Avenged Sevenfold - Carry On - WHAT THE ????

It was weird to see them go from yet anothe crappy suburban Hopeless Records "we wanna look like AFI because they get chix" band to the mainstage at Ozzfest seemingly overnight.

The vast majority of Hopeless bands didn't have that shtick.
About time you said something good about AFI ;)
Letting go????
I am giving this band a lot more credit than I should be.
That guy is seriously one of the worse vocalists I have ever heard.

As for AFI, they are a very talented band, both live and on record.
They too though went through a pretty drastic sound and image change, which leads me to believe Davey Havok or whatever the guyliner / manscara guys name is traded in his 7 Seconds records for Misfits and Cure records.
Letting go????
I am giving this band a lot more credit than I should be.
That guy is seriously one of the worse vocalists I have ever heard.

As for AFI, they are a very talented band, both live and on record.
They too though went through a pretty drastic sound and image change, which leads me to believe Davey Havok or whatever the guyliner / manscara guys name is traded in his 7 Seconds records for Misfits and Cure records.

AFI has been influenced by Misfits from the start dude....
They released Misfits and Cure covers on an EP 15 years ago. Not exactly 'trading in'!!! Image trade-ins....sure. From normal CA punk dude to HC dude to Danzig ripoff to Rozz Williams to David Bowie w/ a million things in between...
Oddly enough, I ran into their bassist (w/ the singer from American Nightmare) two days ago while I was out for coffee. You can probably guess just how piss-soaked my pants were!!
AFI has been influenced by Misfits from the start dude....
They released Misfits and Cure covers on an EP 15 years ago. Not exactly 'trading in'!!! Image trade-ins....sure. From normal CA punk dude to HC dude to Danzig ripoff to Rozz Williams to David Bowie w/ a million things in between...
Oddly enough, I ran into their bassist (w/ the singer from American Nightmare) two days ago while I was out for coffee. You can probably guess just how piss-soaked my pants were!!

was it extra warm from the coffee?

First of all: I invite ANY OF YOU to learn the vocal melodies for this song and play it on an instrument. It is AT THE SAME RANGE as most power metal. So there goes THAT argument.

Not saying M. Shadows is the same type of singer, he really isn't. But how many Kiske copycats can you guys really stomach anymore?

Second: All the people talking about how they don't like it because of the looks: SHUT THE FUCK UP. Are you kidding me? You guys dwell ALL THE TIME on how the new/modern bands are all about looks and you guys are dissing them for the same reason.

Just because they dont have the "40 year old computer guy during the day/chubby prog musician at night" look, that doesn't make them less metal. In fact, as far as metal is concerned, A7X is pretty much THE ONLY band that sells arenas.

I don't even know why I posted this, but the comments are just BEYOND lame.
AFI has been influenced by Misfits from the start dude....

Wrong. They were influenced by 7 Seconds and Gorilla Biscuits from the start. That EP you speak of was about 10 years into their career.

I will say this. Davey definitely looks cuter than Danzig when it comes to rocking a fishnet shirt!!!!
@BillHudson - Sure, this band has some chops. I still think their vocalist is terrible, but that's just my opinion.
Though seriously? How can you expect most who aren't 13 to look at this band and get beyond the look?
Its just ridiculous.
Me either. Normally, a band member on the roster doesn't want to come across as an asshole even if their opinion is correct. Congrats on bucking the trend!

Didn't seem asshole-ish to me...he just seemed exasperated by the silliness of some of the posters. If that's assholery, then I guess I'm guilty as well! :)
I guess its your "opinion" that Bill's "opinion" is correct :)

My whole issue with bands like this is it seems like more people spend time defending their look than the music itself.
I am not saying that's what's going on necessarily in THIS thread.
Heck, I like the Smashing Pumpkins, but I wouldn't waste my time on a discussion as to whether or not Billy Corgan was a tool.
I like the music and nothing else. There will be people who wont give them the time of day due to Billy's rep.
Same reason many won't give A7X the time of day because of their look.

For me personally, I can't stand the vocalist. He is terrible. No range, and uses cheap Axl Rose grit to cover it up.
Didn't seem asshole-ish to me...he just seemed exasperated by the silliness of some of the posters. If that's assholery, then I guess I'm guilty as well! :)

Yeah, I mean I don't agree with it, but I would hardly say he was being an arse. Everyone's entitled.

I mean, he insulted many current and former band mates with his over 40 chubby PP rocker comment............................ :loco:
Wrong. They were influenced by 7 Seconds and Gorilla Biscuits from the start. That EP you speak of was about 10 years into their career.

I will say this. Davey definitely looks cuter than Danzig when it comes to rocking a fishnet shirt!!!!

7 years. Only 5 years after they started releasing recorded music. And they have recorded Misfits covers from even before that EP. That doesn't even take into account live covers from 1 or 2 years in. Like the 'We Bite' one.

I know the Wiki is strong with you, but you will not win this one.
LOL - How about some manscara and guyliner to go along with it?
Well, whatever.
The bottom line is I WAS around when AFI started and saw them back in the day.
To you, they are influenced by the Misfits, because that's the cheapest and easiest comparison musically and imagewise.

Sorry - the difference is I don't need to go to WikiPedia to get information about bands from the 90s.

Go listen to some 7 Seconds or Gorilla Biscuits and you will change your opinion on where AFIs early sound comes from.

For the record, I really liked the singles from their major label debut.
What was it? Girls Gone Grey or something, and Silver and Cold?

Its a shame, as for all the bands that had a drastic image change, they seemed to get lost in the shuffle.
AFI is a FAR more superior band to A7X.