Awesome Tattoos


Not blessed, or merciful
Apr 11, 2001
Sarf Lundin, Innit
Since I'm currently researching ideas/styles for my first tatt (to be done 1st quarter of 2010 hopefully!) I've been looking at a whole bunch, and seen some awesome stuff. I know we've had a couple of threads on tatts, but thought it'd be cool to share pics of awesome ones we've seen :)

This is one I saw today, and I think it's mind-blowing!

And this is what I'm thinking of getting (along these lines) but without the vines:


Not sure whether to do B&W or colour though.
wow - work of that quality is pretty fkn rare innit?

Not these days mate, ans the pic actually looks a bit touched up to me, and I wouldn't give it 10 yeas Blitz until it becomes one big vomit arm mess, I am covered, but nothing that makes one big mes like that.

Go the greywash for your first tatt Marky, it is alot more striking in portrait styles like that, I should be arsed to put up my 'sleeved' lower leg, but that takes effort
As for that first one I posted, I think I'm most impressed by the faces rather than the more detailed bits (how many more koi dragons does the world need?:)).