexico, Costa Rica, everywhere else seemingly...but NEVER North Ametrica! An unfulfilled dream I'm sure since I lack the resources for a trip outside the States. A chance to see this spectacle would be an unparalleled joyful event for me and I'm sure many others here in the forbidden zone.

Sao Paulo - JUNE ---- I'm IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!:loco:
I want to see them at PPM in Belgium. I have a friend who lives in Belgium that wants me to stay with her, a guest pass for the show, the only thing I'm missing is the funds to pay for the damn plane ticket! :bah:
Simple... Instead of waiting for a promoter to front 50k+ for a show in the US, spend $1k yourself, go to Costa Rica and catch their headlining set there. Problem solved. :) i know it's easier said than done (I'm personally not in a position to be able to afford something like it), but more and more I'm starting to realize that getting frustrated over certain bands not playing here is a waste. I'm saving some money to take the family down to Brazil and catch Matos there... Hopefully it'll work out!
Simple... Instead of waiting for a promoter to front 50k+ for a show in the US, spend $1k yourself, go to Costa Rica and catch their headlining set there. Problem solved. :) i know it's easier said than done (I'm personally not in a position to be able to afford something like it), but more and more I'm starting to realize that getting frustrated over certain bands not playing here is a waste. I'm saving some money to take the family down to Brazil and catch Matos there... Hopefully it'll work out!

Same here.I live in Brasilia (ZERO GIGS). Have to go to Sao Paulo.

For now?

11-12-13-14 - April (Carcass, Symphony X, Mad Max, T.Sister, M.Church, Loudness, Angra, M. Hatched)
24 - April - Delain (arrive on the day of the show and go directly to the airport)
05- May - Xandria (arrive on the day of the show and go directly to the airport)
18- May - Stratovarius (arrive on the day of the show and go directly to the airport)
29 - June - Avantasia (arrive on the day of the show and go directly to the airport)

Try to save "Hotel"!!!!
Son of a bitch! Europe, South America, Mexico, Costa Rica, everywhere else seemingly...but NEVER North Ametrica! An unfulfilled dream I'm sure since I lack the resources for a trip outside the States. A chance to see this spectacle would be an unparalleled joyful event for me and I'm sure many others here in the forbidden zone.

Well in fairness to Avantasia....Mexico is part of North America ;)

Someone else in the thread said that the visas and the production are too prohibitive to bring this here. I say BS. Plenty of bands do the visa thing -- it's a pain, and sometimes, as we all know too well, the process screws over bands, but there are CONSTANTLY Euro-bands of all styles of music here. Not the best excuse. And if the production is haulable to South America or Costa Rica or Mexico....it's certainly haulable to the US or to Canada. There's gotta be other factors at play here...or maybe they just don't want to come.
Well in fairness to Avantasia....Mexico is part of North America ;)

Someone else in the thread said that the visas and the production are too prohibitive to bring this here. I say BS. Plenty of bands do the visa thing -- it's a pain, and sometimes, as we all know too well, the process screws over bands, but there are CONSTANTLY Euro-bands of all styles of music here. Not the best excuse. And if the production is haulable to South America or Costa Rica or Mexico....it's certainly haulable to the US or to Canada. There's gotta be other factors at play here...or maybe they just don't want to come.

The fact is that an Avantasia show (unless part of a PPUSA festival) would only pull 500 or less across USA. Certainly not something that warrants the huge production costs of getting this show on the road. The market here in the US just isn't geared for large scaled power metal shows; not enough fans. You can't blame the band - blame the "fans" (or lack thereof).
The fact is that an Avantasia show (unless part of a PPUSA festival) would only pull 500 or less across USA. Certainly not something that warrants the huge production costs of getting this show on the road. The market here in the US just isn't geared for large scaled power metal shows; not enough fans. You can't blame the band - blame the "fans" (or lack thereof).

this is very true....if Avantasia hit a small city on a weeknight it would have at best 100 to 200. With the cost of that show it isnt worth it. A fest like PP would be the only feasable way for them to do it or if they did one of those 4 days tours but build up each show with a big line up. Even then...it is a risk.
Someone else in the thread said that the visas and the production are too prohibitive to bring this here. I say BS. Plenty of bands do the visa thing -- it's a pain, and sometimes, as we all know too well, the process screws over bands, but there are CONSTANTLY Euro-bands of all styles of music here. Not the best excuse. And if the production is haulable to South America or Costa Rica or Mexico....it's certainly haulable to the US or to Canada. There's gotta be other factors at play here...or maybe they just don't want to come.

They would be here in a heartbeat if there was money to be made.

1. Visas. There is an application consul fee per country of nationality. Thus, five German members of Wu-Tang Reich pay a single fee to the German consul. With Avantasia...just off the top of my head...Sammett to Germany, Cately to England, Matos to Brazil, Lande to Sweden, etc, etc. Bands also eat the cost associated with traveling to a consul in order to complete their interviews. That's not going to happen here. If a person has to fly to the other side of the country, then airfare, etc has to be covered. And before you say, it's not that far to drive or get on the train...I had to pay for Nocturnal Rites to get to the consul because they evidently live in Bumfuck, Sweden. I can't see Jorn saying..."no problem...I'll take an extra day away from my day job."

2. Professionals- Hungry bands do shit to promote their bands. They are willing to gamble on expenses if that is what it takes to go from being Latuna Boil to Lacuna Coil in the States. As for Avantasia, nobody in the project gives a fuck other than Toby. They are not appearing live for publicity or to further the Avantasia name. They are getting *paid.* In most recent instances, it's more than what their normal bands are bringing in for their wallet (Magnum for example). They are getting guaranteed money, not a door cut or bonus. If they don't get paid, then laryngitis suddenly appears.

3. Draw- Avantasia draws 5,000+ down South. They would be lucky to get 500+ in Chicago on a weekend.

4. Logistics- The performers do not get in the van so to speak. They are not going to live on a tour bus together. They don't split a room at Motel Six. You are looking at 20+ hotel rooms alone for a single night. Don't forget the logistics in getting from the airport to the club if you fly them in like they do in SA. That's an extra $500 easy here in the States just to cart their ass 15 miles.

5. Food- Bands go to White Castle or Waffle House to eat. These folks are given a per diem to eat 3 real meals/day or chow down at the royal buffet provided for them. For shits & grins, give them $100/day each.

6. Ego- You are headlining Wacken with a HUGE production. I can't see Tobias going, "well...it wouldn't be that bad to play at a shithole like the Masquerade. Hey Kiske..."

I'd guess that Milton was rather close in his estimate of what it would take to make it work here per show. I didn't even bother to drill it down to a actual number for the fest once they started throwing logistics at me to make it work.
In mentioning North America, I'm talking Canada and the States. I know the costs and all as they've been discussed here ad nauseum. The logistics nightmare. I'm not naive. It justs sucks donkey dick that AVANTASIA is unrealistic in the U.S. for all of these and other reasons I'm sure.
Glenn, you bought up a great thing that people are not thinking about, travel cost, hotels, food, and all the small things most people don't take into consideration. Even if a band lowers thier fee for playing so they can come over...those other cost are not going to get any cheaper or go away.

In the end...the only way to see these types of bands is to support festivals that can get these types of bands or travel to see them overseas and try to do it the cheapest way that way.
After Glenn's explanation, it sounds like a small miracle that the band is touring at all. This would explain why Avantasia didn't tour to support the first two albums.
They would be here in a heartbeat if there was money to be made.

1. Visas. There is an application consul fee per country of nationality. Thus, five German members of Wu-Tang Reich pay a single fee to the German consul. With Avantasia...just off the top of my head...Sammett to Germany, Cately to England, Matos to Brazil, Lande to Sweden, etc, etc. Bands also eat the cost associated with traveling to a consul in order to complete their interviews. That's not going to happen here. If a person has to fly to the other side of the country, then airfare, etc has to be covered. And before you say, it's not that far to drive or get on the train...I had to pay for Nocturnal Rites to get to the consul because they evidently live in Bumfuck, Sweden. I can't see Jorn saying..."no problem...I'll take an extra day away from my day job."

2. Professionals- Hungry bands do shit to promote their bands. They are willing to gamble on expenses if that is what it takes to go from being Latuna Boil to Lacuna Coil in the States. As for Avantasia, nobody in the project gives a fuck other than Toby. They are not appearing live for publicity or to further the Avantasia name. They are getting *paid.* In most recent instances, it's more than what their normal bands are bringing in for their wallet (Magnum for example). They are getting guaranteed money, not a door cut or bonus. If they don't get paid, then laryngitis suddenly appears.

3. Draw- Avantasia draws 5,000+ down South. They would be lucky to get 500+ in Chicago on a weekend.

4. Logistics- The performers do not get in the van so to speak. They are not going to live on a tour bus together. They don't split a room at Motel Six. You are looking at 20+ hotel rooms alone for a single night. Don't forget the logistics in getting from the airport to the club if you fly them in like they do in SA. That's an extra $500 easy here in the States just to cart their ass 15 miles.

5. Food- Bands go to White Castle or Waffle House to eat. These folks are given a per diem to eat 3 real meals/day or chow down at the royal buffet provided for them. For shits & grins, give them $100/day each.

6. Ego- You are headlining Wacken with a HUGE production. I can't see Tobias going, "well...it wouldn't be that bad to play at a shithole like the Masquerade. Hey Kiske..."

I'd guess that Milton was rather close in his estimate of what it would take to make it work here per show. I didn't even bother to drill it down to a actual number for the fest once they started throwing logistics at me to make it work.

*copies and pastes to reply to all the fans that keep saying "Bring Avantasia to ProgPower USA* :devil: